Expert Predictions For 2023 From World Class Impact Makers

Expert Predictions For 2023 From World Class Impact Makers

As we relinquish our focus away from 2022, I wanted to assemble a collection of World-class Impact Makers to share their predictions for 2023.

These predictions are to give hope and support to Entrepreneurs and individuals in business to channel their energy and create a positive 2023. 

2022 had plenty of ups and downs, I am sure, but in every negative situation, positives can be embraced if you are willing to search for them and have the support around you to help guide you.

Let’s begin the new year with strength and positivity, focusing on love, abundance, and beauty in the world.

Cherish the time spent with loved ones and, even throughout the tough times, try to remain grateful that you are still here, pushing forward, and making progress. 

I have put together this collection of Expert Predictions to share positivity and encourage you as we begin a promising 2023…

Dame Marie Diamond - Expert Predictions For 2023 on MSP News GlobalDame Marie Diamond – International best-selling author and motivational speaker

Marie Diamond is a globally renowned transformational leader, speaker, and author. She is a Feng Shui master and star of the worldwide phenomenon “The Secret.”

For 2023, what changes do you predict will be positive for personal development?

2023 will be the year where we’ll see the increase of female leadership in business and politics. With this influence of female empowerment, we’ll also see a rise in female values, such as kindness, collaboration, following your intuition, and harmony. Cut-throat business practices and power struggles will decrease their impact in 2023.  

Could you share a few words of wisdom for 2023 that will benefit people in their personal development?

Let 2023 be the year that you learn to really listen to your intuition and let it guide you in your decision-making. Be open to collaboration and the unique, dynamic results that come from working as a team. Bring kindness into your daily communications with your clients, your team, and your advisors because kindness attracts abundance.  

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in personal development to ensure a successful 2023, and any pitfalls to look out for?

Take care of your work environment. Download the free Marie Diamond app for Android and iPhone to locate your success direction and learn how to activate it to attract fresh, abundant energy into your office. Organize your desk, declutter, and do what you can to feel like the King or Queen of the room. When being kind to others, you must also remember to be kind to yourself, and creating a serene workspace for yourself certainly falls under that.  

Remember the importance of gratitude. Stay grateful for what you receive because problems arise when you start taking things for granted.

Celia Louise - Expert Predictions For 2023 on MSP News GlobalCelia Louise – Author and Intuitive Mentor

Celia is the intuitive mentor for women who are ready to reignite their deep sense of joy and fulfillment.  The author of “The Champagne Chakra, Seven Steps to Elevate Your Energetic Frequency” and a co-author in the International Best Selling “Evolving On Purpose,” Celia’s mission is to ignite the natural joy, intuition, and instincts in women over 40.

For 2023, what changes do you predict will be positive for personal development?  

I am excited for 2023! There is a strong desire for spiritual renewal in the men and women I am meeting. I am seeing miraculous breakthroughs happening as people come to understand how powerful they truly are.

Accessing our inherent wisdom and intuition reveals our natural instinct for cooperation. No longer available for control through greed, we are stepping up to be agents for change, embracing our divine rights where collaboration of feminine and masculine energies replaces old patriarchal rituals of control. We come from love, we are love, we return to love and embracing this is our choice.

Could you share a few words of wisdom for 2023 that will benefit people in their personal development?

The real magic happens when you understand yourself as a whole energetic system. When your energy is in a flow state, your intuition is high, and your natural state is joy. It is your choice to ignite or ignore your inner joy.

When you come to understand that as an adult, you are creating the life you live with the thoughts you think, you will feel differently, noticing the fears created by your thoughts. Strengthening your heart connection releases fear, leading to divine love (an energy, not emotion): it is the most healing, transformative, and creative energy in the universe.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in Personal Development to ensure a successful 2023, and any pitfalls to look out for?

Beyond thought is intuition. Your heart holds the wisdom to what is really holding you back and reveals hidden wounds your mind alone cannot uncover. Wisdom comes from the inside out as your spiritual knowledge that lives deep in your soul. It is the gift of your spiritual side.

Intellectual knowledge comes from the outside in as your learned and memorized knowledge. It is the gift of your mind. No amount of mindset work will ever work if your heart is not open because your mind responds to your heart, not the other way around. Your heart is your superpower.

