Dr. Karen’s Methods Allow You to “Take Control of Your Destiny” in 2021

Dr. Karen’s Methods Allow You to “Take Control of Your Destiny” in 2021

Imagine the unimaginable, receiving a call that your child had given up hope and attempted suicide. For Dr. Karen Perkins, this became a shocking reality. Vowing to never let another person she knew sink to such a desperate level of hopelessness and despair, she set out on a mission to provide individuals everywhere with the necessary tools to live happy, peace-filled lives. 

Dr. Karen R. Perkins, is the Living First-Class KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Authority. Using the individual’s Core Values, she helps her clients define their personal KPIs, which provide a way of measuring the effectiveness and progress towards their goals. She holds a Doctorate in Business Administration with understudies in Human Behavior and Change Management. She has spent 35 years studying human behavior, cold reading, emotional intelligence, leadership and change management. 

Dr.-Karen-Take-Control-of-Your-Destiny-in-2021Dr. Perkins is a certified hypnotherapist, captivating international speaker, executive coach, highly sought-after business leader and best-selling author of Emotional Power and others. For over 35 years, Dr. Perkins has worked with corporations and individuals, in mentoring, coaching and advising clients to enhance productivity, to discover and develop plans and to reach their full potential. Her reach of instruction spans an impressive three-quarters of a million people in over 50 countries worldwide. 

Dr. Perkins’ desire is to help others take control of their destiny and live their version of a first-class life with their authentic core values at the forefront. One advanced tool Dr. Perkins provides, is a 6-step blueprint that, if followed correctly, empowers her clients to communicate and negotiate more effectively through both verbal and non-verbal methods, to strengthen personal and professional relationships, influence and decision making that align with their individual principles. Another is the keen understanding of emotions and the logic behind them, and how to manage and use them to propel yourself to a better life.  Other tools include, Personal Programming, Core Values, Emotional Intelligence, Positive Influence, NLP, and of course her latest proprietary Home Study Program, “Living First-Class”  Take Control of Your Destiny.

This new program imparts significant changes for individuals and organizations.  Dr. Perkins guides each person in developing their own personalized blueprint to Living their own First-Class Life. Among other things, her toolkit contains:

  • Living First-Class Home Study System: A step-by-step guide for discovering meaningful, personal doctrines and creating goals that support them, developing a blueprint for success, understanding the art and science of human behavior and how to consistently form ‘win/win’ situations, properly creating realistic expectations and the secrets to creating and living one’s individual legacy now. 
  • Her proprietary Animal Within Program:  A clear understanding of unique personality styles, their interactions, thought processes and guides to dealing with each in a positive, productive and enhanced fashion. Experience a deep dive into an awareness of dealing with difficult people, sales and negotiations and creating and maintaining positive, healthy and mutually satisfying long term relationships.  
  • 1:1 and Group Coaching: World-class coaching, accountability and facilitation for your specific KPIs using her extensive skills from the business world and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) to reset one’s thoughts and actions which allow her clients to take control of their destiny. 
  • Executive Retreats and Mastermind Groups: Focusing on corporate executives and individual high acheivers, these events include team building, exercises to adjust one’s mindset and actions. This enables the attendees to clarify their vision and goals, revise their success blueprint, validate and redefine KPIs. Through coaching, individuals will also share ideas and success stories in a collaborative setting. All leading to the personal ability to form more cohesive teams, lead and live more profoundly.

Dr. Perkins, has been honored multiple times in Who’s Who’ among Women in Business internationally, is a two-time winner of the internationally coveted Presentainer Award, is listed on the 2021 Top Women to Follow globally, and is a leading expert in Organizational Change Management and Emotional Intelligence. 

She designs personalized programs for individuals ranging from stay-at-home parents, small-business owners to corporations and top executives, and everyone whose behavior sets an example.

When asked what “the secret to realizing one’s dreams” was, Dr. Karen said it came from knowing your true core values and planning your life around them.  She went on to say, it’s not enough to plan however, you must take action, sometimes stepping outside your comfort zone.  Quoting Napoleon Hill, she reminded us that “What the human mind can conceive and believe, it will achieve”.

Following these thoughts, and understanding that success comes in many forms we asked for an example of what this might look like. She shared several examples. One was a prison system that used the Living First Class  Home Study  System. They used the program with inmates finishing their sentences and needing to integrate with society successfully.  The previous statistics for this prison was 86% of the inmates returned within 6 months.  After using The Living First-Class System those numbers dropped to 32%.

Another miraculous example is shown through one of Dr. Perkins’ coaching students; a woman diagnosed with metastatic cancer. Undergoing chemotherapy treatments, made the woman irrefutably ill. She was determined to end the chemotherapy AND to be cancer free. Using visualization and thought-changing exercises, she miraculously was cancer-free after 6 short weeks. This student attributed the phenomenal results to the power of attitude, visualization and from mind-body connection and control through Dr. Karen’s guidance.

By following Dr. Perkins advice, given through her many programs, thousands have enhanced their lives, the lives of their families and friends, enjoying great success in their personal lives! They’ve improved work performance, enhanced team, their company’s bottom line and their own well-being.“What you believe is true…IS true for you!” – Dr. Karen Perkins

Type gift in the subject line for a complimentary copy of her e-book, “Living a Positive Life One Moment at a Time”. info@drkarenperkins.com. And if you have a specific need in the body tell Dr. Karen about it and she will see if she or someone she knows has a tool for it.

MSP News Global is a premium business magazine website that features influential business leaders, trendsetters and change innovators. It features and covers original authorship, real estate, coaching, business and entrepreneurial topics.

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