World Class Change Makers Share Tips To Step Up Into The Best Version Of Yourself

World Class Change Makers Discuss Being The Best Version Of Yourself

As Entrepreneurs, it can sometimes be a lonely road. A road where we have to rely on our own courage, determination, and ability to adapt. This isn’t always easy; looking after ourselves is vital to supporting a positive future. In this article, world-class business makers and change makers share their experience and expertise to inspire and give hope through those challenging times. 

Dr John Demartini, Human Behavior Expert, Polymath, and Internationally Published AuthorDr John Demartini, Human Behavior Expert, Polymath, and Internationally Published Author

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for anyone wanting to step into the best version of themselves?

Instead of comparing ourselves to others and putting people on pedestals or in pits, it’s wiser to compare our daily actions to what we know is most deeply meaningful, most inspiring, and most truly of the highest value in our lives.

Whenever we’re living by our highest values, we are most authentic. We raise our self-worth. We expand our space and time horizons. We become more effective and efficient, objective, less subjectively biased, less judging, less empty, and more fulfilled, and there’s no higher magnificence than our authentic self.

Giving ourselves permission to do that and not trying to be someone we’re not, as an imposter, liberates us from the baggage we carry around when we try.

By putting people on pedestals, we minimize ourselves.

By putting people in pits, we’ll exaggerate ourselves.

When we minimize or exaggerate ourselves, we’re not being true to ourselves, and there’s nothing greater than being true to ourselves. We want to be loved and appreciated for who we truly are.

Also, when we exaggerate ourselves, we become more narcissistic and project our values onto others, expecting others to live according to our values, which is partly futile. When we minimize ourselves, we become altruistic and sacrifice for others; neither of these is sustainable.

Being ourselves creates the most fair exchange and the most sustainable, profitable, viable, and fulfilling relationship dynamics. The most significant thing we can do is compare our daily actions with our highest priorities. If we fill our day with high-priority actions, it won’t fill up with low-priority distractions that undermine our power.

Q: What obstacles or challenges may individuals face when working on self-improvement and stepping into the best version of themselves?

The pursuit of self-improvement is the first obstacle.

When you realize there’s nothing you need to fix and wake up to the magnificence of who you are, you realize that moral hypocrisy of trying to be better compared to what? We only make a mistake in our mind when we compare our actions to somebody’s values or some tradition, convention, or moral construct out there that we incorporated and injected from someone else into our lives. We don’t make mistakes in our own values… We only think we make mistakes when we attempt to live in someone else’s. We only think other people make mistakes when we project our values onto them! People don’t make mistakes in their own values because they evaluate things through their values.

If you hire someone in a company, someone disengaged who can’t see how the job description will fulfill what’s most meaningful to them; they’re not really going to be inspired or intrinsically driven to act… Don’t look at them as if there is something wrong with them; look at yourself or whoever hired them. Because you hired someone who’s a round peg in a square hole, it doesn’t match.

What matches is finding somebody who really is inspired to do that job and then free it up, then they’ll do a greater job than you can do, and you’ll be grateful for their contribution. But if you’ve hired someone and forced them to do something that isn’t inspiring to them or aligned with their values, and they’re making mistakes, you might unwisely think there’s something wrong with them. Then, you have falsely projected a label onto them.

I firmly believe in honoring people for who they are, and who they are is what they value most. And the same for our own life. So stop being somebody you’re not. Allow yourself to identify your core competency, stick to that core competency, and delegate the rest away.

I am competent at teaching and writing. I haven’t driven a car in 33 years and haven’t cooked since I was 24. I’m 69 now! So, for everything that is not inspiring for me to do, something that I might need some incentive, motivation, or reminder to do, I delegate to other people who would love to do it and stick to what I love doing: teach, write, research and travel, that’s it!

Q: What is the best way to balance individuals’ positive and negative thoughts when looking to improve their mindset and to step into the best version of themselves?

Well, 40  years ago, I was in active clinical practice. If I had a big day and saw a lot of patients who stated “what a great doctor I was,”… I’d start letting it go to my head, get a little arrogant, all puffed up, would drive home, and upon arriving home my wife would nail me to bring me back down to authenticity!

At first, I was ignorant, thinking I had a toxic wife. She wouldn’t realize ‘I was the king’ and ‘I’m amazing’… But, she was taking me off my pedestal because when I’m on it, I’m cockily proud, exaggerating myself, and not actually thinking about my customer. I’m thinking about me. I’ve lost track of what my purpose in the business was. So, I noticed I got nailed, and then if I had a really down day and I thought, “Ah god, what a day,” then I noticed she would massage my shoulders and lift me up, and I remember thinking, “this is crazy” if I’m down she supports me If I’m up she knocks me down… But what she was doing was helping me get back into authenticity. I didn’t see that at first because I was addicted to the idea of only being proud, positive, and supportive.

