11 Top Women in Business Share Tips to Create Success and Build a Boss Women Mindset

11 Top Women in Business Share Tips to Create Success and Build a Boss Women Mindset

How are we already halfway through 2023?

I hope you are on track with all your goals so far!

If the momentum at anytime has slowed for you, know you aren’t alone and there is guidance and motivation out there for you to get back on track or continue your great work.

I have had the honour of speaking to so many inspirational women over the last year, it’s difficult to only pick one piece of advice that stands out above all others…

So here are some of the Top 11 Women in Business sharing their invaluable experiences to create success and build a boss woman mindset, which inspire and hopefully motivate us to tackle the second half of 2023 and end it a year of abundance and success.

Dame Marie Diamond - International best-selling author and motivational speakerDame Marie Diamond – International best-selling author and motivational speaker

Marie Diamond is a globally-renowned transformational leader, speaker, and author. She is a Feng Shui master and star of the worldwide movie phenomenon “The Secret”.

What is your top tip to create success and keep a winning mindset in business and life?

It isn’t enough for your vision of success to be tied to money – in order to really maintain a winning mindset, your vision of success must include the positive changes that you’ll bring to the world.

Think carefully about your vision and how many people you want to positively impact with your products and services. Then, write down your goals and the individual steps you need to take whilst you’re manifesting your vision.

Make sure that your daily mindset stays in alignment with your goals so that you can stay on track for success.

What one thing do you feel is most important that has led to you creating such a successful business that will be of most benefit to others wanting to create success?

Creating an environment where you work that is abundant in powerful, positive energy is one of the most important things you can do to create success. Applying basic Feng Shui principles and activating your Success Direction (you can use the free Marie Diamond app to find out where your own Success Direction is located) are things that can be done in office spaces of any size. Simply displaying your vision board and your business products in your Success Direction can be enough to kickstart that flow of success-attracting energy!

What one thing should individuals avoid doing or mistakes they could learn from to support them on their journey to success?

Always take the time to listen to what your gut is trying to tell you. In the past, I’ve entered into collaborations that weren’t a good match or made decisions that weren’t right for me because I wasn’t listening to what my intuition was trying to tell me. There will be times when something just won’t feel right to do, and you need to learn to honor that feeling and follow your gut. Learn not to second-guess yourself and trust that you know what’s best for you.  


Lalitha Donatella Riback - Founder, CEO, Author, Spiritual Teacher, Certified 200% Life Coach, Astrologer (B.A. in Vedic Astrology)Lalitha Donatella Riback – Founder, CEO, Author, Spiritual Teacher, Certified 200% Life Coach, Astrologer (B.A. in Vedic Astrology)

What is your top tip to create success and keep a winning mindset in business and life?  

Strive for personal freedom but keep adding value to the lives of your clients, readers and followers. If you work with imagination and joy, everyone else will feel your passion, and will be inspired.

What one thing do you feel is most important that has led to you creating such a successful business that will be of most benefit to others wanting to create success?

To succeed, you can time your success. Vedic Astrology is a practical science of time to be in harmony with the cosmos, and on a golden journey to positive change.

What one thing should individuals avoid doing or mistakes they could learn from to support them on their journey to success?

A mistake that I’ve seen from people (myself included) is quitting too soon. Perseverance is very important for success. And every moment brings us splendid opportunities to create something greater.  


Dr. Rhonda M. Wood - Chief Executive Officer, RMW Global EnterprisesDr. Rhonda M. Wood – Chief Executive Officer, RMW Global Enterprises

Recognized as one of the most prominent voices for mental health advocacy, Dr. Rhonda M. Wood is an award-winning international keynoter, bestselling author, and a leading authority on mental health. She is on a mission to prioritize mental health and wellness and passionately help individuals and organizations worldwide create open, inclusive, and supportive conversations around mental health, so they are equipped to shatter mental health stigmas and adopt compassion, awareness, and acceptance.  

What is your top tip to create success and keep a winning mindset in business and life?  

