Overcoming Challenges and Bravery In Business With World-Class Business Change Makers

As we are working our way through 2023, many of us have faced new and substantial challenges. Overcoming these challenges and showing Bravery in Business is needed more than ever to support a positive future. I have put together this list of world-class business change makers to share their experience and expertise to inspire and give hope through those challenging times. In no particular order:

Marie DiamondDame Marie Diamond – CEO of Marie Diamond Publishing.

Global best-selling author, motivational speaker, and executive producer of several self-help TV shows and podcasts.

Can you share an example of a time in your business when you Overcome Challenges and had Bravery in Business?

Starting a self-publishing company was a big leap of faith for me. I began by releasing my first three books simultaneously, something I’d been told wasn’t the “done thing” in publishing. I stayed true to my intuition and all three topped the Amazon chart in eight countries.  

Most challenging was my Global Conscious Entrepreneur book. Collaborating with 48 other authors, I’d promised to deliver them a best-seller. Risky enough but I’d also given myself just four months to execute this project. A true testament to the power of collaboration, the book was number one on Amazon in eight different countries.  

Can you share an educational tip on how Overcoming Challenges and having Bravery in Business can help individuals in the industries you serve to grow and flourish through 2023?

It takes bravery to make an idea a reality. Sharing it with others, building your team, taking action; you need to be brave to bring an idea to life. It’s easy to push an idea aside, afraid of what might go wrong. Instead, bravery teaches us to focus on what can go right.  

Self-belief triumphs over fear. Trust in yourself and know that when an obstacle appears, you’ll have the strength to overcome it in the best way you know how. Every day is another step on the journey, so just keep putting one foot in front of the other.  

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in the industries you serve to Overcome Challenges and have Bravery in Business in 2023 and any pitfalls to look out for through these testing times?

Create a conscious office for yourself. Position your desk so that you can see the door. In Feng Shui, this places you in the path of the incoming flow of energy, accessible to any good fortune that comes knocking.  

Ensure that your chair is supportive. Pick one with a solid, high back with neck support and armrests. You want to feel like you’re sitting on a throne! Find your Success Direction using the Marie Diamond app, and display your company logo and awards here – anything that reminds the Universe exactly who you are and what it is you do.  


Dr. Corey, Hicks Health and Mental Wellness ExpertDr. Corey Hicks – CEO and Founder of Three V’s Corp.

Dr. Corey Hicks is a Speaker, Author, and a 20+ year Pharmaceutical Professional. As a former All-American Decathlon athlete turned biotech Regional Medical Director with over 23 years as a successful Healthcare Advocate and Motivational Speaker.

Can you share an example of a time in your business when you Overcome Challenges and had Bravery in Business?

There was a time in business when I decided to walk away from a business space that I was successful in, in order to grow and expand my knowledge and experience in an area that was new and unfamiliar to me.  

Can you share an educational tip on how Overcoming Challenges and having Bravery in Business can help individuals in the industries you serve to grow and flourish through 2023?

It’s important to view challenges as opportunities that are there to help and not hinder your growth. These opportunities certainly can make you a transformative leader in your area of business.  

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in the industries you serve to Overcome Challenges and have Bravery in Business in 2023 and any pitfalls to look out for through these testing times?  

It’s important to block out the outside distractions that certainly can derail you and surround yourself with a circle of trust comprised of individuals you respect and trust the most. These individuals will tell you what you need to hear and not what you want to hear. Lastly, during trying times you must have mental agility, with a willingness to adapt and adjust when needed to the business environment around you. Having the willingness to adapt helps you to grow and adjust your business model to the demands of the customer base you serve.  


Judy O’BeirnJudy O’Beirn – President, Hasmark Publishing International.

Judy O’Beirn, President and Founder has spent the last 15 years helping thousands of authors become Best-sellers; while facilitating their connection to readers’ hearts and souls through their message. She is also an author and Creator of a book series titled ‘Unwavering Strength’.  

Can you share an example of a time in your business when you Overcome Challenges and had Bravery in Business?

There were many times over the course of running a business, as most entrepreneurs will agree with. One specific time was when the market was shifting, as expected and doing what we were doing in the marketing realm no longer had the same effect so it was a decision to wind down or move in a different direction – which is exactly what we did. We not only added an important element to what we were doing but learnt it well and deliver authors dreams each and every day.

Can you share an educational tip on how Overcoming Challenges and having Bravery in Business can help individuals in the industries you serve to grow and flourish through 2023?

Just start! If you have a story that you’ve been thinking about, or an idea that has sparked just recently, write it down immediately. Becoming both a published and international bestselling author is an exciting, rewarding, and oftentimes life-changing experience, and it all starts with getting all of your ideas down so you can successfully start the author process. Think of your book as a business card to help you grow and share what you have to offer with the world, and this can greatly improve several facets of your personal business.  

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in the industries you serve to Overcome Challenges and have Bravery in Business in 2023 and any pitfalls to look out for through these testing times?