So, I started to govern myself. When I had this cocky day and thought I was amazing, all puffed up like a rooster, I started asking questions. What patient’s name did I overlook today? What staff member did I forget to thank? What procedure did I not do as thoroughly as I could? What checklist did I overlook? And I would humble myself back down, and it would calm me down as I looked at the facts. I wouldn’t stop until I got a tear of gratitude for the opportunity to serve people. And when I got home, I had an amazingly loving wife. The moment I was centered, she was centered. We had a stable dynamic.

If I had a day I felt down, at the end, I would ask counterbalancing questions: Whose anniversary did I remember? Who did I thank today? What procedure did I do? I asked myself the opposite question. So, I had 30 questions I would not go home until I asked myself to ensure I was centered. When I was centered, my business was my stable, the trajectory was more consistent, my relationship was more stable, and I was not puffing myself up, being narcissistic, and putting false expectations on people. Or beating myself up, getting altruistic, and sacrificing because of insecurity.

I maintained a sustainable, fair exchange between myself, my loved ones, my staff, and my customers. If you don’t govern yourself and become authentic, the world around you kicks your butt until you do. Everything within you and around you acts as feedback to get you an authentic and self-governed individual to become the greatest you.

Brenda Dempsey, Founder and Ceo Book Brilliance PublishingBrenda Dempsey,  Founder & Ceo Book Brilliance Publishing

Brenda Dempsey, Action Taker, Change Maker, and Influencer, is on a mission to empower entrepreneurial leaders to share their stories and brilliance, open doors of opportunities and impact others, creating Ripples of Brilliance.  

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for anyone wanting to step into the best version of themselves?

BRILLIANCE:  We are all born with a divine brilliant light within us.  Your brilliance is unleashed through your gifts, words and actions.  Unleashing your brilliance is easy when you connect within and ignite your purpose and passion while letting your vulnerability, authenticity and personal power light a path ahead of them.  Brilliance is infused with Love, Light and Truth.

Q: What obstacles or challenges may individuals face when working on self-improvement and stepping into the best version of themselves?

You will be challenged in many ways, emotionally, physically, psychologically, and spiritually.  That is your opportunity to embrace them and know that they strengthen your resilience, enabling you to bounce back bigger and better.  Be confident in the lessons learned; you must apply them to your life by taking daily action.  There is no such thing as CAN’T. Everything is possible.  Dream – Believe – Achieve

Q: What is the best way to balance individuals’ positive and negative thoughts when looking to improve their mindset and to step into the best version of themselves?

I love the concept of Plot Twist. 

When negative thoughts enter your head, shout, “Plot Twist”  You are the author of your story. 

You can write the journey and the ending.  Envision a dark tunnel, like the underground, and see a train enter the platform from the right.  As the doors open, visualise the negative thought get on the train.  As it does so say, “You no longer serve me, Bye Bye!” 

Now watch the train pull away to the left entering a dark tunnel with your negative thought.  Next change that negative thought into a positive one (eg I can’t make money to I CAN make money)  Now visualise the train coming from the opposite direction and as it stops at the platform, you and your new positive thought alight the train.  As the doors close you find your journey entering a tunnel of light and revelation.

Lalitha Donatella Riback, Founder of ShreemLabLalitha Donatella Riback, Founder of ShreemLab, Author of Bliss Lab and Il Laboratorio della Felicità, and 200% Life Coach

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for anyone wanting to step into the best version of themselves?

Personal or spiritual growth takes first place in my coaching, because our reality stems from within. After discovering your true nature, which is infinite potential, just be yourself.  In 2022, three Nobel Prize winners in quantum physics proved that the universe doesn’t exist without our participation or observation. So who we are and our perceptions create everything and the observed is the observer.  

Still, compassion and love for ourselves and others, believing we already have what we want, can change our reality. And if our goals include helping those who suffer and contributing to a better world, then we can achieve anything.  

Q: What obstacles or challenges may individuals face when working on self-improvement and stepping into their best version?

Fear of being inadequate, or the so-called “impostor syndrome” is a real obstacle. It’s normal to feel that way—we all have experienced it at some point in time. In my 200% Life Coaching there are many practical tools for removing insecurities and blockages, and acquiring more self-confidence and the ability to succeed in life.

Q: What is the best way to balance individuals’ positive and negative thoughts when looking to improve their mindset and to step into the best version of themselves?