One thing that has contributed to my success is my grit factor. This consists of a unique combination of persistence and passion. Grit is all about my perseverance and resilience when faced with obstacles, difficulties, and failures. It’s about me putting in the hard work and never giving up. Additionally, grit is about having a strong passion for what I do.

Success comes with the understanding that the journey is just as important as reaching the end goal. Even if some tasks are tedious, frustrating, or even painful, I don’t give up because my passion drives me to push through.

What one thing do you feel is most important that has led to you creating such a successful business that will benefit others wanting to create success?

Knowing your “why” is crucial when building a successful business. It represents your purpose, cause, or belief that fuels and drives you toward achieving your mission in life. Your “why” is the fire that ignites your passion, ignites your soul, and helps you spring out of bed each morning. It’s what makes people care about what you do.

Remember, people don’t buy what you do but why you do it. Working with and for people who share your beliefs and values is essential. So, beneath the frills of business success, such as wealth, relationships, and travel, ensure your “why” is so solid that you can’t live without it!

What one thing should individuals avoid doing or mistakes they could learn from to support them on their journey to success? 

Don’t allow fear to hinder your progress. Personally, overcoming fear has been a major hurdle in achieving success. I’ve had to confront the fear of the unknown, the fear of failure, and the fear of what others think. Despite feeling scared, I’ve learned to take action because facing my fears is much better than living with regret. By acknowledging my fear and still moving forward, I’ve gained confidence in my ability to conquer any challenge that comes my way.

Interestingly, the phrase “Do not be afraid” appears 365 times in the Bible, which serves as a daily reminder from God to live fearlessly.


r. Shannon Whittington - CEO Whittington ConsultingDr. Shannon Whittington – CEO Whittington Consulting

Shannon’s passion is to transform how healthcare is delivered to the rainbow community and enhance LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion for corporations.  

What is your top tip to create success and keep a winning mindset in business and life?

It’s all about being consistent even when you don’t feel like it. Even when you don’t see results and it feels like nothing is happening. Underneath the soil, things are germinating. You just must believe that the harvest will come and remain steadfast until you see the fruits of your efforts.

What one thing do you feel is most important that has led to you creating such a successful business that will be of most benefit to others wanting to create success?

Listening to that gentle nudge that says, “heh, maybe you should…” that alone, has changed the trajectory of my personal and professional life. Abandoning the idea of the how and just moving forward to saying yes to that inner voice. The Universe is there to support you and it will only if you take the first step.

When I first started my business, I was tied to a desk job and spent about 13 hours away from home every day. How could I possibly have a business with that type of obligation? But a little voice inside me said, “just start and don’t worry about the how.” And I did. Now I work from home and can manage both. I never would have believed this could happen to me. That’s the power of saying yes to your dream by listening to that inner voice.

What one thing should individuals avoid doing or mistakes they could learn from to support them on their journey to success?

Saying no due to fear. This stops a lot of folks and honestly, it has stopped me before as well. At least try it even if you feel fear. Feel the fear and try it anyways is my motto. Because the feeling of fear and excitement are the same thing if you think about it. When you’re fearful, your heart beats faster, you might get clammy palms, a little short of breath etc. Those kinds of things. Well, the same thing happens when you’re excited! Same symptoms. So now I tell myself I’m excited instead of afraid. I sorta trick my brain to embrace those symptoms. What I have found is that the fear is never as bad as we imagine. Never.  


Neringa Petrulyte – Mentor, Elite Leader of Global Beauty Brand – Founder/Director of Modern NatureNeringa Petrulyte – Mentor, Elite Leader of Global Beauty Brand – Founder/Director of Modern Nature.

A strong woman who makes you dream bigger by showing the way to success and proving that you are worth to be more and to have more. 

What is your top tip to create success and keep a winning mindset in business and life?

From my early childhood I knew that the world belongs to people who believe in themselves, see a bigger picture, know their why and never ever give up on their dreams. 

They have a laser focus on winning and have fun along the way. 

I always had this winning mindset, refusing to quit and move forward no matter what, always had that belief in my abilities to achieve everything my heart desires. 