 Judy O'Beirn - Expert Predictions For 2023 on MSP News GlobalJudy O’Beirn – President of Hasmark Publishing International

Judy has spent the last 15 years helping thousands of authors become Best-sellers; while facilitating their connection to readers’ hearts and souls through their message.  

For 2023, what changes do you predict will be positive for personal development?  

Credibility and authenticity will hold the greatest value going into 2023. As the personal development market continues to trend upward, we believe that the true educators in this market will begin to separate themselves from their imitators. In every market, individuals are becoming more aware of deceitfulness, which places even more emphasis on ensuring your messages are authentic.  

This shift encourages individuals to share their stories in a new way. Your stories must elicit a strong sense of relatability and emotion. It’s all about community building, starting conversations, and, most importantly, helping others.

Could you share a few words of wisdom for 2023 that will benefit people in their personal development?

As we continue to strive for growth in 2023, we must remember that it is an ongoing process. You will succeed, and you will fail. It is important to realize that your struggles are a gift as you learn and grow from them.

Instead of focusing on how much success you see online for others, focus on your successes, and appreciate the changes you go through. As you grow document the journey and consider sharing how you triumphed over a diversity.  Others will learn from you, grow with you, and ultimately help both of you.  

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in Personal Development to ensure a successful 2023, and any pitfalls to look out for?

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You have specific skills and should focus your energy on those areas. If you’re a writer- write! There is no benefit to straining yourself on tasks that will cause burnout. Outsource your weak points to professionals and learn from them!

Gwen Lepard - Expert Predictions For 2023 on MSP News GlobalGwen Lepard – Owner Joy Centered Life

As an International Bestselling Author, Transformation Coach, and Luminary Speaker, Gwen Lepard empowers Empaths to evolve beyond limitations and narcissistic abuse.

What is your Prediction for 2023 that you will see happening for the positive in Transformation and Personal Development?

In 023 more vitality will become available to be embodied, embraced, and enjoyed by those that choose to focus on what’s right in their world.  

One of the ways this luminous well-being is entering is through a growing awareness of the 13 Chakra Core Vitality System. This knowledge will begin to ripple through the more awakened communities and even find its way into segments of the general public.  

As conscious beings, we can continue to evolve despite the current challenges. Accessing these energy portals of the body nourishes, energizes, and sustains all the other systems providing more fuel for transformation.

Can you share a few words of wisdom that will support individuals in Transformation and Personal Development through 2023?  

Focus on what’s right and expand on that!  

Find what feels good in your body. Express gratitude for that and gain more well-being.

Resist the temptation to dwell on what’s wrong. Acknowledge it. Feel it. Go forward…

The human body is hard-wired to scan for danger. You have the ability to evaluate and choose to overcome the resulting fear. In all probability, the majority of these “threats” aren’t life-threatening.

Overall, in the world and in your body, so much more is actually “going right.” Again, focus on the rightness and give yourself permission to feel more of that goodness.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in Transformation and Personal Development to ensure a successful 2023, and any pitfalls to look out for?  

One of the greatest pitfalls is to unknowingly take on the fears of others. It’s so easy as an Empath, and we all can be affected to some degree by fear in the environment.

The solution? Take in an easy breath and ask, what’s mine and what’s others when you feel an emotion, a symptom, a fear. Trust that you know what’s yours!  

You can also activate the Boundary Chakra just below your feet, using your awareness to create a discernment tool. It will let you know the difference with ease. And… remember, focus on what’s right in your world!

Brenda Dempsey - Expert Predictions For 2023 on MSP News GlobalBrenda Dempsey – Publisher | Bestselling Author | Entrepreneur

Brenda Dempsey is an Action Woman, Visionary and Humanitarian who is on a mission to make a difference in the lives of others in every way possible.

For 2023, what changes do you predict will be positive for personal development?

2023 is a year for growth.  Like seeds, we have been resting and now that we have begun to germinate in our lives and business, we will sprout shoots and take the next step(s) to ensure that we continue to move towards the light. 

I believe we will continue to nurture ourselves and gain new knowledge and skills that will enable us to grow into the person we envision becoming. We become it now. Keeping the end in mind will motivate you to keep going even when facing challenges. Keep going.  