Leverage your book as a tool to expand your business. A lot of authors serve various different communities with the work that they do and services that they provide on a daily basis. By using the published and international bestselling book you’ve written to share your credibility in your business with prospective new clients, and even scale your business by creating multiple streams of income you can truly reach the next level as a business owner.  


Barbara VercruysseBarbara Vercruysse – Global Kindness Advocate.

Business & Personal Growth Coach – #1 Top 50 Global Thought Leaders on Mental Health

Barbara Vercruysse is the founder of ‘BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute’, internationally recognized Business and Personal Growth Coach, as well as a Mental Health Thought Leader and Public Speaker.

Can you share an example of a time in your business when you Overcome Challenges and had Bravery in Business?

In 2003 I was diagnosed with a stage-4 cancer as a mom of 3 little children with a newly started business. In 2016 I survived a near bankruptcy due to the betrayal of some employees. In 2023 I am thriving in my personal and professional life at the age of 52.

So what has been my biggest secret to turn my fate around? I never got discouraged because of my circumstances. I always looked for the silver lining and for the opportunities in the hardship and took every opportunity with both hands.

Also did I have the courage to look at my business and myself brutally honest and learn from my mistakes.

In hindsight I can see the role my cancer and my almost bankruptcy had to play in my life, how these horrible circumstances were every time a blessing in disguise. They taught me the most valuable lessons.

Can you share an educational tip on how Overcoming Challenges and having Bravery in Business can help individuals in the industries you serve to grow and flourish through 2023?

What is the difference between those who succeed and those who fail?

The difference is NEVER in the circumstances.

People who succeed:

– don’t have necessarily higher degrees than you have

– didn’t start with more connections than you have

– didn’t start with more money than you have

– didn’t necessarily have more support from partner & parents

The BIGGEST difference is that they decided TO NOT LET THEIR CIRCUMSTANCES CONTROL THEM. They are also humble enough to learn from every mistake and to keep making improvements. They keep a positive approach, are agile and keep moving on regardless of the times they live in.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in the industries you serve to Overcome Challenges and have Bravery in Business in 2023 and any pitfalls to look out for through these testing times?

You have an unshakeable power within you to overcome whatever life throws at you. Learn to put things in perspective and know that there is no challenge in business that you cannot overcome. And in overcoming challenges you build an inner strength that no other experience can teach you.  

That is the most valuable lesson that I learned: whatever life throws at me, I can handle it. Nothing is permanent, good times pass as do bad times. The essence is to live your life and build your legacy with passion.


Dawn BatesDawn Bates – Author Activist, Developmental Editor, Author Coach, Publisher and Keynote Speaker.

With positive social change and human rights underpinning everything she does, location free lifestyle, study with University of Oxford for her PhD, and a direct, yet cheeky sense of humour you can guarantee Dawn’s books and coaching are powerful and engaging.

Can you share an example of a time in your business when you Overcome Challenges and had Bravery in Business?

The biggest challenge I’ve had to overcome in business is the fear of rejection following my divorce after 18 years of marriage. The divorce rocked me to my core and impacted me on a very deep level. The unconscious narrative running the show was “If my husband, and the father of my children could reject me, then so will everyone else”. Making sales calls and emails scared the life out of me. Rejection was dancing in the background of every area of my life, and I knew I had to get to the deeper depths of this fear.

Can you share an educational tip on how Overcoming Challenges and having Bravery in Business can help individuals in the industries you serve to grow and flourish through 2023?

One of the best tips I can give everyone is to take time away from everyone and everything you know to know who you are, and what you stand for by facing your fears. Too many people have allowed themselves to be swept along in life. They don’t know why they are the way they are, why they do the things they do, or believe the things they believe. Read and explore subjects which challenge yourself on EVERY level of life. Then you’ll know what you’re truly made of, allowing you to achieve even more than you ever thought possible.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in the industries you serve to Overcome Challenges and have Bravery in Business in 2023 and any pitfalls to look out for through these testing times?

The best guidance I can give is to take a look at the reasons you’re afraid to voice the things you want to say or do the things you wish to do. In the West believe we’re free, but the fact we’re afraid to speak our minds or live life on our own terms, shows we’re oppressed and ruled by fear. Conforming to family, social, religious, or political pressures isn’t healthy on any level. To achieve everything we wish to achieve, we must face and overcome those fears, refusing the tyranny we live under by stepping into our courage.


Desiree Anderson - Founder of Crest Coaching & HRDesiree Anderson – Founder of Crest Coaching & HR.

Desiree is an International bestselling author, a Masters Level leadership coach and an advocate for helping women to successfully reach their crest and ride the waves of life and business.

Can you share an example of a time in your business when you Overcome Challenges and had Bravery in Business?

I started Crest Coaching & HR just before the pandemic. During lockdown I decided to write a program for remote leaders. Soon I was invited to speak on radio, write articles and since then have been published internationally and become an author contributing to two international No 1 bestselling books.