Ideally, we want to eliminate negative thoughts that steal belief in ourselves. According to research, the nature of the mind is primarily negative, with the so-called negativity bias and an average of 35-60 thoughts a minute.  

This is why we need to be very vigilant with our thoughts, as negativity robs us of our peace and intelligence.  So by refusing to believe or act on bad thoughts (like feelings of insecurity, hatred, jealousy, negative expectations), choosing positive beliefs, and visualizing what we wish to experience—we will enjoy a balanced mind and positive results.


Christine Marsh, Author, Inspirational Speaker, Catalyst for ChangeChristine Marsh, Author, Inspirational Speaker, Catalyst for Change 

Christine’s commercial background was gained within the highly competitive retail environment, spanning both operational and learning & development in senior management roles. Christine launched her own consulting and training company, Prime Objectives, working across many disciplines and countries worldwide. 

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for anyone wanting to step into the best version of themselves? 

Firstly, acknowledge that you need to start with a genuine desire to fulfil who you truly are, and what you can achieve. You came into this world already gifted with the core foundations of your life’s purpose.  

When you were born you were given an assumed identity with a name, gender, nationality and lineage. At some point in your life, you will decide to go through a re-birth process and rediscover yourself.  Be confident to step into the best version of yourself. Then you can reach out to extend your love for others.

“The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age which mean never losing your enthusiasm.” Aldous Huxley

Q: What obstacles or challenges may individuals face when working on self-improvement and stepping into the best version of themselves? 

You will have to face external judgements as you progress through your life from parents, family, friends, teachers, and society in general. You need to survive by not being dependent on other people’s approval. Otherwise, this will dramatically impact the clarity of what areas you truly need to improve in. Be sure of your strengths and be honest about your current abilities in a realistic and grounded way. Choose wisely who you listen to and are influenced by.

Your inner light can only be extinguished if you lose faith in yourself. Be sure to nourish your natural talents by living your life to the full, not diluted, of the true you.

Q: What is the best way to balance individuals’ positive and negative thoughts when looking to improve their mindset and to step into the best version of themselves? 

You need to be aware of the impact of your mind chatter. Imposture syndrome is recognised as one of the biggest causes of self-doubt. You have the choice to either reject or accept the negative thoughts and accept that you can be your own harshest critic. Positive results flow from the positive use of your energy through seeking solutions. Stay focused on your dreams in order for them to become your reality.

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, It can only be changed from one form to another,”

Albert Einstein

Paulina Xenia, Manifestation CoachPaulina Xenia, Manifestation Coach

Paulina is a global manifestation coach, known for her grounded and practical approach to manifestation, which has allowed thousands around the world to unlock what they want from life. She is also the host of the top-rated podcast called Manifesting Simplified -Podcast.

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for anyone wanting to step into the best version of themselves?

The best version of yourself is already here! There’s nowhere to get to, because you’re only one decision away from stepping into that version of yourself. Get an evening to yourself, light some candles and put on your favorite music… and start writing the movie of your best life.

You’re the creator of your life and this is your movie where nothing is off limits and everything is possible. Write the storyline of the movie exactly how you want your life to be and make sure to describe the main character of the movie exactly how you want the best version of yourself to be. What do you want to experience? What do you want to accomplish? How does this version show up in life?

For a long time I felt like I was meant for more, but I was faced with the reality of living a mediocre life where I was settling for less because I didn’t feel worthy and good enough. It wasn’t until I released the limiting beliefs and my self-doubt holding me back that I stepped into the confident version of myself and started showing up in a different way and my reality started to expand. The key to becoming the best version of yourself is ultimately focusing on elevating your self-concept and shifting your beliefs to align with the best version of yourself.

 Q: What obstacles or challenges may individuals face when working on self-improvement and stepping into the best version of themselves?

We often think about our dreams and the best version of ourselves as being far away and out of reach, and so it’s easy to put things off and tell ourselves that we have all the time in the world to realize our dreams. It’s the “one day” -mentality that kills those dreams, because when stepping into the best version of yourself feels uncomfortable and the critical voice in your head tells you ten different reasons for why it’s not possible for you, it’s easy to put it off into the future.

After creating the movie of your best life, notice what beliefs pop up that tell you why you cannot experience it. It’s these beliefs you want to break free from, so that you feel worthy of having what you want and start showing up as the best version of yourself no matter what. Because you become the best version of yourself by intentionally showing up as them moment to moment.

One of the biggest obstacles is who you surround yourself with, because the people closest to you often want you to stay exactly the same. The thing that helps my clients become the best versions of themselves and expand in their life and business is to have a beautiful, committed relationship where they feel supported, loved and cherished by their partner.

