MSP Editor, Imran Tariq Coming Soon

Imran Tarig, MSP Editor Coming Soon

Imran (Immy) Tariq is a world-renowned entrepreneur, most well known for his agency Webmetrix Group with their ability to get Google My Business Map Listings Placed in the Google 3 Pack Guaranteed Using Digital PR or offering 110% Money Back and utilizing the power of Advertising to get Cash Paying Patients in Less than 30 days

He is a staff writer at Gritdaily & Truehollywood talk. His work has been featured on WSJ Best Seller List, CNN, CNBC, USA Today, Business Insider, Techcrunch and many others. Immy has been recognized as a “Top 20 Entrepreneur” by Forbes Magazine, alongside Elena Cardone (Grant Cardone’s wife) and several other public figures.

Immy believes in empowering business owners to build a strategy where they aren’t just visible in places where there is high intent for purchase decisions such as the Google My Business Maps but also to become the authority in their local region. With a great reputation online, this supplements all existing and new marketing efforts to achieve not only more visibility but higher conversions because potential clients/patients will trust you more, whilst also increasing the lifetime value of your clients/patients.

Imran Tariq who is more commonly known as Immy Tariq is a #1 WSJ Best Selling Author & is most known well for being the CEO of Webmetrix Group.

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