Whilst growing my business, I’ve also grown as a person. I’m now able to help others who have overcome hardships in their personal lives; I’ve shared my story and in so doing I’ve attracted customers who are inspired by my journey.

I would encourage any business owner or leader to be true to yourself. Don’t be afraid to show the real you. You will be surprised at how fast you leap forward when you are authentically brave.

Can you share an educational tip on how Overcoming Challenges and having Bravery in Business can help individuals in the industries you serve to grow and flourish through 2023?

The waves of life and business can bring many ups and downs. In 2023 and beyond we face many challenges societally, politically, economically and environmentally. In business there is increased competition and rising costs. As leaders and individuals, we need to be brave in order to harness the opportunities that are still out there.  

My advice would be that you need to be bold and individual in how you approach your life and career. In business, your ideal customer wants you to shine a light for them. They want you to show them how their lives can be enriched. It’s up to you to play your part by highlighting the positive in every situation. Even when there are setbacks, you can show others that you are able to rise up again and elevate yourself and others.  

By using the team’s talents and diversity you can encourage alternate viewpoints and ways of working. And in your home life you can try new hobbies or get a change of scenery. Being kind and honest with those around you will improve communication.

Challenges and have Bravery in Business in 2023 and any pitfalls to look out for through these testing times?

Pitfalls to look out for in 2023 include taking risks without appropriate planning and analysis. A false sense of positivity can be a danger signal when business is tough. Recognising your own and others’ mental health struggles is vital; it’s important not to ignore sleeplessness, stress & anxiety, mood swings and feeling low.  It’s motivating to strengthen ourselves through bravery. It’s great to conquer new frontiers to reach our true potential. Equally, we need to learn to be prudent and use our money wisely. 

Being consistent in our healthy habits and nurturing productivity and efficiency will help us move forward step by step. It’s all about a good balance between bravery, learning from mistakes and building solid foundations in our lives.  

When obstacles arise, your self-belief will give you the strength to face difficulties rather than run away from them. By reframing challenges and fears you will create new neural pathways that don’t just rely on fight-flight-freeze coping mechanisms.  

You can contact Desiree for Coaching at info@crestcoachingandhr.com and follow the link to sign up for her popular Sack your Sabotage Coaching program 


Stephan DekkerStephan Dekker – The Elite Performance Coach – Elit Performance Academy.

Stephan Dekker, The Elite Performance Coach, is an International speaker, Former Dutch Royal Marine, Former Topsport Coach, World Champion in Sailing, and founder of the Elite Performance Academy.

Stephan always worked in performance-oriented environments. Starting with the Dutch Royal Marines, hereafter Topsport Coaching and Professional Sailing, where he became World Champion.

Elite-Performance coaching is perfect for ambitious entrepreneurs and business professionals to reach their goals faster, providing them with the mindset, strategies, tools, and techniques needed for success.

The world needs more empowered leaders, which is why the Elite Performance Academy coaches them to build the foundation for sustainable growth.

Can you share an example of a time in your business when you Overcome Challenges and had Bravery in Business?

Covid-19 was a big challenge business-wise for me. During that time, I was still a full-time Topsport coach in double-handed catamaran sailing, and the pandemic totally shut down the racing circuit. Due to all the restrictions and uncertainty, 80% of my scheduled business for that year was cancelled. Unknowing how long this would continue I had to accept the situation and change course to continue serving my purpose. Inspire, motivate and educate high achievers who want to get as much as possible out of their lives.

Can you share an educational tip on how Overcoming Challenges and having Bravery in Business can help individuals in the industries you serve to grow and flourish through 2023?

Bravery is the basis for overcoming a challenge. It is your attitude that determines your altitude. Your bravery determines the way you focus, it determines whether you focus on the positive instead of the negative, focus on the solution instead of the problem. All in all, it determines whether you grow and flourish or stagnate and wither.  

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in the industries you serve to Overcome Challenges and have Bravery in Business in 2023 and any pitfalls to look out for through these testing times?

In these challenging times, staying in a positive and forward-thinking mindset will be challenging as you will be challenged to achieve your milestones and end goals. That is why now more than ever it is crucial to have a 100% clear understanding of your and your company’s purpose and mission. No matter how severe the storm is and how badly you and your yacht are affected by it, it always determines the right course to the expected destination, which ensures that you can always carry out your mission in any form needed


Dr. Rhonda M. WoodDr. Rhonda M. Wood – International Mental Health Keynote Speaker, Author, Coach, Advocate, & TV / Radio Host Presenter Chief Executive Officer of RMW Global Enterprises.

Recognized as one of the most prominent voices for mental health advocacy, Dr. Rhonda M. Wood is an award-winning international keynoter, bestselling author, and a leading authority on mental health on a mission to help individuals and organizations worldwide create open, inclusive, and supportive cultures around mental health, so they are equipped to shatter mental health stigmas and embrace compassion, awareness, knowledge, and acceptance.

