Why Love Is Important In Business From World-Class Business Change Makers

Why Love Is Important In Business From World-Class Business Change Makers

Today, more than ever, love in business is so important. The whole world has suffered this last year with the global pandemic. Businesses and employees alike have been hit exceptionally hard. I truly believe love in business is essential to heal the world so that we come together as one global community for the good of all. I have put together this list of World Class Business Change Makers to share their advice on why love is important in business. In no particular order…

Dr. Travis Fox BTU360.comDr Travis Fox, BTU360, Celebrity Teacher, Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Life Architect, Doctor & EMMY Award winner. Top20 Entrepreneurs by Yahoo Fiance – 2020 Top 20 Influencers – 2020 by BuzzFeed.

Dr. Travis Fox transforms lives by guiding people through a step-by-step program that shatters living in the hypnosis of day-to-day boredom and how to finally architect a happy, successful life that’s created from passion and love. 

Why is love an important quality to have in business? 

First, your business should be built on your passion, or what I call the “architect” within. If you don’t absolutely love and feel excited about what you do every single day then your business will only go so far. 

Secondly, no matter what line of business you’re in, we are all in the people business. So if you’re just in it for the money, fame, cars, and have to hurt others or take advantage of someone’s weakness to “succeed”, you only end up hurting yourself, your business, and your colleagues in the long run. 

Can you share an educational tip of how love can help individuals in business to grow and flourish through 2021?

One tip that I have that can help people in any industry is to recognize and accept that 2021 is going to be the year of healing. Healing in terms of the body, mind, and most importantly, the spirit. For most of our lives, we are taught not to feel, that it’s not O.K. for men to cry or for women to be “emotional”. The truth is, we are emotional creatures and our emotions that drive us. If we’re not feeling good on the inside, then it’s going to reflect in everything that we do. Love yourself and dedicate time daily to healing. 

What tips of guidance do you have for individuals in business to be sure of a successful 2021 and any pitfalls to look out for?

The best tip I can provide for entrepreneurs is to be open to collaborations and joint ventures. This is where being in tune with your inner “architect” is so important. When you are truly creating from a place of passion and love, you will be amazed by how naturally the right people will come into your life and those collaborations will seem effortless. 

Some pitfalls to look out for in 2021 include “get rich quick” schemes and band-aide philosophies. You may have lost your job in 2020 and looking for a fresh start. Or perhaps you’re starting to realize your life hasn’t turned out the way you planned and want to make a change by starting a business. There are so many different coaches, mentors, and gurus out there ready to pounce on vulnerable people, guaranteeing that they have all the answers. Only you have the answers and it begins by listening to your own heart.


Unstoppable Tracy SchmittUnstoppable Tracy Schmitt

Expert in disarming limiting beliefs, Decorated Athlete, Award-Winning Business Leader, International TedX No1 Mega Success Speaker, Bestselling Author. As seen in Oprah Magazine. 

Why is love an important quality to have in business? 

To live a life of no excuses and therefore no limits, I believe the strength of love gives you the courage to bust your fears. 

Can you share an educational tip of how love can help individuals in perseverance to grow and flourish through 2021?

In 2021 the secret to earning independence is the realization we do not do it alone. The souls I recommend you surround yourself with are those with a tough-love approach facilitating perseverance. Who are the people that stretch you? The goal is to be the absolute best version of yourself. The folks that love you the most give you the gift of honest feedback. Notice there are two words in feedback. FEED is to nourish. BACK is the strength of your spine. Loving feedback strengthens you. 

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in Growth to be sure of a successful 2021 and any pitfalls to look out for? 

Exceeding uncertainty was the magic nugget in my growth. I grew up to be a World Cup Sailor. Sailing against 27 able-bodied men and only 3 women. I was one of those women. I was the only one with no hands and no legs. When I started… I failed my first summer. Feeling uncertain was no excuse for inaction.  With no arms and no legs, I kept falling out of the boat. It turns out you can’t pass if you cannot stay in the boat. I didn’t know how, but I persevered until I found a way to balance in the boat. If you feel like you’re drowning, don’t avoid failure, embrace the possibility YOU CAN DO IT!! Even if you don’t know how to get started, exceed uncertainty! Feeling uncertain is no excuse for inaction. 