Q: What is the best way to balance individuals’ positive and negative thoughts when looking to improve their mindset and to step into the best version of themselves?

From growing up in an abusive home where I incorporated a negative mindset with self-doubts and anxiety, thinking I wouldn’t amount to anything and letting beliefs hold me back for years, to now feeling mentally free and not having thoughts keeping me from becoming the best version of myself, I’ve found that it’s a combination of working with the body and the mind.

When you begin to regulate your nervous system through powerful modalities like breathwork, and show your body that it’s safe in the here and now moment, you will gain a higher level of awareness where you’ll be able to see your thoughts like clouds in the sky just passing by. This way you will take your power back and show up despite the fearful thoughts and doubts.

Travis Parker, married to Kourtney Kardashian, developed fear of flying after being in a plane crash, and it was only after doing breathwork that he was able to get back on the plane. From my experience working with clients, breathwork has been a powerful tool for manifesting their dreams faster, because most of your negative thoughts are only ever a by-product of a dysregulated nervous system.

Sarah Brown Haté, Founder of SOUL-Based Healing and MentoringSarah Brown Haté, Founder of SOUL-Based Healing and Mentoring

Sarah is a coach, teacher, healer, best-selling author, and speaker who brings energy work, emotional release, empowerment, intuition, empathy, compassion, and love into her work with women who identify as people-pleasers, perfectionists, and high achievers, accompanying them on a journey to show them the way to get to the root of their imbalance, disconnection, and misalignment by shifting their past narrative, releasing their pain, putting an end to the toxic relationships they have, especially with their mother, and reconnecting to their own wisdom, inner strength, and power so that they finally become leaders of their best lives.

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for anyone wanting to step into the best version of themselves?

Know that you have everything you need within you. Your main job is to trust yourself. If this feels difficult, ask for help from someone with the mindset you seek, a like-minded mentor, someone who’s already done the inner work, who’s overcome their fears and limiting beliefs, who’s living their best life. Your inner child knows exactly who you are and how you can be the best version of yourself; you have forgotten. Together with trust is the willingness to embark on a journey of self-discovery and to weather the storms along the way.

Q: What obstacles or challenges may individuals face when working on self-improvement and stepping into the best version of themselves?

In my personal and business experience, there are many challenges including the feeling of being alone, imagining that they’ll have to forego everything they’ve built up to step into the best version of themselves or quite simply not having a clear idea of what that best version looks like. When we begin working on self-improvement, we can be afraid of judgement from others, experience an inner conflict and ignore our feelings and emotions. This leads us to look outside of ourselves, doubt our abilities to change, and even talk ourselves out of taking the next step on our journey.

Q: What is the best way to balance individuals’ positive and negative thoughts when looking to improve their mindset and to step into the best version of themselves?

Connecting to their heart, first and foremost. Thoughts are in the mind and are the first thing to influence our behavior. Our heart is our inner compass and by connecting to its wisdom, we’re able to trust our feelings, address any fears or doubts from a place of love, and explore our values, personal strengths, and natural talents. Adopting a reflective mindset also helps, as does accepting that some days will be better and easier than others. After all, we are energetic beings whose natural state is one of ebb and flow!

Andrea Ramirez Fortuna Living, Hypnotherapist, Channeler, Spiritual Consultant, Author and Speaker.jpgAndrea Ramirez. Fortuna Living, Hypnotherapist, Channeler, Spiritual Consultant, Author and Speaker

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for anyone wanting to step into the best version of themselves?

Every once in a while, stop and observe your life. Look at your achievements, how far you have come, all you have experienced and see yourself here today like a living testimony of a life that is unique, and be grateful.

Never forget who you are, where you come from, your victories and defeats; they are all you. They are the stepping stones that brought you up here where you are now, alive and breathing.

Investing in your healing and restoring your self-worth will directly affect and reflect in your life. Allow yourself to open the doors to change.  

Q: What obstacles or challenges may individuals face when working on self-improvement and stepping into the best version of themselves?

We consciously know that thing we would like to improve, but sometimes we fail to fulfill the steps necessary to achieve that goal.

The answer is in our subconscious.

We spend 97% of our day running on our subconscious and only 3% running on our conscious mind.  

Ask for help to find the real subconscious programming keeping you from reaching your goals.  

Your thoughts are “things” and they create chemicals in your brain. Your body becomes addicted to them when you have the same feeling or thought for an extended time. Observe yourself: not everything you think is real.  