Success doesn’t happen by accident, you create it.  You choose your role in life – be a victim, or be a winner! The choice is yours! Not all people become successful because it’s so much easier to give up.       EASIER!!! Most are looking for easy ways, and this is wrong direction that does not lead to success. 

Success is a combination of the right mindset, discipline, consistency and belief in yourself.

Positive mindset is so important in creating that life you desire. Your mind has to be set for success if you want to win because it affects how you react to what happens around you. Like anything else in life that you want to see improve, you have to be intentional about it. 

Trust your vision, take action. Action is what gets things done. Stop fearing failure and never stop growing! Surround yourself with positive people who support your growth.

Always remember, there is a leader inside each of us, waiting to emerge and rise to our full potential.

What one thing do you feel is most important that has led to you creating such a successful business that will be of most benefit to others wanting to create success?

Success consists of many important ingredients but without that one – it’s just not going to happen!!


Belief is the foundation of EVERYTHING!!

You will not do anything, will take no action, you will not be disciplined, consistent if you don’t believe in yourself. You will not do anything without BELIEF.

Only those who believe, turn their dreams into reality.  Belief gives us power, ignites us, pushes to take action. 

Henry Ford once said, whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right. And I absolutely agree with that. 

Belief is such a powerful tool and my journey to success proved it so many times. 

I wouldn’t be where I am and who I am today if I didn’t believe in myself. I even wouldn’t have my two little daughters today if I didn’t believe I was worth to become a mother (that journey took me 10 years and I never gave up!). 

Our mind is designed to help us get what we want. Just believe it’s possible and magic starts to happen. Give a chance to your dreams! You are powerful, unique!! Trust yourself!

Unshakeable belief + actions (not one, but many actions!) is your only secret formula. 

What one thing should individuals avoid doing or mistakes they could learn from to support them on their journey to success?

Please, take my advice! Make all mistakes possible! If you are not making mistakes than you are not doing anything!! It is a huge part of your growth, your success, mistakes make YOU!!! 

Successful people make all the mistakes possible because they are doers and they see mistakes as most important lessons. 

Learning from failure is key to success. You improve, get better, you grow, learn, gain more experience. 

Avoid negative people who want to pump the brakes on your growth. I call them “dream stealers”. 

Trust your intuition, your heart and don’t spend too much time with those who give off negative energy because it is very contagious. 

Not everyone wants to see you succeed. Some people would love to see you fail, some would like you to not even try. And sometimes, this person is YOU. 

Most important, never give up and lose the vision where you are going and why. 

Once you give up- you will never win. And the winners never give up!!

Be the winner!

Be willing to grow, change yourself, take actions and the transformation will start within you.

Own your dreams, your vision, only then you will be able to fulfill it and have a winning mindset everywhere you go.


Desiree Anderson - Founder of Crest Coaching & HRDesiree Anderson – Founder of Crest Coaching & HR

Desiree is a Master level coach, Work and Career specialist who helps clients with training, coaching and consulting to be valued for what they do, paid what they are worth, in order to live a life they love. She is an advocate for women, helping and mentoring them to ride the crest of their wave in life and work.

What is your top tip to create success and keep a winning mindset in business and life?

My top tip to create success and keep a winning mindset would be to start small. Create just a few SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely) goals. Know what ‘good looks like’ when you’ve reached your goals.  

Then, every morning, decide what you are going to do towards your goals that day. Are you going to get up earlier to work on your new website, or to go for a run? Are you going to reach out to a potential new client or create the first module for your new program?

Small steps in the right direction will move you forward with focus. Keep improving and growing as a person, and enjoy the journey!

What one thing do you feel is most important that has led to you creating such a successful business that will be of most benefit to others wanting to create success?

Until I created Crest Coaching & HR, I had not been using my full potential. I’d been in a successful career, but I always felt that I wanted to do more for others in business in order to help them reach their full potential. However, I didn’t full believe in myself to be able to realise my dream. Years later, after a lot of soul searching and coaching, I finally plucked up the courage to do it.