Titi Horsfall Head of Business Relations in the LNG industry,Published Novelist and PoetTiti Horsfall – Head of Business Relations in the LNG industry, Published novelist and poet.

Why is love an important quality to have in business? 

Coming to terms with current realities, it is my humble opinion that the world is in need of love. Love to heal. Love to energize. Love to look to the future with hope and positive expectation. Love is deep affection, sincere interest and pleasure in doing something for others. As such, love is important in business because it nurtures healthy relationships between businesses and customers, and also strengthens the ecosystem within and among competing organisations.

In 2020, most people could not think far off into the future. People clutched at survival. They were downcast: businesses closed, jobs lost, fear was palpable. The real change following the past year, would come from the place of the human mind. In 2021, we should ask these questions: what are our values going to be, hence forth? How can businesses adapt to trending consumer behaviour vis-à-vis the past difficulties? Where would demand tilt to? What would it take to capture the heart of a customer and retain it within a volatile and dynamic space? How would market forces align for stake in profitability and sustainable growth in a disruptive world?

With businesses in the marketplace to meet the needs of customers and sharpen their product/service offerings, a lot should be done in and with love. People trust and remain loyal to businesses that show love. A business that makes profits on the ideals of love for its customers is sure to adapt to the changing needs of its customers, reinvent itself through interaction from customer touchpoints, and be a reference point as an admirable brand.

Can you share an educational tip of how love can help individuals in business to grow and flourish through 2021?

According to W.S. Gilbert, ‘It’s love that makes the world go round.’ I agree. James Autry also stated that ‘the power of love and caring can change the world.’ Incorporating love into the business place is fundamental in our emerging world. With this, the currency of goodwill for a business would be in large supply. It should shape customer orientation. To entrench love into the business, there ought to be a review or adoption of values that harp on this. No matter how hard built a business or industry is, it can work around values that reflect love – appreciation, passion, care, respect, devotion, regard, delight, esteem, loyalty, etc.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in business to be sure of a successful 2021 and any pitfalls to look out for? 

I recommend The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz. His advice: be impeccable with your words, don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions, and always do your best. 

Practically, more supportive collaborations; not necessarily, outsourcing. This would be enabled in the now highly digitalised world. Watch out for oppressive and aggressive dealings due to the strain of the past year. People would seek to take up new skills, increase the personal capacity, knowledge base, and enhance market attractiveness. We would likely see giant leaps in the creative industry, with skills and talents that cannot be easily digitalized.  

www.titihorsfall.co.uk, @titihorsfall (twitter, IG); FB: Titi Horsfall.

Meagan Fettes, The Client Attraction ExpertMeagan Fettes – The Client Attraction Expert

Why is love an important quality to have in business? 

Love is a powerful ingredient to begin with in business. It seeds your intention and what your business stands for, how you choose to support yourself to show up better each day, to the connection and relationships you build with your clients. Love is what gives you a deeper desire to think more vertically in your business to enrich your customers’ experience more profoundly. Your energy is your business, it’s a fluid experience that begins with you and it is the foundation for standing within integrity for your business, your mission, and those that you serve.

Can you share an educational tip of how love can help individuals in Holistic Industries to grow and flourish through 2021?

We are moving from transactional relationships to transformational relationships in business.  It is about being vs doing. Simplify your focus, get clear on one specific challenge that your perfect client has and what it would do for them in their life if that challenge was resolved. Take time to connect with that feeling – the celebration, the win, the transformation they would feel from working with you. Do this every time you go to create content, you connect with a new lead, focus on the abundance that your relationship together would create, and ultimately you will be amazed at the results you generate both in your own business and your clients’ life.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in Holistic Entrepreneurship to be sure of a successful 2021 and any pitfalls to look out for?

Build a community of people both in your industry and outside of your industry that supports your work. Get clear on what their niche focus is, not for competition, in fact exactly the opposite. As you attract new leads into your business you will find that some are not a perfect match for your business. By having a community of people around you that offer similar services to different types of people, you are more likely to be willing to let go of that less than perfect client for you and point them in the direction of someone who is a more sustainable fit. This builds integrity within your brand and love in your community that will lead to referrals and other business opportunities.