Can you share an example of a time in your business when you Overcome Challenges and had Bravery in Business?

At the end of 2016, I was overworked, overwhelmed, and undervalued. I was juggling a demanding corporate career and raising a teenage daughter. My breaking point came when our family therapist said I was close to having a nervous breakdown. I heeded his warning, and through much hard healing work and by the grace of God, I prioritized my mental health through talk therapy, support groups, and other mental health resources.

Through an unwavering commitment to healing from past traumas and difficult circumstances, I can help the healing, empowerment, and transformation of others. I now travel worldwide, openly sharing my mental health journey through speaking, writing, and advocacy. And I share what I have learned over the past five and a half years with organizations, parents, and career professionals. I went from BURNOUT and near BREAKDOWN to a BREAKTHROUGH and successful BUSINESS. My gifts have made room for me. Not only have I found my voice, but I have also found my purpose.

Can you share an educational tip on how Overcoming Challenges and having Bravery in Business can help individuals in the industries you serve to grow and flourish through 2023?

Fear is one of the biggest challenges I have had to overcome while transitioning from the comfort and security of a full-time job with direct deposit and benefits to the uncertainty of entrepreneurship. I experienced fear of the unknown, fear of failure, and fear of what other people thought of me. I realized that when you push through the fear, you feel such a sense of relief that the fear subsides. If I had never been made uncomfortable, I would never have been able to make brave and bold moves in my business. I became more aware that I can overcome any fear or challenge that life hands me or that stands in the way of my success.

I always make a conscious decision to choose faith over fear. I am so grateful for the business opportunities I have had in life, but they only showed up when my courage did. You can still start a business, write a book, earn a degree, or do whatever you want to achieve. But you must always push fear aside and step out on faith. Your courage will pay off!

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in the industries you serve to Overcome Challenges and have Bravery in Business in 2023, and any pitfalls to look out for through these testing times?

Continue to move forward and live a life of purpose and fulfillment despite past experiences or current circumstances. Fulfillment is not necessarily about external measures such as money, power, or status. Instead, it is about your ability to work in your unique lane of genius and make a positive impact in the lives of others. It is about living authentically, committing to only what sets your soul on fire and challenges you to be your best. It is about sharing your gifts with the world so that you leave a legacy that will inspire future generations for years to come. To accomplish this, keep these things in mind:

  1.     Stay the course, stay focused, stay consistent, and never give up.
  2.     You must also continue to dream big, work hard, and surround yourself with trailblazers who do the same.
  3.     You must embrace, honor, and celebrate where you are now. Don’t chase, covet, compete, or compare yourself with others. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. And what is meant for you will never pass you by.


Lalitha Donatella RibackLalitha Donatella Riback – CEO.

Success coach, author of “Bliss Lab”, astrologer, expert in Vedic sciences & spiritual growth.

Can you share an example of a time in your business when you Overcame Challenges and had Bravery in Business?

At my former jobs, I was an executive in cultural institutions and PR. By the time I started my business, I’d never had a website or any idea of how to start a business.  

But I didn’t let that stop me.  

So I started from zero—went to B school and took several online courses. Then I met some amazing influencers who supported my approach.  

I credit these mentors and my spiritual practice for helping me overcome some overwhelming obstacles and bringing me good results.  

It turns out that spiritual growth and a grand mindset are the two key ingredients in running a business. And of course, just getting started. This is also true for my clients.  

Can you share an educational tip on how Overcoming Challenges and having Bravery in Business can help individuals in the industries you serve to grow and flourish through 2023?

Learn some form of meditation for controlling negative emotions and surround yourself with positive and successful people. In the words of Joe Vitale—successful people means those who have done their inner work. I totally agree.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in the industries you serve to Overcome Challenges and have Bravery in Business in 2023, and any pitfalls to look out for through these testing times?

  1.   After trusting yourself and your life purpose, visualize a grandiose picture of what you want to experience, and how you’ll help others with your special gifts. Then proceed.
  2.   I used to spend most of my time trying to motivate my team, instead of putting more focus on my clients and the offerings. Now I have a better idea of whom to hire. Working with capable people who believe in what you do is paramount for your success.
  3.   Always visualize what you want. And don’t identify yourself with any perceived limitations (money, looks, skills, age, education, etc.). They are not real. 


Sue Bayley aka The Autistic AdvocateSue Bayley aka The Autistic Advocate / Co-founder of https://tangledtreetribe.com.

A determined survivor, who has become a hero of her own life challenges. Giving a voice to the voiceless and meaning to the marginalised. Guiding herself initially, then her tribe. Grounded in presence.

Can you share an example of a time in your business when you Overcome Challenges and had Bravery in Business? 