Q: What is the best way to balance the positive and negative thoughts that individuals face when looking to improve their mindset and to step into the best version of themselves?

Observe what you consume: food, TV shows, podcasts, etc.  

What are you programming into yourself?

Look at most shows or movies. Realize the kind of violence the world is consuming.  

Be conscious of everything you consume, what you put in your mind and in your body.

When a thought, feeling or behavior comes to your attention ask: Is this coming from my subconscious? Is this really me or is this an acquired/programmed behavior/thought/feeling?

Observation and taking conscious steps to ultimately change and heal yourself, is the key to be re aligned with the best version of you.

Stephan Dekker, The Elite Performance CoachStephan Dekker, The Elite Performance Coach, is an International speaker, Former Dutch Royal Marine, Former Topsport Coach, World Champion in Sailing, and founder of the Elite Performance Academy.

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for anyone wanting to step into the best version of themselves?

Imagine you are a ship heading for uncharted waters. Embrace discomfort, because growth is outside your comfort zone. Every wave and gust of wind tests your resilience. Similarly, challenges refine your character. Getting into your best version takes courage to navigate uncharted waters. Embrace mistakes as learning opportunities and set sail for continuous learning. Your journey is unique to you, don’t compare it to others. As the horizon beckons, remember that greatness emerges when you commit to becoming the captain of your destiny.

Q: What obstacles or challenges may individuals face when working on self-improvement and stepping into the best version of themselves?

The journey of self-improvement is not without its challenges. Doubt and fear can lurk and cast a shadow over your ambitions. The scarcity of time can test your dedication, and frustration can tempt you to make out or even give up. However, like a sailor navigating storms, I want to challenge you to embrace the skill of perseverance. Map out your path with clear goals and break them down into achievable steps. Cultivate a network of like-minded people and coaches to guide and support you towards your goal together. Remember that every challenge, once overcome, turns into a milestone, propelling you toward the person you are meant to be.

Q: What is the best way to balance the positive and negative thoughts that individuals face when looking to improve their mindset and to step into the best version of themselves?

Picture your mind as the ever-changing weather, where clouds of thunder come and go. Similar to a sailor adjusting sails to navigate the winds and waves, you can confront or peacefully weather the storm with calm, confidence and control. Guide your mindset to be more positive by directing your thoughts. Recognize negative thoughts without critique, they’re passing clouds in your mental sky. Nurture positive thoughts, anchoring them for strength. Stay present, observing thoughts without fixation. Empower gratitude, acknowledge progress, and accept challenges. Ultimately, it’s the control of these waves that propel your journey towards your true self.

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf”

Jackie Brennan, CEO and Founder of Workplace WellbeingJackie Brennan, CEO and Founder of Workplace Wellbeing

Jackie, international speaker, sought-after coach, and trainer and published author worked in the construction industry for 39 years from the ground up to the board table and knows what it takes to build a construction company that really thrives and she also knows where the gaps are.

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for anyone wanting to step into the best version of themselves?

When I first heard the following question, it stopped me in my tracks;

‘what has to happen for you to love yourself enough to get the life you want?’

It was asked by a wonderful lady called Sandra Grace, and it was the catalyst that started me on my journey of stepping into the best version of me.

Self-love is not vanity, although when I was growing up it was seen as that,  

Embrace self-love, practice self-love, and believe in self-love because all transformation starts from within.

For me, it’s the foundation for any self-development work.

Q: What obstacles or challenges may individuals face when working on self-improvement and stepping into the best version of themselves?

One challenge I certainly had was always wanting the next course, the next book, and the next step without giving myself time to integrate the learning from the first step.  

It took a while for me to understand that you make much faster gains by taking your time, absorbing the learning and doing the drills to get the skills.

Because if you don’t, those ‘next’ courses, books etc can easily turn into ‘shelf development’ and you find yourself wondering why you’re not getting the results you want.

The challenge is to take your time and appreciate each baby step forward.

Q: What is the best way to balance individuals’ positive and negative thoughts when looking to improve their mindset and to step into the best version of themselves?

I would recommend two simple techniques, and both are based on where you place your attention.

Your neurology is hard-wired to seek out and answer any question you ask it – yes, even the ones that you may not really want answered!

Which means asking good questions, and empowering questions will keep those positive thoughts in the foreground because your ‘Reticular Activating System’ (RAS), your built-in filtering system, will seek out the positive answers.

The second technique is simply expressing gratitude for the positive things in your life.

These two techniques will help to limit the impact of negative thoughts.