Annie Koshy - Branding Strategist, Media Personality and ActressAnnie Koshy – Branding Strategist | Media Personality | Actress

Annie Koshy empowers individuals to be true to their personal story and branding by eliminating confusion, refining actions, strategizing marketing plans, and mapping out a consistent branding voice. 

Why is love an important quality to have in business? 

There are many success drivers in business, but over my years of experience, no matter how affluent a CEO appears or how successful financially the business appears, the love and passion you have for your work and business will be a key indicator of its success. In the changing face of business today, success is about how you develop long-lasting relationships with individuals based on strong core values. It is the passion that one invokes in all aspects of running that business because anything less than being fully passionate about what you’re doing is cutting yourself and those you lead, short. You must work at a career that is not just a career but a passion that is fuelled by the very act of doing.  

Large corporations are now coming to terms with something that small business owners have known for a long time. People will resonate with a brand when they see themselves having alignment with the core values of that brand. Companies that have spent time in developing and nurturing relationships with their employees will have individuals who are more inclined to love their role in that business and in turn, be passionate about the work they do. Companies that applaud innovation and reward employees for ‘thinking out of the box’, will find higher job satisfaction with their employees. This continued relationship will develop into loyalty, affection, and love for a company as they feel they are ‘a part’ of it. 

That leads me to the final reason why love, respect, acceptance, understanding, and adaptability help to nurture strong employee to employee relationships, which are crucial for business success. Love has many forms – the common one being that of romance. But love in business is about respect and adaptability. It’s about being human. 

Can you share an educational tip of how love can help individuals in media to grow and flourish through 2021?

My love for media is demonstrated in how I use the tools in my field of influence to be the voice for the voiceless. To ensure that I provide an opportunity for those building their businesses to have a chance to share their passion and vision. Leadership is about first being a doer, ready to roll up the sleeves and participate even in the most mundane tasks or take moments to listen and learn and then share.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in business to be sure of a successful 2021 and any pitfalls to look out for?

I would encourage you to take the time to help promote and support those who you know in your world who have small businesses. It’s now, more than ever that we must come together as a collective humanity to overcome the aftermath of the catastrophic effects this pandemic has on all. Each one of us can support each other by buying locally and bridging the gap between those seeking help with those providing help in any area. The power of organic growth through word of mouth and social media is very powerful and it’s at this time we need to truly harness this power. 


Dr Karen Perkins THE Living First Class and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) AuthorityDr. Karen Perkins

Dr. Karen Perkins is THE “Living First Class” and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Authority, who guides executives and other motivated individuals to find, fulfill and take control of their destiny.  

Why is love an important quality to have in business? 

Pulitzer prize winner, Annie Dillard says that “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”

I happen to believe that having and sharing love is the secret weapon behind living a joyful life.

Think about it; most of us, a large portion of our day is spent working. In fact, the average person will spend over 62% of their day in work-related activities. If you’re spending 62% of your day, of your life, doing something you hate, what will be your quality of life? You’re going to find reasons, both consciously, and subconsciously, not to work, aren’t you? You’ll have a harder time getting out of bed every morning, you’ll have a harder time giving it your best effort, and you’ll have more stress, resulting in more illness.

And, by reason, the converse would be true. The more you love what you do, the more excited you are every morning, the more passionate you are about giving it your all, the more stimulated you are – internally and for those around you. You hate to be away from the job, your employees and colleagues hate to be away from you, your customers flock to you and refer their friends to you. All of this suggests that you’ll see higher creativity, productivity, and profits. 

Ergo, having a love for your job has a huge impact on your quality of life.  

Can you share an educational tip of how love can help individuals in business to grow and flourish through 2021?

Know this:  Your thoughts determine your emotions.  

Learn how to change your thoughts, and you’ll be able to change your emotions.  If you’re able to change your emotions, you’ll be able to change your reality

One definition of success is making each day just a little better than the day before.  The #1 key to this is to know, understand and master your thoughts and emotions. Keep in mind, there is a logic behind emotions AND emotions behind the logic. The two work hand in hand symbiotically.

Let me explain. We all share TWO CORE Emotions: LOVE & FEAR. Love is the basis for joy, happiness, fulfilment, and all things positive. Fear, on the other hand, is the key to all things that lead us to a sense of defeat, hatred, and resentment, and to all other forms of unhappiness. The two emotions cannot coexist. You can follow one or the other.