I wanted to plug a gap in my ability to express myself. I flew to Hawaii for a gifted retreat. It involved painting and writing and speaking to a group of yet unknown women. As a neurodiverse individual with NonVerbal disorder, I found travelling, social groups, and new challenges extremely uncomfortable. My soul kept pushing me, and I found myself there in 2017. I painted, I wrote, and I got a standing ovation when I spoke of my Unleashed Urchin, based on my 3-year-old self. Now I intend to retire and offer guidance to those affected by neurodiversity, anxiety and mutism. This is an extension of my 24-year career in guidance, but “doing it my way for my tribe”.

Can you share an educational tip on how Overcoming Challenges and having Bravery in Business can help individuals in the industries you serve to grow and flourish through 2023? 

Say Yes, to opportunities that spirit puts in your path, like saying yes to this invitation to be present on this page. One leap of faith was when I spoke in a plenary session at the House of Lords in 2019, about Employment and Disability. It took every ounce of bravery, as it was a big known venue, yet again my soul pushed me to turn up. My husband always says that I am brave because I challenge my comfort zone often. It sure doesn’t feel that way inside me, yet I guess it confirms the stretch is happening in real-time.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in the industries you serve to Overcome Challenges and have Bravery in Business in 2023 and any pitfalls to look out for through these testing times?

Allow moments of stillness and quiet. Your inner voice will reward you with your wisdom.

Don’t try to fix anyone, just witness them. It truly helps them, yet you may never know the true impact. 

Learn to ignore fear sayers. Instead follow in the footsteps of your teachers, and your own inner knowing.

Know that nothing is wasted, and each fragment does finally interlock together as a whole.

Look for the gifts in the person in front of you, not their critic.


Anoush Khaze - Luminary, Resilience Coach, Speaker, AuthorAnoush Khaze – Luminary, Resilience Coach, Speaker, Author.

Anoush Khaze is an Inspirational Speaker, Resilience coach, and author, known as America’s Bounce Back Coach. He is an expert in helping people bounce back from setbacks and challenges in their personal and professional lives.

Can you share an example of a time in your business when you Overcome Challenges and had Bravery in Business?

On September 11, 2001, it was 9:00 o’clock in the morning I had just arrived at my office of a major financial firm in Boston MA. I noticed that the majority of my team was missing from their desks. I asked one of the employees walking by where everyone was. He said, “They are in the conference room” and when I inquired as to why he said “haven’t you heard the plane flew into one of the twin towers in New York. Everyone is in the conference room watching it on TV”. It took me a moment to realize what he said. Over the next hour in the conference room, I stood and watched and listened in dismay as the remainder of the tragedy of that day unfolded. I walked out of the conference room I went to a second conference room where the windows overlooked Boston Harbor. I stood there thinking to myself “what am I doing here? I commute nearly three hours a day and work eight hours a day away from my family. Anyone of those planes could have just as easily becoming towards one of our buildings in downtown Boston.”

At that moment I decided to leave a well-paying job and start my own business. It was scary. The uncertainty that went with starting a new business on my own, after having just bought a house, was married with kids, brought on tremendous fear. But the decision was made, and I launched my business two weeks later. I believe that was bravery. Bravery and courage are not the absence of fear, but it is doing what you believe is right despite the fear. Once the decision was made and I gave my two weeks’ notice the next day I was committed. There was no going back. 

Can you share an educational tip on how Overcoming Challenges and having Bravery in Business can help individuals in the industries you serve to grow and flourish through 2023?

In the world of business, it’s common to face challenges and obstacles. However, having the courage and resilience to confront them head-on can be beneficial in the long run. Overcoming challenges requires taking calculated risks and being open to new approaches, which can expand skill sets and provide valuable experience. Additionally, bravery in business can inspire others, attract partnerships, and establish a positive reputation. By demonstrating bravery, entrepreneurs can stand out from the competition and establish themselves as leaders in their field. Ultimately, embracing challenges and exhibiting bravery can lead to personal and professional growth, more opportunities, and greater success in the business world.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in the industries you serve to Overcome Challenges and have Bravery in Business in 2023 and any pitfalls to look out for through these testing times?

In Business and in life facing challenges and obstacles often requires bravery so we can achieve our goals. Here are some tips on how to overcome challenges and obstacles and pitfalls to look out for and avoid.  

  1. Stay focused on your goals, be adaptable and take calculated risks. These will help you navigate through challenging times and make informed decisions.
  2. Seek support and guidance from mentors, coaches or advisors who can provide valuable insights and help you overcome obstacles.
  3. Focus on finding solutions rather than problems, maintain a positive mindset, and take care of yourself to avoid burnout.

Some pitfalls to look out for include overextending yourself, ignoring feedback, focusing too much on short-term gains, losing sight of your values, and fearing failure. It is important to avoid these pitfalls and strike a balance between work and personal life, while prioritizing effective communication and building a strong team.


Stephanie Thompson - Ready To Launch MentorStephanie Thompson – Ready To Launch Mentor.

Stephanie, the Ready-to-Launch mentor, is a multi-award-winning international business empowerment coach, best-selling author of “Plan and launch your coaching business in 12 steps”, international radio presenter of “Stephanie’s Business Coaching Show”, global speaker, has appeared on BBC TV, BBC Radio and is founder of the Launch Your Course Academy.