Could you share a few words of wisdom for 2023 that will benefit people in their personal development?

Personal development is more than a journey, it is a lifestyle choice. Once you begin that great adventure of the inner journey, your connection to the quest of discovering who you truly are is fueled with curiosity, courage and commitment. Success is what you believe. Have faith and always be positive. Find the solution and do not dwell on the problem that will only keep you stuck.  Smile more and ensure that you give time to yourself to do what you love. Go for walks, dance, sing, paint, read; whatever that is that makes your heart sing and soul dance do it.  

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in Personal Development to ensure a successful 2023, and any pitfalls to look out for?

I would say, ignore the naysayers, they will always be there. Strengthen your inner resolve and resilience. Remember babies get back up every time they fall when learning to walk. Know your values, live by them and set boundaries. Know what you won’t tolerate either and live by it!  

There will be tough days but know nothing lasts forever, it is temporary and do not push it away instead accept whatever negative thoughts rise and observe them without judgement. Practice breathing, yoga and mindfulness daily. To avoid disappointment, do what you love and love what you do.

Lidia Kuleshnyk - Expert Predictions For 2023 on MSP News GlobalLidia Kuleshnyk – High Performance Wellness Coach

Lidia Kuleshnyk is a High Performance Wellness Coach, 3X Best Selling Author and Founder of, who helps overworked, stressed-out, high achieving men and women master their inner power, manage their energy and stress and create their highest state of health.  

For 2023, what changes do you predict will be positive for personal development?  

In 2023, the opportunity for expansive personal growth will continue for those who see the glass as half full, rather than half empty.  Humanity is going through a tremendous transformation. Becoming aware of the big picture provides valuable insight to understand your best way to navigate through change and uncertainty. While new challenges may present themselves, this is the nature of change as the old is released, clearing the pathway for new energy and opportunities. This is the year to break through old patterns and to make the change into the life you want to create.  

Can you share a few words of wisdom that will support individuals in Personal Development 2023?

You need not feel overwhelmed, stressed or burdened by the intensity of events and energies. Know that you came to Earth at this time to experience this incredible opportunity for advanced personal growth and self-mastery. Acknowledge your strengths and how you have already lived through powerful challenges. Call on universal truths to help guide you, such as my Ancient Universal Principle “There Is No Insignificant Action”. Connect with your inner knowing that you really matter in every thought and action you take. Honour yourself as a humane being who has compassion and respect for yourself and others.  

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in Personal Development to ensure a successful 2023, and any pitfalls to look out for?  

This is the year to really focus on you. Make a conscious choice to consolidate your energy and get Centered, Connected and Conscious ™. Turn negative information into powerful gateways for your growth. Resist the temptation to chase drama that leads to feeling discouraged, depleted and depressed. Identify simple, doable next steps to create the life that you truly desire. Acknowledge and celebrate each step as a powerful upliftment into your new world of limitless potential and infinite possibilities. You came to this planet as a powerful spiritual being. It is time to start to live it, in your unique way.

Jenni Parker Brown- Expert Predictions For 2023 on MSP News GlobalJenni Parker Brown – Branding Philosopher and Feminine Achievement Maven

Pioneering powerful solutions for ambitious women entrepreneurs to align their mission, message and presence with their greatness to accelerate their impact and income. Magazine Publisher | Thought Leader |Style Maven

For 2023, what changes do you predict will be positive for personal development?

I see more innovations in the work-life balance, particularly the rise of the healthy workday.

The online world is causing a critical global health problem but using what we know about the sciences of neurobiology, flow and reconnection to the natural world, the ever-increasing online business population, can have fewer casualties of burnout and many health problems associated with our modern lifestyle. 

Could you share a few words of wisdom for 2023 that will benefit people in their personal development?

Do not compromise your health and wellbeing. No success is worth compromise of your most precious asset – your well-being.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in Personal Development to ensure a successful 2023, and any pitfalls to look out for?

Your well-being is the key to manifestation and fulfillment. It is grounded in by the power of habit, ritual, and routine. The one thing that can make the biggest difference to your success is reconnecting to the values of a life well lived – they are available to everyone, whatever your status.