Believing in yourself is a journey, but one you need to go on in order to reach your full potential. Hire a coach, find a mentor and start to work on your mindset and action. It will be invaluable for your ultimate success. Don’t waste time doubting yourself.

What one thing should individuals avoid doing or mistakes they could learn from to support them on their journey to success?

One of the key aspects I work on with my coaching clients is releasing the past. Your life will always have ups and downs. We each have regrets, learnings and vulnerabilities about our past,

It’s advisable to take a kind look at your past.  

Write a story to yourself about your past; Be honest about all the pain, hardship and lessons you’ve overcome. Acknowledge that part of you that is still in fear. Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of judgement. Pay homage to yourself for all challenges you’ve overcome.

Once you’ve taken time to work through your grief and shame, you can begin to take small steps to overcome your burdens.  

Then, allow yourself to move on to claim what’s rightfully yours.

Your past is gone. Focus on the learnings, moving forward to a brighter future.


Michelle Reinglass - ADR Office of Michelle ReinglassMichelle Reinglass – ADR Office of Michelle Reinglass

Michelle is a reformed lawyer turned Mediator; Speaker, Author, Documentary Coordinating & Assistant producer; Balance expert & Reiki master;

What is your top tip to create success and keep a winning mindset in business and life? 

Intention, attention, retention:   When we set our intention, we significantly increase our chance of accomplishing what we set out to do.   When we give our attention to the intention and we mind our mindset, it sends signals through our brains and bodies to prepare for the intention to be carried out.  Retention of this mindset leads to consistency and authenticity in what we say and do, and keeps our focus and attention on the intention, leading to success. 

What one thing do you feel is most important that has led to you creating such a successful business that will be of most benefit to others wanting to create success?

Creating a “Do” and “Don’t” list:   DON’T: Worry what others will think about your vision and goals;  Give up when it gets hard; Say “yes” to everything.  Hang around with toxic people.   DO: Be aware of your thoughts, because they create our reality and circumstances;  Create and maintain proper boundaries; Step out of our comfort zones, regularly, to grow; Go the extra distance whenever possible; Give a lift to someone else, find and create ways to help and serve; Be grateful. 

What one thing should individuals avoid doing or mistakes they could learn from to support them on their journey to success?   

Mistakes are inevitable in life.  I believe the biggest mistake we can, and often do, make is to NOT try, or to let fear of failure stop us from trying to reach our potential or our goals.    We learn much wisdom from our mistakes and perceived “failures”. Thomas Edison tried “10,000 times that didn’t work”. Good thing he kept trying.   Don’t be afraid to try and fail.  Getting back up each time shows our strength, grit and determination. 


Dr Annette Greenwood Coaching & Radio Presenter  Dr. Annette Greenwood Coaching & Radio Presenter

Annette is an award-winning Life Coach, Radio Presenter, Author & Ambassador working globally helping women find their passion, purpose & life force.  

What is your top tip to create success and keep a winning mindset in business and life? 

There are so many tips I can share but one of my favourites is this. Embrace the new, keep uplevelling your skills, adapt and move with the times. It’s great to keep what works but don’t be afraid to give things a freshen up from time to time. If things begin to feel stale, it makes practical sense to step back and re-evaluate. Join mastermind groups where you can learn and share from each other as this keeps a positive growth mindset.  

What one thing do you feel is most important that has led to you creating such a successful business that will be of most benefit to others wanting to create success?

Communication is paramount. Whether that’s keeping clients up to date as things progress or if things are not going well and your deadline is coming and going! Be honest and have integrity, it will serve you well. Personally, it’s one of my biggest no no’s when people don’t communicate, it makes me rethink if they are someone I want to work with. So many issues could be cleared up quickly if communication was a priority. I see it time and time again when all it takes is a simple word or two to keep the energy on good terms.    

What one thing should individuals avoid doing or mistakes they could learn from to support them on their journey to success?