Can you share an example of a time in your business when you Overcome Challenges and had Bravery in Business?

My first on-line challenge, to attract new clients was interesting!  There were so many levels of information to learn, create and implement!  It’s second nature now but oh that first time!!!!  

I dedicated time to understand the process, plan and create my content. I practiced and everything was good.

I got up early to double check everything.  The worst happened!!!!!!!!  No internet!

A quick search on my phone and voila our town has a 24/7 McDonalds.  Phew!!!!  A quick trip and I was soon set up in a corner of the restaurant to deliver my very first challenge at 6am.

Can you share an educational tip on how Overcoming Challenges and having Bravery in Business can help individuals in the industries you serve to grow and flourish through 2023?

Zig Ziglar quoted “It is your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude”.  It is so true!

When clients have a wobble, I ask “Why are you doing this? What is your vision?” to help them stay focused.

I remind them “We are doing today, what others don’t.  So we can do tomorrow, what others can’t”.

Being a solopreneur isn’t easy without a compelling vision, a plan and the right attitude to stick to it.

In the words of Earl Nightingale ““All you need is a plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.”

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in the industries you serve to Overcome Challenges and have Bravery in Business in 2023 and any pitfalls to look out for through these testing times?

Knowledge is only power when you DO something with that knowledge!

Yes, it’s scary going live, or launching for the first time.  However, many amazing coaches hide behind perfectionism.  I hear many say “I can’t launch yet because it’s not quite right!”.

Please know there is no such thing as perfect!  The minute it’s launched there will be somebody who doesn’t like the color, logo, content, delivery method – something!

How much time has been wasted enabling amazing transformations, whilst coaches have been getting it perfect?  So, take imperfect action, learning quicker faster, and help those amazing souls in need!


Josef Stetter - Corporate Culturist and Resume WhispererJosef Stetter – Corporate Culturist and Resume Whisperer.

 “Let’s talk about how to take the headache out of navigating the abyss of job searching with advanced strategies.”

Can you share an example of a time in your business when you Overcome Challenges and had Bravery in Business?  

My business partner taught me a $360,000 life lesson including over $90,000 in tax fines. This happened in a recession and my clients all downsized and put a three plus year freeze on hiring. I went from having over 40 orders a month to 0 overnight.  This completely derailed me, and I had to re-invent, be creative and innovative and get new clients while having expenses with no income, which was scary to say the least. I showed up and differentiated from others in the same industry to rise like a phoenix and come out even better that before.

Can you share an educational tip on how Overcoming Challenges and having Bravery in Business can help individuals in the industries you serve to grow and flourish through 2023?

These are exponential times, and the world is changing constantly. Many are living in fear and still dealing with the aftermath of a global pandemic, which is why it is so important to have faith and start creating opportunities for yourself. To achieve success, and financial security, you MUST be brave and show the value you are bringing that differentiates you from the sea of sameness. The more you are willing to own who you are, express why you are unique and the immense value you offer, the more people will seek you out and as a result: pay you more for your genius. You will come out ahead of the pack!

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in the industries you serve to Overcome Challenges and have Bravery in Business in 2023 and any pitfalls to look out for through these testing times?

I am a resume whisperer who has helped over 11,000 people land their dream job in as little as 2 days. Many around the world are very frustrated that their job finding process is slow or unresponsive. The reality is, that most job seekers send resumes on job boards that are cookiecutter and generic that get lost in the abyss of applicant tracking systems. BE Different! Add some colour, change the font, change the layout and most of all give results not generic I know how statements. Show why you matter and why you are the best at what you do!

Josef Stetter | Career Counselor – Josef Stetter

Neringa Petrulyte- Mentor, Elite Leader of Global Beauty Brand - Founder/Director of Modern NatureNeringa Petrulyte – Mentor, Elite Leader of Global Beauty Brand – Founder/Director of Modern Nature.

A strong woman whose mission is to show you the way to success and prove that you are worth to be more, to have more and to dream bigger.

Can you share an example of a time in your business when you Overcome Challenges and had Bravery in Business?

My success was built on many challenges. 

The most painful blow was rejection, especially from the closest people, friends. 

When we start something new, we naturally expect support and understanding from others. Here I learnt my first big lesson, very painful one but so much needed for my growth- start a business and you will see who your friends are. 

5.5 years ago when I started making my first steps in my new journey, relatives, friends laughed at me, they thought I was losing my mind. Nobody believed in me but it pushed me to focus even more on my goals, my mission, pushed me to believe in myself even more and never give up.

Rejection is hard, but it’s a part success and the way you respond to it is key????️ to your ability to move on to bigger and better things. 

I’m so glad that I turned rejection into learning opportunity rather than a devastating blow and experienced invaluable growth that served me well in my business and in life too.