Gwen Lepard, Owner Joy Centered LifeGwen Lepard, Owner Joy Centered Life

As an International Bestselling Author, Transformation Coach, and  Luminary Speaker, Gwen Lepard empower Conscious Entrepreneurs and Empaths to evolve beyond limitations and narcissistic abuse.  

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for anyone wanting to step into the best version of themselves?  

The practice of self-love is a journey that anyone who desires to be the best that they can be will take at some point.  

The path to joy, peace, and gratitude goes through self-love. When you choose to love the very cells of your being, forgive the patterns that you were given, and reframe the programs you’ve been running, it becomes easy to step into the best version of yourself.  

There are many paths to self-love. My favorite is conscious breathing. Hold the intention of you as your best and breathe life into that version of yourself.

Q: What obstacles or challenges may individuals face when working on self-improvement and stepping into the best version of themselves?

There is a phenomenon called “snap-back” that happens when we expand our awareness, open to new possibilities, and/or choose a different path than we’ve been programed onto.  

If you’ve ever attended an empowering seminar, you’ve experienced it. You have wonderful expansions in awareness and have created a new version of your life.  

Then you go home. AND…SNAP! Life happens.

You find yourself not able to hold onto that new vision of yourself. All the former self-talk, not good enough, imposter syndrome, the doubter, and/or the saboteur show up with a “mirror” of the past.  

Q: What is the best way to balance individuals’ positive and negative thoughts when looking to improve their mindset and to step into the best version of themselves?

Our breath is our most powerful tool for self-development, self-love, and self-healing.  

Anxiety and negative thoughts run rampant when we aren’t getting enough oxygen due to shallow breathing. By simply taking three Easy Breaths, you can shift your balance back into positive thoughts.  

Such a powerful tool! It’s no wonder that meditation is becoming mainstream, with many studies showing its effectiveness. Meditation is simply a form of conscious breathing.  

To be your best, you’ll meet obstacles, and I invite you to remind yourself to breathe and receive self-love. The journey is truly worth it!

Neringa Petrulyte – Mentor, PhD - Elite Leader of Global Beauty BrandNeringa Petrulyte – Mentor, PhD – Elite Leader of Global Beauty Brand – Founder/Director of Modern Nature, Dream Chaser

Neringa is an inspiring leader, showing and leading the way to a better life and success to thousands of people and proving with her actions that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for anyone wanting to step into the best version of themselves?  

Want to step into the best version of yourself? – Congratulations!! It’s a serious commitment and your DECISION that depends ONLY ON YOU !!

Becoming the best version is an incredible journey that brings you closer to yourself every day. It’s a journey that gives you the confidence to dream bigger and achieve more while you enjoy today. 

Your desire to get better means you feel you have a greater calling and are ready for your own upgrade, your transformation, and to grow and change!

Most people prefer to stay where they are because it’s easy and these people are the ones who you hear complaining how bad life is and how they can’t achieve anything. 

The good news is – you are not like most of them!! You are willing to take a step forward to your greater potential. 

To be the best version of yourself means you want to be true to your values; you want to do things that bring you happiness, purpose, and meaning.

I’ve been there, and let me tell you something – it’s such a beautiful, never-ending journey!

Enjoy every moment and every single step of it!!

What obstacles/ challenges do you face when working on self-improvement?

Every journey has its swings and roundabouts. Working on your own self-improvement is not easy. You want to get better – it means you want to grow. And growth is not easy; growth is painful. You will have to stretch; be prepared for this.

You can run away from many things but can’t run from yourself. Take my advice, and become friends with life’s best teachers – heartbreaks, failures, challenges. Stop running away from the hard things because they build and polish you. All challenges in life are given to test you. Oh, I had so many of them in my personal life and in my business… use them to your advantage!

Try to see the other side (because there are always two of them!!) and see what it teaches you. 

To grow, you must fail! There is no other way to get better. If you don’t fail, you will not be able to improve. I failed hundreds of times but never ever let myself to give up on me. 

Yes, the journey to becoming a better version of yourself requires being mentally tough. Our own minds and thoughts that we think are the biggest obstacles to becoming better. 

Try to develop a habit of catching want you think, be present with yourself, hear your thoughts.

Let go of the past stories in your head that don’t serve you anymore. I almost broke my neck, looking there, to my past..  It almost destroyed me.. not worth it, trust me. 

It’s hard to overcome the stories we tell ourselves about our own past experiences, BUT!!! ONLY YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR STORY AND START WRITING A NEW ONE!!! NO ONE BUT YOU!!!

Be in the present moment, focus on what you can control and let go of what you can’t. 

Best way to balance the positive and negative thoughts.