When you tap into Love and live your life around it, people are more receptive to you and your ideas. They want to be around you, to be in that bubble of love. They will do what they can to support you.  

As you’re immersed in Love, you naturally repel negative, annoying, and difficult people. This may create conflict as they want to quell your joy, but if you hold strong and act in love, they will quickly shy away from you. Better yet, they may find love in their heart and improve their own life and situation.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in business to be sure of a successful 2021 and any pitfalls to look out for?

All Superheroes (both DC and Marvel) and the greatest leaders in history are motivated by Love. They love justice, they love the people they’re leading, serving, and protecting. And let’s be honest, they love success!

You too will become a magnetic superhero and leader of your own making once you master love. To master love and its offspring, you must learn to identify your thoughts and understand and master fear and the emotions that stem from it.

The most effortless way to live in love is to follow my RAFPU methodology.  Recognize, Acknowledge, Feel, Process, and Use/Defuse (drop me a note to learn more about this).

Over the years, many executives and highly motivated people have been led to believe or conditioned that emotions are to be ignored, buried, or killed.  In truth, the most successful people in life, both men and women, know they are entitled to their emotions, though not to poor behavior, and they use their emotions to propel themselves to a better life.

By living in Love and the correlating thoughts and emotions that go with it, and through understanding and resolving fear and all that comes with it, one WILL truly master their life and its outcome.

2021 IS the year to Create and Live in LOVE. It’s time for you to find, fulfil and take control of your destiny!


Gayle Edwards Global Impact & Personal Brand StrategistGayle Edwards

Global Impact & Personal Brand Strategist empowering Intuitive Entrepreneurs to dare to disrupt their marketplace by magnetising their message, amplifying their brand, and multiplying their profits.

Why is love an important quality to have in business? 

I am a huge advocate of the Human 2 Human Economy which is an evolving ecosystem that allows Entrepreneurs and Brands to have a “giving impact” with each transaction and interaction.    

Can you share an educational tip of how love can help individuals in Entrepreneurship to grow and flourish through 2021?

Entrepreneurs and Brands that subscribe to High Tech are the ones, in our digital age that have really advanced. However, times have changed and as the Human 2 Human economy grows even further consumers and clients are demanding more than just digital interaction. They want to know that businesses truly care. Therefore, those that have a High Touch strategy in alignment with High Tech are the ones that will be the real winners. A High Touch strategy allows for heart and it allows for vulnerability therefore, it facilitates trust and we all know that businesses thrive on trust. 

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in Entrepreneurship to be sure of a successful 2021 and any pitfalls to look out for? 

This is not a year for fear and uncertainty in our businesses – we had that last year because we did not know what to expect. Regardless of viewpoints of the global pandemic, vaccines, etc., there is no doubt that there is light at the end of the tunnel. This is our time to be brave in our actions and strong in our decisions because we have learned the lesson of fragility and the limitation of time. Do what your heart desires and do it with fervour.


Alka Sharma, Founder and CEO of Alka’s Total FitnessAlka Sharma, Founder, CEO, Alka’s Total Fitness

Why is love an important quality to have in business? 

Love is important in business because the passion you exhume to clients, from giving a handshake, a warm embrace and developing connections and rapport goes a long way.

Can you share an educational tip of how love can help individuals in Health & Fitness to grow and flourish through 2021?

Yes, absolutely, love and loving others starts by loving you from within. Self-care and self-love are vital components to our wellbeing. Once we accept ourselves, love ourselves fully, we will begin to love communities, our neighbors & the world…

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in Health & Fitness to be sure of a successful 2021 and any pitfalls to look out for ?

Staying active is crucial, our health is our number 1 priority. Not staying active will lead you down the path of obesity and depression. Binge eating can also very quickly give rise to these complications.


Karen Baines, Conscious Wealth Mentor and Founder of The Conscious Wealth CodeKaren Baines – Conscious Wealth Mentor, Founder of The Conscious Wealth Code 

Why is love an important quality to have in business?  

As human beings, we are here to align and experience a life of abundance.  