Talia Adika - Expert Predictions For 2023 on MSP News GlobalTalia Adika, International Health Insurance Specialist – TY Health Insurance Brokerage

Expert in all aspects of benefits insurance services from the application process to the policy analysis, with strong knowledge of health insurance markets, forms, and coverage.

For 2023, what changes do you predict will be positive for personal development?

A positive in personal development that we see happening in 2023 is people paying more attention to their health and living a more healthy lifestyle both physically and mentally.

Could you share a few words of wisdom for 2023 that will benefit people in their personal development?

We have a lot of changes happening globally in 2023 a few words of wisdom in reference to personal development is to focus on yourself, and mental health.  

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in Personal Development to ensure a successful 2023, and any pitfalls to look out for?

Staying away from pitfalls by focusing on positive outcomes by staying away from negative outlooks. Try to surround yourself with positive people who will compliment you.

Desiree Anderson - Expert Predictions For 2023 on MSP News GlobalDesiree Anderson – Founder and Managing Director of Crest Coaching & HR

Desiree is a work expert and an Advanced Coach & Mentor. She is an international bestselling author and has worked with top companies to help ambitious, creative and heart-led business leaders and entrepreneurs move forward both personally and professionally. She uses her experience as an HR consultant as well as leading edge Coaching techniques, NLP and healing strategies to provide training, coaching and consulting to her clients who range from individuals needing self-development to corporate leaders and their teams who want to accelerate their success and happiness.

For 2023, what changes do you predict will be positive for personal development?

There has been a rise in self-expression and flexibility since the pandemic. This has been positive in that people are becoming more aware of their own needs and I’m noticing that people are more likely to consider themselves and what they want out of life and career. Whether clients are in large corporates or have their own businesses, I see the trend of self-expression and the need for work-life balance gaining further momentum in 2023.

Could you share a few words of wisdom for 2023 that will benefit people in their personal development?

There has been a sharp increase in burnout as people struggle to prioritise work and home, in an ever fluid landscape. Working from home has its advantages but equally its pitfalls as people struggle with time management, overwhelm and isolation. It’s so important to identify a network of people that you reach out to daily in both your home and professional life to keep mentally healthy. With the rise of social media and online applications, try not to live your life completely online and give attention to your life offline by keeping grounded, doing exercise and setting meaningful goals (rather than competing with others)

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in Personal Development to ensure a successful 2023, and any pitfalls to look out for?

It’s important to understand what your career ambitions are in the context of the future of work and the rise of automation and robotics. So hone your skills and develop yourself even if it’s out of your comfort zone so that you can be prepared for the future. Become better at connecting with others and showing empathy and appreciation of others’ diversity in order to foster good relationships. Develop your strengths and have a network of people that you can draw on for expertise and support.  

Find a coach or mentor to help raise your self-awareness and move you forward in your life so that you are attuned to what you can uniquely offer in your career. By doing so you will enhance your balance, resilience, and success so that you can ride the crest of your own wave in life’s inevitable ups and downs.

Jeannetta Collier - Expert Predictions For 2023 on MSP News GlobalJeannetta Collier – CEO and Founder of 3 successful businesses.  

Jeannetta Collier Enterprises S Corp.,   Nu’Blac Investments LLC, & Imaginary Glass Ceiling LLC  

Over 25 years in business, Jeannetta is helping shift mindsets with proven strategies turning you into “game changers,” all while teaching you how to thrive in business and life.  

For 2023, what changes do you predict will be positive for personal development?  

Every personal development needs a plan and your plan has to have clear goals and timeframes for how to reduce any negative impacts. Your plan must be underpinned by solid action plans.  One of my predictions for 2023 is to impact, empower and encourage more women globally through my conferences, workshops, mastermind classes and speaking.

Could you share a few words of wisdom for 2023 that will benefit people in their personal development?  

Do not be afraid to increase your self-awareness, increase your skills and fulfill any aspirations you may have.  Step outside of the box and expand your mind as well as your reach.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in Personal Development to ensure a successful 2023, and any pitfalls to look out for?  

  1. Redefine your goals  
  2. Develop new skills  
  3. Practice and Take Action
  4. Collaborate
  5. Recalibrate


Doing the same thing and not getting a different outcome.   Let go of old habits that are not productive in your life.