We all do have negative thoughts sometimes. Notice what do they do to you. The more you give in to them, the stronger they become. Thinking negatively affects your decisions. It drains your energy, makes you feel worse and keeps you from being in the present moment.

Do you want to be in that damaging mental health?? Stop playing the victim! We are what we think!! 

I’ve trained myself to trap negative thoughts (like cockroaches in my head:), I do my best to catch them and find 10 positive thoughts to 1 negative. 

The best way to balance them is to see and understand where are they coming from, where are the roots and change the perspective. Write them down and throw them away or talk about it with a mentor to see in a new light. 

When you start thinking negatively, switch your focus to what’s around you and see what brings you joy. Go eat a bar of chocolate, take a bubble bath, or go dance in the rain! I promise it will help!!! Want to know what I do? – I go to help more people; it makes my heart sing at once!

I control my controllables. If you feel that things are frustrating or out of your control, write a list of how you can improve things. Whether it’s your thoughts, words, or actions.. and then choose to DO THOSE THINGS and THINK ON THOSE THINGS. Everything else goes into the “things I can’t control” mental box. Just let them go. 🙂 It helps to find the balance between positive and negative thoughts.

It’s very important to remove toxic people from your life and connect with like-minded, positive ones who support and inspire you to improve. Aim to be one!

Be your own friend, and be grateful. Gratitude is a great mood booster, by the way!!

When life throws lemons at you, go and make some lemonade!!!

Focus on your goals and glow up!!

Improving yourself is the first step in improving everything else. And you can do it because you’ve made this decision already and you are the most important person in your life, getting better every day.

Desiree Anderson, Founder, Crest Coaching & HRDesiree Anderson, Founder, Crest Coaching & HR

Desiree Anderson is a Master level Coach, Bestselling Author, Speaker and Founder of Crest Coaching & HR. Her company helps jobseekers, entrepreneurs and leaders with coaching, training and consulting to define what success means for them and to value themselves in life and work.

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for anyone wanting to step into the best version of themselves?

Take time through coaching and mentoring to get really honest about what this best version of yourself looks like. Is it that you want to release comparison, perfectionism and fear of failure? Do you want to appreciate your blessings more and start to become more joyful? What do you want to feel when you have attained the ‘best version of you’?

With the help of a skilled professional, you will take time to answer what your unique best self is so that you can start to live your best life. One of the best tips I can give you is to celebrate the lessons you have learnt in your life up to this point. Also, give yourself permission to release versions of yourself that make you feel like a failure.

Always remember that although it’s healthy to strive to be better, you are already enough.

Q: What obstacles or challenges may individuals face when working on self-improvement and stepping into the best versions of themselves?

When clients start coaching most say that they need to work on their relationships with other people or they say that they want to achieve more money or success. The truth is that you need to start with yourself, so that you start to align your thoughts with your actions in a mindful way.  

One of the biggest obstacles is our fear of our own vulnerabilities. Once we are able to delve deeper and accept what we find there, we can start to unravel layers of conditioning from our childhood and come to terms with the experiences that have shaped us to this point.

Our inner child has helped keep us safe, but now we need to acknowledge him/her but allow a more empathetic and confident self to lead the way.  

A key aspect is being open to feedback from others so that we can begin to work on our blind spots without self-criticism.

Q: What is the best way to balance individuals’ positive and negative thoughts when looking to improve their mindset and to step into the best version of themselves?

When I coach clients, I use a variety of models to help them reframe their thinking so that they become more adept at positive, balanced thinking. NLP, questioning models and Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping on meridian points) can all help.

We have so many thoughts running through our mind all the time. One of the first things to become aware of is that they are just ‘thoughts’.  

Pause to examine your thought without judgement to yourself. Is it true? What is the evidence for your thought/statement? If it’s not true, think about other ways you can look at the situation. You may want to journal this and brainstorm more realistic scenarios/statements.

If you’re struggling to reframe positively, take time to acknowledge you have gained more awareness. See thoughts floating away like clouds in the sky; don’t judge them; just accept that they are merely opinions.

Journaling is a brilliant way of balancing your thoughts.  Write down any negative statement and reframe into a positive. For instance: ‘I’ve made so many mistakes’ can become ‘I’ve had some valuable lessons that have made me wise and will help me in the future’.

Lidia Kuleshnyk, aka Lady Apona, High-Performance Wellness CoachLidia Kuleshnyk, aka Lady Apona, High-Performance Wellness Coach

Lidia Kuleshnyk is a High-Performance Wellness Coach who helps overworked, stressed-out, high-achieving men and women master their inner power, manage their energy and stress, and create their highest state of health

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for anyone wanting to step into the best version of themselves? 