We are creators of love. We are a soul that has a body, and that soul has been created of divine love.  Love is therefore a very core energy of alignment that is readily available to us.

Typically, for heart-centered entrepreneurs, much of our abundance will show up through our businesses in the form of such things as clients, opportunities to share our message with the world, and, of course, money.  

Designed to create, we do that through the process of choice and consequence.  What we choose, we create more of.  

Therefore, when we choose from love we create more love – more of what we love, more of who we love, and more opportunities to choose even more love.  

Love is an energy that is very much aligned – and success, money, joy – in fact, anything that a business owner desires for their business – all are a happy by-product of alignment.  So when you choose love, you create more of the things that resonate to love – more of the things that you want.

Can you share an educational tip of how love can help entrepreneurs in wealth creation to grow and flourish through 2021?

At this point, it’s of key importance to understand how we create, which is through the process of choice and consequence.  

Every time you do something, you are taking action as a result of a choice.  

How you felt about the action you took will also underpin the consequence. This is because vibration, or frequency, is the energetic language of the Universe. The BigU will always respond to you, and its response will always be “YES!”

Money is creational energy manifested at a physical level. It’s tangible, and you use it to purchase tangible things or experiences. Money is creational energy, because the more we have, the more choices are available to us.

Spending money is a choice, and when we purchase something we are energetically assigning value with our money to that purchase.  Be sure that the energy of your purchase is love.  That way, you will effortlessly and naturally vibrate at a frequency of abundance, thereby creating more money through your business as a consequence of that.  

What tips or guidance do you have for entrepreneurs in wealth creation to be sure of a successful 2021 and any pitfalls to look out for?

You can’t compartmentalise energy. So when it comes to assigning value with your money, it doesn’t begin and end in your business. The language of money is Universal, so become energetically congruent with all of your spending, in all of your life areas.  

That way, you’ll go a long way to creating more love everywhere, as well as in your business.   

The BigU can only say YES! The pitfall of course being, that it recognises only energetic frequency, not whether we actually like something or not. It’s just assumed that if we’re choosing it, we want more of it!

So the love, or any other energetic quality associated with your choices, must be 100% authentic, not obligation, or guilt, or any other misaligned energy dressed up as love. The true frequency cannot and will not be disguised or hidden. Be crystal clear on how you truly feel about your choices before you act on them, so you don’t wind up creating a ton of obligation, resentment, and sacrifice. These energies are not loving at all, and are in no way aligned to a successful business.


Melody Chardon -Professional Certified Coach, Grief Recovery Specialist, Mental Fitness Facilitator, and Healthy Life DesignerMelody Chardon – Professional Certified Coach, Grief Recovery Specialist, Mental Fitness Facilitator, and Healthy Lifestyle Designer.

Melody passionately and compassionately supports working parents in optimizing their health, happiness, relationships, and career, during times of uncertainty and change.

Why is love an important quality to have in business?

For many of us, personal and professional lives have become one. We can’t leave our emotions at the door, at work or home, anymore.

Working parents are doing their best to balance family caregiving, marriage (or in some cases separation and divorce), online or hybrid learning, with career and business relationships. This can be a heavy load to carry. Especially if you think you have to be strong for others.  

When we bring love into business, in the form of empathy and compassion, we create safety, trust, and connection. This opens the door for healthier relationships, innovation, and collaboration. 

Can you share an educational tip of how love can help working parents to grow and flourish through 2021?

When we’re stressed, we’re not at our best. 

Stress can leave you prone to negative thinking and being mentally hijacked. When you slip into judging someone or something as bad, or wrong, you create separation and conflict. Your families, employers, clients, and colleagues feel your judgement, whether you speak it out loud or not. 

What tips or guidance do you have for working parents to be sure of a successful 2021 and any pitfalls to look out for? 

You are not alone. You may find you are easily irritated, less patient, and uncharacteristically upset or angry, especially during times of uncertainty or change. 

Love is a remedy for stress. Self-love is a great place to start. Your thoughts drive your emotions and control what comes next, your words and actions. You can start relieving your stress by taking a deep breath.  

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What am I thinking?
  2. What am I feeling?
  3. What is the most loving thing I can say or do right now? 

Be patient and compassionate with yourself, as you practice bringing more love into your heart, home, and business. You’ll be surprised what this adult version of a ‘time out’ will do for you and how it will shift your relationships. 