Barbara Vercruysse - Expert Predictions For 2023 on MSP News GlobalBarbara Vercruysse – Global Kindness Advocate – Business & Personal Growth Coach – #1 Top 50 Global Thought Leaders on Mental Health

Barbara Vercruysse is the founder of ‘BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute,’ an internationally recognized Business and Personal Growth Coach, as well as a Mental Health Thought Leader and Public Speaker.

For 2023, what changes do you predict will be positive for personal development?

Mental wellbeing has never been more important and finally gets the attention that it deserves. As we continue to be faced with the most impactful changes in our professional life due to these uncertain times, developing a strong, resilient and calm mindset will be key to tackle the rapid changing circumstances we have to deal with daily.  

In 2023 thanks to understanding the importance of developing emotional intelligence, of bringing more empathy, compassion and kindness back in the work environment, we can stop the dehumanization that took place for decades, turning people into numbers, and in this way being the cause of a massive wave of resignations and burnouts.

Can you share a few words of wisdom that will support individuals in Personal Development through 2023

It is time for us to stop pressuring ourselves to be high performing, to stop that incessant need for comparing ourselves to others. Would we call an oak tree high performing? Is an oak tree in competition with a birch?  

High performance as a human is a natural process. It is about growing, expanding and blossoming in a spontaneous and natural way, adapting to new circumstances, being guided by an inner wisdom and always finding a way to be a beneficial presence, that is performing highly as a human being.  

We have been disconnected so massively from who and what we truly are, we made life such a problem while it is nothing more than eternal expansion and movement, a beautiful dance.

Life is not a ladder to be climbed but a dance to be enjoyed.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in Personal Development to ensure a successful 2023 and any pitfalls to look out for?

Being fully successful in 2023 will only be possible if we pay enough attention to restore the balance in our lives between ‘doing’ and ‘being’, between the ambition to achieve something worthy in life and taking the time for self-care.

We live in a world where we are only validated for what we DO and HAVE instead of who we ARE. It is in the Being that lies the key to fulfilment, however.

In taking the time to be still, to pray, to meditate, to quiet the mind and listen to our Soul, we can connect with that part in us, which is naturally wise, calm and centred.

Those moments of self-care are indispensable for a balanced and fulfilled life.

Wealth in 2023 will no longer be defined by what you have but rather by who you are and what you become.

Michelle A. Reinglass - Expert Predictions For 2023 on MSP News GlobalMichelle A. Reinglass – ADR Office of Michelle A. Reinglass

Lawyer-turned-Mediator, Leader, Speaker, Balance Expert, #1 International Bestselling author; Documentary Film Associate Producer; and Reiki Master.  

For 2023, what changes do you predict will be positive for personal development?  

I predict 2023 becoming the year of more transparency, authenticity, diversity and inclusiveness, plus increased awareness, communication and education on mental health and wellness.

The workforce is changing: More people are leaving businesses for entrepreneurship.  Women leaders are taking more “seats at the table”, speaking up and being seen, less “playing small”.  Increased participation in personal development, self-awareness & improvement. We’ll be welcoming in more Positivity, kindness, empathy, and compassion, edging out “fight/anger-fatigue”. Virtual and remote are here to stay, however they will co-exist with live and in person.  

Can you share a few words of wisdom that will support individuals in Personal Development and Mediation/business through 2023?  

Balance is the word! Although balance and imbalance concerns have weighed heavily for decades, it’s now more important than ever. In re-entering “normal” lives, observe new habits that don’t serve you: blurred lines between your personal and business lives, lack of self-care and boundaries, foregoing good nutrition and hydration, saying “yes” too much. 

I believe more people are gaining awareness of feeling overwhelmed, negatively stressed, and where it manifests inside. Balance, living in alignment provide the solution to imbalance. Also, I see more people accepting the practice of Meditation. This is an important process of balance, feeling good and clarity.  

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in Personal Development and Mediation/business to ensure a successful 2023 and any pitfalls to look out for?    

Four “M’s” to Balance:

1) Motivation – we don’t “get” motivated, we create it from our positive action. Then we feel the motivation to go forward and stay on our health path.