Avoid not listening to your own inner knowing in favour of everyone else’s opinion. If your gut is telling you something is off then listen to it! Also, grow from your mistakes. Making mistakes is human providing you don’t repeat them. Many successful businesses have already failed, learned and come back stronger, some of these are famous entrepreneurs who advocate failure has been one of their greatest to attributes to success.        


Jackie Brennan - Workplace Wellbeing CatalystJackie Brennan – Workplace Wellbeing

Jackie, an international speaker, sought after coach and trainer, author, CEO and Founder of Workplace Wellbeing worked in the construction industry for 39 years from the ground up to the board table so she knows what it takes to build a construction company that really thrives and she also knows where the gaps are.

What is your top tip to create success and keep a winning mindset in business and life?

It’s what I call inner fluency.  By that I mean finding out what makes you tick, understanding who you are so that you can stand in your power and really trust your gut instincts.  

When you are certain about yourself and your abilities, you can overcome any challenges and seize opportunities when they appear. Additionally, learning to trust your gut instinct, that inner knowing guiding you, enables you to make better decisions and navigate uncertain situations with confidence. Combining self-awareness, personal empowerment, and intuition can be a powerful formula for success in both business and life. 

What one thing do you feel is most important that has led to you creating such a successful business that will be of most benefit to others wanting to create success?

It was understanding that success in business was not about personal accolades but about the impact and results my services provided to my clients. By shifting the focus from me to the value I was providing to others, I am able to align with customer needs, create meaningful solutions, and build lasting relationships. This approach fosters trust, loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth, ultimately driving business growth and success.  

I believe it’s the impact you make in the lives of others that truly matters and leads to long-term success in whatever you do in business or life in general. 

What one thing should individuals avoid doing or mistakes they could learn from to support them on their journey to success?

Many of us hesitate to pursue our ideas because of the fear making mistakes. Yet failure is a natural part of the learning process and a stepping-stone to success.

By staying within your comfort zone, you may miss out on valuable opportunities. Success often requires venturing into the unknown and trying new approaches. Instead of viewing failure as a negative outcome, view it as a valuable learning experience and an opportunity for personal and professional development.

Some of the greatest successes have been born out of failures and the willingness to take risks. 


Wioleta Kapusta, MBA - Relationship Transformation GuideWioleta Kapusta, MBA – Relationship Transformation Guide

Wioleta has been trained by successful mentors to transform her relationship with self and others and successfully supported the superstars who transformed their lives and businesses.

What is your top tip to create success and keep a winning mindset in business and life?  

My top tip for creating success and maintaining a winning mindset in both business and life is to approach every situation with an open heart and an open mind. Embrace the endless possibilities that come your way by being receptive to new ideas, experiences, and perspectives. This openness allows you to adapt, grow, and learn from every challenge or opportunity that arises. By cultivating a mindset of curiosity and continuous improvement, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the complexities of life and business, staying committed to your goals while remaining flexible and resilient in the face of change.

What one thing do you feel is most important that has led to you creating such a successful business that will be of most benefit to others wanting to create success?

The most important factor that has led to the creation of a successful business is having a clear and unwavering vision. This means knowing exactly what you want to achieve and staying focused on your goals, even in the face of challenges and setbacks. By having a strong vision, you can stay motivated and passionate about your work, making it easier to overcome obstacles and stay committed to your mission. Sharing this vision with your team and aligning everyone’s efforts towards the same goal is crucial for success. For those aspiring to create successful businesses, cultivating and maintaining a strong vision should be a top priority.

What one thing should individuals avoid doing or mistakes they could learn from to support them on their journey to success?

One critical mistake to avoid on the journey to success is going against your intuition and pushing forward with desperation. Trusting your gut instincts is vital, as it often leads you in the right direction based on your experiences and knowledge. When you ignore your intuition and act out of desperation, you may make hasty decisions that could hinder your progress. Instead, take time to reflect, assess the situation, and listen to your inner voice. By doing so, you’ll be better prepared to make informed choices that align with your goals and values, ultimately supporting your path to success.