Lotus Riche’ DR. h.c., Transformation Strategist, Founder and CEO Lotus Riche’ Ignites Coaching & Consulting, LLCLotus Riche’ – DR. h.c., Transformation Strategist, Founder and CEO Lotus Riche’ Ignites Coaching & Consulting, LLC.

Why is love an important quality to have in business?

According to most of the dictionaries on the planet, love is caring for someone else deeply and unconditionally. I believe it is also having this same energetic frequency for what we do as a vocation. As Business Change Makers we must lead with love to free ourselves from conditional chains that bind us in business so that we may share our gifts and talents with the world as we leave our footprint in the sands of infinity. Leading with love opens the floodgates of possibility. 

Love helps us to lead from a heart space that elevates people to a higher frequency of existence and operation hence, it drives us as change makers to elevate to a higher level in a way that involves physical strength, effort, or energy; and strenuously helps us and those we service succeed. Love helps us to lift others as we vigorously empower them

Can you share an educational tip of how love can help individuals in Entrepreneurship to grow and flourish through 2021?

As a coach and consultant helping entrepreneurs connect globally with people, I share that love can open doors that were once closed. The frequency of love can heal wounded relationships and open the gateway to new ones that a simple business pitch will never do. People can see love in your actions, feel it in your words and through your expressions. Thus, this can sometimes form an unspoken respect and cohesion between people almost instantly.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in Entrepreneurship to be sure of a successful 2021 and any pitfalls to look out for?

  1. Be sure to always look at new ways to enhance your services and products as you serve from a heart space of love.
  2. Network with people globally.
  3. Learn as well as teach. Great teachers need great teachers.
  4. Invest in your business spiritually (through prayer and meditation), emotionally, financially, and with sweat equity.
  5. Plan your work and work your plan until you WIN!
  6. Get a great mentor. It’s not bragging if they have done it. Great mentors need great mentors.


Jacqui Connor, Founder of Be Happy GlobalJacqui Connor, Founder – Be Happy Global  

Jacqui is a transformation coach who digs deep so that her clients can elevate for embodied peace, self-power, and purpose, she founded the Elevate You Accelerator and Be Happy Global.

Why is love an important quality to have in business?

A lack of love for what you do will run deep into the main veins of your business, causing significant damage along the way.

Although it has been said time and time again, love what you do and do what you love. You should never undermine the value in that.  When we have a great passion and love for our business, it will shine through in myriad avenues. Your customers will feel it, your staff will sense it, your business will grow and blossom in remarkable ways, previously unimagined. However, it’s not something that can be faked or manufactured. It sits deep within your being.

In current times, it’s natural to feel lost, frustrated, maddened at the state of the world, suffocating from the never-ending influx of negative news. But, that doesn’t mean all is lost. When you have a love for your business, it’s important to allow that to dominate any other challenges that come your way.

In the end, the big question is, did you choose what you love? If not, then all is not lost either. Clearing your stress, anxiety, and fear can work wonders to raise your energy and re-explore the state of possibility. 

Pause and pay attention to your inner voice (The quiet, gentle voice within, rather than the one that sounds like your critical parent, the media, the school bully…) and listen deeply to what it is telling you as it will rarely lead you in the wrong direction. Align that truthful whisper with your work in the most natural and real way possible. To get out of your head focus on the things that you love outside of work – take a breath, bake a cake, perhaps go for a walk deep into the forest.

The solution is waiting for you. Belief in that and gratitude for even small blessings is enough to reignite the fires of love for all things, including your business. The power of clarity. The gift of deep love. Expect the solution to arrive and it will. In the end, where there is love, nothing is unsolvable, especially in business.

Can you share an educational tip of how love can help individuals in the Personal Development Industry to grow and flourish through 2021?

To grow and flourish in 2021, self-love needs to be your central focus. Namely, respect, kindness, and generosity to yourself, in the same way that you would offer to others. Naturally, this is easier said than done. We’ve all been through one heck of a year. That, mounted on top of old wounds, fears and criticisms make 2021 a challenging year to elevate. Yet, it is possible. Like all new adventures, the journey to self-love takes practice and patience. Here’s a tip based on a system that I use with my clients, to guide them beyond their thinking mind to a place of self-love and respect in a time they need it most.