2) Mindset – Our mindset (mind’s thoughts) takes control and drives us into false beliefs.  E.g., I can’t change things so might as well go along; I’ll never get that job; I’m not smart enough; I don’t matter etc. Be aware of thoughts and be quick to alter them.  I CAN; I’m good; I’m enough; I have value. Remember you matter. Create your personal affirmations & watch thoughts.

3) Meditation – Sitting still with your thoughts; doing a guided meditation, doesn’t matter how just take a few minutes daily to clear your head.  Think of clutter-that’s what is in our heads without a clearing method- like Meditation.  

4) Movement – Our bodies and minds NEED movement. Not necessary to do HIIT workout; stretching, Pilates, yoga, walking, running, jogging, weights – move daily.  

Four “P’s” for Success:

5) Pivot – ability to be flexible and pivot is critical.

6) Purpose – Know why you’re here and what you’re meant to do, know what and who are important to focus your time on.  

7) Plan – Coach John Wooden said “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail”. Always plan out ahead, put plans to paper, and don’t forget to read what’s planned to do.  

8) People – On the personal side, who are you hanging out with? A saying goes, you become the average of the 5 people you’re with the most.  You pick up their habits, tics, sayings, etc.  Are you with people who you want to emulate?  Will you grow with them or wither? Businesses depend on employees, so be intentional in selection.  Know your important attributes to seek. Listen carefully, watch for red flags.  

Gayle Edwards – Global Wellbeing & Impact Strategy Coach

Gayle Edwards is an International, award-winning Global Wellbeing & Impact Strategy Coach, Author and Speaker who empowers and educates Purpose-Driven Organisations to build impactful and mentally agile Leaders and Emerging Leaders. 

Gayle Edwards - Expert Predictions For 2023 on MSP News GlobalFor 2023, what changes do you predict will be positive for personal development?

AGILE Leadership™️ is fast becoming the cornerstone of both personal and professional development as it is the ability to lead oneself and others despite the circumstances. Undoubtedly, more and more organisations and business owners have learned through recent global events, the importance and impact of mental health on leadership and are opening up to more holistic and spiritual practices to support themselves and their teams. This approach leads to individuals feeling more balanced and aligned both personally and professionally. 

Could you share a few words of wisdom for 2023 that will benefit people in their personal development?

We can get so caught up in doing the right thing, taking the right course, being in the right networks but the one thing that helps Leaders to move from being a good Leader to a Great Leader is to remain open and always leave a margin for magic! This margin for magic helps to break down some of the barriers between Leaders and their teams whilst encouraging creativity and authenticity. When we as individuals feel empowered and encouraged to be our true selves, the magic that exists in all of us can come through – it’s a win-win situation for all involved!

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in Personal Development to ensure a successful 2023, and any pitfalls to look out for?

Along with always leaving a margin for magic, I would also recommend surrounding yourself with people who are genuinely invested in your success in terms of them wanting to see you win i.e., your cheerleaders! Cheerleaders are not driven by hidden agendas or competition, they are the ones that will support you, challenge you and also help you brainstorm opportunities. 

They can seem like a rare breed these days, but when you find one, it is the difference that will make a difference to your mental health and your overall success. Lastly, be a Cheerleader for someone else – contribution is one of our basic human needs and releases the ‘feel good hormones’ which will again enhance your success.

I am confident 2023 will move forward into a new, positive future.

Focus on the good, stay safe this winter, support others in need and let’s make 2023 one of success, love, happiness, and peace!

Please share this and help us spread inspiration, and leave a comment on the predictions you liked best. 

What uplifting prediction do you have for 2023?

Let us know in the comments.

Happy New Year, and here’s to a prosperous 2023!!

Mark Stepehen Pooler
Mark Stephen Pooler

A Premium Media and PR Agency

MSP News Global is a premium business magazine website that features influential business leaders, trendsetters and change innovators. It features and covers original authorship, real estate, coaching, business and entrepreneurial topics.

10 Thoughts to “Expert Predictions For 2023 From World Class Impact Makers”

  1. A beautiful thread of truth and positivity for 2023 in each prediction:

    Marie: Cut-throat business practices and power struggles will decrease their impact in 2023.  

    Celia: No longer available for control through greed, we are stepping up to be agents for change, embracing our divine rights where collaboration of feminine and masculine energies replaces old patriarchal rituals of control. 