Stephanie Thompson - Ready To Launch MentorStephanie Thompson – Ready To Launch Mentor

Stephanie, the Ready-to-Launch mentor, is a multi-award-winning international online business empowerment coach, best-selling author of “Plan and launch your coaching business in 12 steps”, international radio presenter of “Stephanie’s Business Coaching Show”, global speaker, has appeared on BBC TV, BBC Radio, has been seen on FOX News, NBC, ABC News and is founder of the Launch Your Course Academy.

What is your top tip to create success and keep a winning mindset in business and life?

In business, we need a map of where we are going, a plan of how to get there and milestones along the way.  In other words, we need a vision and regular measures to keep us focused, otherwise we become lost and probably lose interest in what we want to achieve. By having mini-milestones, we can celebrate our achievement often, which gives us inspiration to achieve more.  

Believe in yourself, your abilities and have a positive ‘can do’ mindset.  If you can dream it, you can do it; even if you might need a bit of help to know how.

What is one thing you feel is most important that has led to you creating such a successful business that will be of most benefit to others wanting to create success?

I am absolutely passionate about business!  Cut me in half and, like a stick of Blackpool rock, I would read ‘business’ all the way through!  I work within a niche where I am very comfortable and confident in my knowledge to help others get online.  My business is about helping heart-centred coaches launch their course.  I am totally at ease talking about business process and systems to expand their income. Many coaches are phenomenal achieving transformations for their clients, but are fearful of tech.  I help overcome that fear and show them how to grow their business easily and simply.

What one thing should individuals avoid doing or mistakes they could learn from to support them on their journey to success?

Don’t try to make it perfect!  You spend 20% of your time creating 80% of your offering.  You then spend 80% of your time tweaking and perfecting, but the minute you launch you see something you hadn’t spotted, or someone asks a question you hadn’t thought of.  It puts you in a tailspin, because you had taken so long to get it perfect, that often the mind-monkeys take over and you question everything!  Please know ‘fortune favours the bold’ and it is those who take imperfect action, who get results much quicker, learn much fast and grow their business exponentially.


As we move through the next stage of 2023, I hope you can keep the momentum up, and continue aspiring to achieve all your goals and dreams.  

I hope you have found value in our ‘11 Top Women in Business’ and they support you into an exciting second half of the year. 

Please share like and comment in the comments section below.

Plus, let me know your own top tips to create success? 

If you can think of a friend who may benefit from seeing these great messages of support, why not tag them!?

 Keep shining bright and moving forwards in positivity for the good of all.

Mark Stepehen Pooler
Mark Stephen Pooler

A Premium Media and PR Agency

MSP News Global is a premium business magazine website that features influential business leaders, trendsetters and change innovators. It features and covers original authorship, real estate, coaching, business and entrepreneurial topics.

5 Thoughts to “11 Top Women in Business Share Tips to Create Success and Build a Boss Women Mindset”

  1. […] mindset– the CEO and Founder of TMSP Agency, Mark Stephen Pooler, has gathered advice from eleven extraordinary women to instill a renewed sense of vigor and motivation. Their stories serve as a beacon of inspiration, […]

  2. […] a boss mindset– the CEO and Founder of TMSP Agency, Mark Stephen Pooler, has gathered advice from eleven extraordinary women to instill a renewed sense of vigor and motivation. Their stories serve as a beacon of inspiration, […]

  3. […] a boss mindset– the CEO and Founder of TMSP Agency, Mark Stephen Pooler, has gathered advice from eleven extraordinary women to instill a renewed sense of vigor and motivation. Their stories serve as a beacon of inspiration, […]

  4. […] mindset– the CEO and Founder of TMSP Agency, Mark Stephen Pooler, has gathered advice from eleven extraordinary women to instill a renewed sense of vigor and motivation. Their stories serve as a beacon of inspiration, […]

  5. […] a boss mindset– the CEO and Founder of TMSP Agency, Mark Stephen Pooler, has gathered advice from eleven extraordinary women to instill a renewed sense of vigor and motivation. Their stories serve as a beacon of inspiration, […]

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