  1. Set a clear intention in your mind. One that is determined to elevate and practice self-love.
  2. Intend to be present to your deeper truth.
  3. Stop. Place your hand on your beating heart. Breathe deep.
  4. Straighten your spine, feet flat. Think of roots grounding you right through to the soles of your feet, connecting and stabilising you to the earth beneath you.
  5. Once stable, imagine all the goodness of the earth – health, abundance, safety, certainty, love – coming up through the roots, and into your body through the soles of your feet. Let them journey north, all the way up through every part of your body.
  6. Breathe gently.
  7. Visualise a bright light of unconditional love coming down through the top of your head. Allow the light to untangle your thoughts, unblock your third eye, clear your throat. Feel that clarity work its way through your spine, to your heart, your belly, the root of your tailbone, through your legs, and stabilise once more at your feet. Feel the security, solution, stability you are looking for in 2021 and generate it out through your feet and into the earth as you create a full circuit.
  8. Imagine self-love raining down on you.
  9. Breathe. Give thanks.
  10. Feel the connection, imagine your year as you wish it to be. Feel it in your body, write it down, ask for a solution, practice again and again and refine your process to suit you.
  11. Repeat daily or as needed. Feel the clarity more and more each time you practice.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in the Personal Development industry to be sure of a successful 2021 and any pitfalls to look out for?

Never forget the power that you have inside of you. It is stronger than you may think.

We all face challenges; we all feel like this crazy world is crumbling around us from time to time. Yet, if we remain in sync with our inner strength and stability, then we can take back our power and lead with love in everything that we do, at a moment’s notice. This will help to avoid any hidden pitfalls, any bumps along our 2021 journey.

Take the time to clear your vision when stresses pile on and obstacles stand in your way. If my clients face a particular challenge, I advise them to write it down on a piece of paper. I would suggest for you to do the same to be certain of success in 2021. Ask the universe to guide you. Place every thought you have on that paper and ask for it to be released. On a fresh sheet, write a clear question in present tense and end with ‘thank you, thank you, thank you. It’s done, it’s done, it’s done.’ Sign it with tomorrows, or a future date, then sleep on it. Literally.

Place the paper under your pillow and see what happens after you wake up the following day. Your brain is programmed to solve your problems. By writing it down, you remove the potential of ‘overloading it’ or causing it to crash. Instead, you are reaching deep into your consciousness and finding the solution to move forward. It is in there; you simply need to dig deep, and access it, listen and take the next step. 

With that attitude and that focus, 2021 is filled with potential. Full gusto, absolute power. Choose to win at your own game. In the end, you set the rules; there is no other option but to win.


2021 can be a year of healing, hope and progress. The progress may appear slow at times, but let’s all do our part to stay hopeful for the future and come together united as one global family.

Life and business is not about competition, it’s about collaboration and co-operation. Let’s lift those who have suffered and been hit hard through these testing times and bring support to those in need. Sometimes, this can be as simple as just taking time to listen and care. I am certain that love in business can help to heal the world. 

Why do you think love in business is so important? Share your answer in the comments… 

Please help us to share the love by sharing this post and tagging a friend who you feel will get value. 

Mark Stephen Pooler, CEO & Founder, TMSP AGENCY, A Premium Media and PR Agency
Mark Stephen Pooler
A Premium Media and PR Agency

MSP News Global is a premium business magazine website that features influential business leaders, trendsetters and change innovators. It features and covers original authorship, real estate, coaching, business and entrepreneurial topics.

20 Thoughts to “Why Love Is Important In Business From World-Class Business Change Makers”

  1. Thank you Mark Stephen Pooler Business! What a packed article of insight from some extraordinary mover and shakers! What a team!

    1. It’s great to have you involved Unstoppable Tracy

  2. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

  3. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

  4. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

  5. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

  6. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

  7. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

  8. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

  9. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

  10. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

  11. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

  12. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

  13. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

  14. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

  15. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

  16. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

  17. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

  18. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

  19. […] that individuals can come together as one global community. Mark has gathered an impressive list of World Class Business Change-Makers who share their advice and thoughts on what they believe the role of love may have in today’s […]

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