Can you share an educational tip on how Overcoming Challenges and having Bravery in Business can help individuals in the industries you serve to grow and flourish through 2023?

Don’t try to avoid challenges. They are your biggest teachers, gifts and lessons. 

Learning from struggles and obstacles lays a solid foundation for success in later life. 

It’s the same as building a muscle. It hurts in the beginning, but the more you train, the stronger it becomes. 

Overcoming challenges provide so many advantages, learning experiences, mental and emotional strength, helps you stay centered and remain calm under pressure.

Without challenges life would be insignificant. 

Will it be difficult?- Yes!

Scary?- oh yes!

Worth it?- trust me! For the person you will become on the way.

Every time when you experience a challenge, ask yourself, what you can learn from it.????

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in the industries you serve to Overcome Challenges and have Bravery in Business in 2023 and any pitfalls to look out for through these testing times?

The hard, testing times will happen, but with the right mindset and practice you will be able to overcome them every time and grow in the process. 

With whatever challenges may arise (self-doubt, rejection, fear), always think and dream big. Don’t let your thoughts get in your own way!

Never give up! By giving up you will neither overcome the challenge nor learn from it. 

Take actions! Be persistent! Focused! Consistent! Disciplined!

Don’t look for easy ways! 

Scared?- do it anyway! 

Your results will be where your attention, focus and energy flow. 


Ty Moore (Dreamer.. Overcomer)Ty Moore (Dreamer.. Overcomer).

Brand Marketer, Healthcare Business Development Consultant, WORLD Traveler … AND Inspiring Public Relations

Ty Moore is a Business Development Consultant, Brand Marketer and Inspiring Public Relations Specialist who inspires and empowers individuals & companies and to create tips that customers love and ignite real results for business and a general to Giants.

Can you share an example of a time in your business when you Overcome Challenges and had Bravery in Business?

Working in the healthcare industry period you can be faced with challenges and adversities on a daily basis. I’m sure we all can agree that anytime dealing with the community it is a form of customer service, so there are many scenarios that I have had to help families cope with the loss of loved ones, assist staff with resources to pay their bills, assist and aid elderly patients when they had no family or loved ones; which is the foundation and background to how my non-profit organization “The Butterfly Dream” was founded.”

I can remember a few years back being burnt out on a dead-end job and It seemed my days grew longer and longer. I recall calling a great friend to which I was inspired by and inquiring about the appropriate steps I needed to take to move into my dream career of Marketing. I had already been in the healthcare industry for over 16 years, but I was ready to expand my portfolio. I took the appropriate steps with many failures, short comings and disappointments. However, I’m proud to say that I’m far past where I would have imagined I would be in my career today with great connections, and many opportunities ahead.

“I have a dream”

Can you share an educational tip on how Overcoming Challenges and having Bravery in Business can help individuals in the industries you serve to grow and flourish through 2023?

When in doubt, always go back to the basics. You can always find resources and guidance from regulations, principles, and guidelines to the business in which you are operating. It also helps to consider the Vision, Mission, and Foundation goals. If you are working for an organization there should be policies and procedures set in place to help navigate training and processes. If you are a sole entrepreneur, it is necessary to implement strategies, seek additional training, or network with knowledgeable individuals who are also in the industry. You can also contract resources or third-party compliance corporations that can assist you with making sure that you are in accordance to the rules.

This is also important for things such as litigation, lawsuits or in the event that the government state agencies conduct an audit on your business; which can lead to fines, violations or being forced to closing of business. Always make sure to stay up to date with new and upcoming state regulations.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in the industries you serve to Overcome Challenges and have Bravery in Business in 2023 and any pitfalls to look out for through these testing times?

With overcoming challenges and having bravery in business I can personally say that one of my biggest tips is to make sure you implement a plan and stick with it. Another solution would be to build a great support system who are enabling, empowering and encouraging. Do not become overwhelmed, keep a track of quality data to compare and contrast ways that you can always improve business. Remember people have no problem paying for great service.  

Pitfalls to look out for in testing times is to note you cannot make everyone happy. Your tribe will migrate to you; Which is in fact individuals who will support you in your business no matter what. Every review won’t be a five-star rating, so be open to receiving those negative reviews, and always be open to constructive criticism. Last but not least, “Each one teaches one”, It’s a great life value to help and show others the way!!!

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world”


Emilio Roman - CEO of Co-Author Network, LLCEmilio Roman – CEO of Co-Author Network, LLC.

Emilio Roman on February 15,2020 broke a standing Guinness World Record for one of the MOST Authors Signing A Book Simultaneously. Today Emilio and his wife Daniela Roman help Aspiring Authors and Entrepreneurs Publish their Authority Books through their Global Publishing Company(Co-Author Network,LLC) and Author Millionaire Academy(AMA) ~A Private Resource For Authors. 

Can you share an example of a time in your business when you Overcome Challenges and had Bravery in Business?