    Judy: In every market, individuals are becoming more aware of deceitfulness, which places even more emphasis on ensuring your messages are authentic.  

    Gwen: Overall, in the world and in your body, so much more is actually “going right.”

    Brenda: Like seeds, we have been resting and now that we have begun to germinate in our lives and business, we will sprout shoots and take the next step(s) to ensure that we continue to move towards the light. 

    Lidia: Humanity is going through a tremendous transformation. This is the year to break through old patterns and to make the change into the life you want to create.  

    Jenni: The one thing that can make the biggest difference to your success is reconnecting to the values of a life well lived – they are available to everyone, whatever your status.

    Talia: A positive in personal development that we see happening in 2023 is people paying more attention to their health and living a more healthy lifestyle both physically and mentally.

    Desiree: This has been positive in that people are becoming more aware of their own needs and I’m noticing that people are more likely to consider themselves and what they want out of life and career. 

    Jeannetta: Step outside of the box and expand your mind as well as your reach.

    Barbara: High performance as a human is a natural process. It is about growing, expanding and blossoming in a spontaneous and natural way, adapting to new circumstances, being guided by an inner wisdom and always finding a way to be a beneficial presence, that is performing highly as a human being.

    Michelle: We’ll be welcoming in more Positivity, kindness, empathy, and compassion, edging out “fight/anger-fatigue”.

    Gayle: Along with always leaving a margin for magic, I would also recommend surrounding yourself with people who are genuinely invested in your success in terms of them wanting to see you win i.e your cheerleaders! 

    Mark: Focus on the good, stay safe this winter, support others in need and let’s make 2023 one of success, love, happiness, and peace!

    1. Celia, Thank you for the beautiful summation of quotes from everyone’s submissions.

      1. Michelle, you are so welcome – it is wonderful to read all the wisdom shared here!

  2. […] 2022 is a wrap! It is time to welcome the endless possibilities of 2023. Founder, Editor in Chief, Media and News Publisher of MSP News Global, Mark Stephen Pooler, believes in starting each year with strength and positivity and focusing on all of the love, abundance, and beauty that the world provides despite the typical ups and downs. For years, Mark has practiced remaining in a state of gratitude to continue a life of progress, and he is a huge proponent of seeking out the positive in any situation. Once again, as a guide for navigating into the New Year, Mark has hand selected some of the world’s most well-known changemakers to share their secrets for drawing in positive energy and to hear their predictions for 2023. […]

  3. […] 2022 is a wrap! It is time to welcome the endless possibilities of 2023. Founder, Editor in Chief, Media and News Publisher of MSP News Global, Mark Stephen Pooler, believes in starting each year with strength and positivity and focusing on all of the love, abundance, and beauty that the world provides despite the typical ups and downs. For years, Mark has practiced remaining in a state of gratitude to continue a life of progress, and he is a huge proponent of seeking out the positive in any situation. Once again, as a guide for navigating into the New Year, Mark has hand selected some of the world’s most well-known changemakers to share their secrets for drawing in positive energy and to hear their predictions for 2023. […]

  4. […] 2022 is a wrap! It is time to welcome the endless possibilities of 2023. Founder, Editor in Chief, Media and News Publisher of MSP News Global, Mark Stephen Pooler, believes in starting each year with strength and positivity and focusing on all of the love, abundance, and beauty that the world provides despite the typical ups and downs. For years, Mark has practiced remaining in a state of gratitude to continue a life of progress, and he is a huge proponent of seeking out the positive in any situation. Once again, as a guide for navigating into the New Year, Mark has hand selected some of the world’s most well-known changemakers to share their secrets for drawing in positive energy and to hear their predictions for 2023. […]

  5. […] 2022 is a wrap! It is time to welcome the endless possibilities of 2023. Founder, Editor in Chief, Media and News Publisher of MSP News Global, Mark Stephen Pooler, believes in starting each year with strength and positivity and focusing on all of the love, abundance, and beauty that the world provides despite the typical ups and downs. For years, Mark has practiced remaining in a state of gratitude to continue a life of progress, and he is a huge proponent of seeking out the positive in any situation. Once again, as a guide for navigating into the New Year, Mark has hand selected some of the world’s most well-known changemakers to share their secrets for drawing in positive energy and to hear their predictions for 2023. […]

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