I once took a $10,000 loan to secure a business transaction that would get my business off the ground. It was a risky move, but I knew it was necessary to move forward. Though nervous, I decided to take the chance. Thankfully, it paid off, and my business began to take off. It taught me that sometimes in business, you have to take a leap of faith and trust in yourself.

Can you share an educational tip on how Overcoming Challenges and having Bravery in Business can help individuals in the industries you serve to grow and flourish through 2023?

My tip for individuals in any industry is to cultivate resilience and bravery to overcome challenges and seize opportunities for growth. This requires embracing a growth mindset and creating a supportive environment where failure is seen as a learning opportunity. To write a book, start with a clear idea of your message and audience, establish achievable goals and a writing routine, and be open to feedback and revisions. Remember, the process is iterative, and with persistence and dedication, you can achieve your goals and flourish in your field.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in the industries you serve to Overcome Challenges and have Bravery in Business in 2023 and any pitfalls to look out for through these testing times?

I would suggest that in order to overcome challenges and have bravery in business in 2023, individuals should focus on resilience, adaptability, and innovation. It is crucial to be able to quickly adapt to changes and pivot strategies as needed, while also maintaining a strong sense of purpose and values. Additionally, individuals should prioritize staying informed and connected with their networks, seeking out opportunities for collaboration and learning. Pitfalls to watch out for include overextending oneself, becoming too rigid in one’s thinking or approach, and losing sight of the bigger picture amidst day-to-day pressures. 


Lorita Marie Kimble - Digital Media StrategistLorita Marie Kimble – Digital Media Strategist.

Podcast Host, Best Selling Author, and Founder of Authority Proof™. I help your prospects find good stuff about you when they Google you.

Can you share an example of a time in your business when you Overcome Challenges and had Bravery in Business?

Sure, I’d be happy to share an example of a time when I had to overcome challenges and show bravery in my business. One particular instance that comes to mind was when I decided to pivot my business strategy from traditional content marketing to video, more specifically, video podcasting.

This was a big shift that required a lot of investment in terms of time, resources, and equipment. I had to focus on new skills and techniques, and also had to persuade my clients to try something new and innovative. But with perseverance, determination, and a clear vision of the future, I was able to successfully execute this transition and help my clients stand out online.

Can you share an educational tip on how overcoming challenges and having bravery in business can help attorneys in the legal field grow and flourish in 2023?

Certainly, I’d be happy to share an educational tip on how overcoming challenges and having bravery in business can help attorneys in the legal field grow and flourish in 2023. In today’s fast-paced and competitive digital landscape, it’s more important than ever for attorneys to differentiate themselves and stand out online.

By embracing new technologies like video podcasting, attorneys can create engaging and informative content that helps them connect with potential clients and establish themselves as thought leaders in their respective fields. While it may require stepping out of their comfort zone and taking risks, the rewards of being an early adopter of this powerful medium can be significant in terms of growth and success.

What tips or guidance do you have for attorneys in the legal field to Overcome Challenges and have Bravery in Business in 2023 and any pitfalls to look out for through these testing times?

Of course, I’d be happy to provide some tips and guidance for attorneys in the legal field to overcome challenges and have bravery in business in 2023. 

Firstly, it’s important to be open to new ideas and technologies, such as video podcasting, which can help you stand out online and reach new clients. 

Secondly, be willing to take calculated risks and step out of your comfort zone to embrace innovation and adapt to changing market conditions. 

Finally, it’s crucial to stay true to your values and principles, and to always act in the best 

interest of your clients. In terms of pitfalls to avoid, be cautious of overspending on technology and resources that don’t generate a return on investment, and always stay up to date on legal and ethical considerations surrounding online content creation.


Although there is still a long way to go, with fantastic business owners like the ones in this article leading the way, there is much to be hopeful for. Now is the time to overcome all odds and have Bravery in Business. Please comment about a time you have overcome all odds and had Bravery in Business in the comments and tag and share this with someone who will benefit. Keep moving forwards and shining bright towards a fresh, positive new future.

Mark Stepehen Pooler
Mark Stephen Pooler

A Premium Media and PR Agency

MSP News Global is a premium business magazine website that features influential business leaders, trendsetters and change innovators. It features and covers original authorship, real estate, coaching, business and entrepreneurial topics.

6 Thoughts to “Overcoming Challenges and Bravery In Business With World-Class Business Change Makers”

  1. […] bravery in business can be a valuable asset in overcoming challenges. Bravery, in this context, refers to having the […]

  2. […] bravery in business can be a valuable asset in overcoming challenges. Bravery, in this context, refers to having the […]

  3. […] bravery in business can be a valuable asset in overcoming challenges. Bravery, in this context, refers to having the […]

  4. […] bravery in business can be a valuable asset in overcoming challenges. Bravery, in this context, refers to having the […]

  5. […] bravery in business can be a valuable asset in overcoming challenges. Bravery, in this context, refers to having the […]

  6. This sounds like a pivotal moment to rise to a next level of influence.

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