Take responsibility for your health and your life. No one will do the work for you. Only you create who you are and your success. The three most powerful steps for healing, transformation, personal growth, and achieving success are to become more Centered, Connected, and Conscious™.  This is done in two fundamental ways:  Strengthening your core energy, which is your fundamental life force, and cultivating a deep relationship with yourself.  When you align your vision with who you truly are, release your intellect, and expand your awareness, you can begin to step into the best version of yourself.

Q: What obstacles or challenges may individuals face when working on self-improvement and stepping into the best version of themselves?

 It can be challenging to change your habits, lifestyle, and mindset. Learn how to honour yourself and know that you are worth living your greatest life. Do the inner work to heal, grow, and evolve so that you reclaim your sovereignty and step into the best version of yourself.  This is the lifetime to do it. Do not wait any longer. Start now and create your own unique path in life. You are needed, in your greatest power, to support others and the world.  The time is now.

Q: What is the best way to balance individuals’ positive and negative thoughts when looking to improve their mindset and to step into the best version of themselves? 

Avoid external distractions that can pull you back into old patterns and imprints of negative thoughts. Create mantras, and affirmations of positive thoughts and post them everywhere in your house: over your light switches, over your sinks, on your mirrors. Commit to training your mind with the thoughts you desire while strengthening your core energy so that eventually, your mind can easily think positive thoughts as a spontaneous, subconscious response, supported by the frequency of your fundamental life force.  Create a vision board and look at it every night, every morning, and feel your goals as if they are already accomplished.  Embody the future you.

Michelle Reinglass - ADR Office of Michelle ReinglassMichelle A. Reinglass, ADR Office of Michelle A. Reinglass

Michelle is a reformed lawyer turned Mediator; Speaker, Author, Documentary Coordinating & Assistant producer; Balance expert & Reiki Master;

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for anyone wanting to step into the best version of themselves? 

Passion, Burn; Discipline, Mastery.  Understanding why this goal is important adds fuel to the fire and drives us to take inspired action toward the goal, plus avoid obstacles.   Discipline must be applied to achieve mastery, which is necessary to reach your best version of yourself.  To succeed, maintain discipline, and be motivated,  your goal must matter and be important to you. If it aligns with your passion, purpose, your “why?” if you feel that burn inside of you to do it, you create the motivation necessary to stay disciplined and not be seduced by distractions like social media, Netflix, etc. 

Q: What obstacles or challenges may individuals face when working on self-improvement and stepping into their best version?

No one succeeds without facing some obstacles, challenges and adversities.  In fact, those are what strengthen us and help us reach mental toughness to withstand the hard times.  Almost every entrepreneur and business person encounters fears of failure, or success, self-doubt fueled by others or self-induced;  feeling inferior, losing confidence, comparator complex when seeing others who seem to be doing better than you.  Learn from each fall and failure, face fear and move through it, rely on teachings from famous “failures” turned success. (Thomas Edison (10,000), Jack Canfield (144 rejects), Mohamed Ali, & 1000’s more.  You must have BELIEF.  

Q: What is the best way to balance individuals’ positive and negative thoughts when looking to improve their mindset and to step into the best version of themselves?   

Mindset, Gratitude & Belief are your friends.   See negatives and adversities as gifts, teaching and showing you a better path.  All successful people have them. Remember, it’s your journey that matters.

Mindset is everything.  You can control it.  When challenged, YOU choose your reaction,  to complain or get back up.  Remember your purpose and goal to become your best version of yourself.  Are your thoughts positive or negative?  E+R=O, means Event & your Reaction equal Outcome. Gratitude is the cure for everything.  Each morning, think of all you’re grateful for.  Gratitude changes moods and mindsets.   BELIEF.  You must believe in yourself, consistently.

With all of these inspiring change makers in business, my hope is you’ll find the words you need to help step into the best version of yourselves as we start thinking about the end of 2023 and look ahead to 2024. Please comment about a time you have managed to step into the best version of yourself in the comments and tag and share this with someone who will benefit. Keep moving forwards and shining bright towards a fresh, positive new future.

Mark Stepehen Pooler
Mark Stephen Pooler
A Premium Media and PR Agency

MSP News Global is a premium business magazine website that features influential business leaders, trendsetters and change innovators. It features and covers original authorship, real estate, coaching, business and entrepreneurial topics.

6 Thoughts to “World Class Change Makers Share Tips To Step Up Into The Best Version Of Yourself”

  1. […] CEO and Founder of TMSP Agency, Mark Stephen Pooler, has compiled tips from an impressive list of world-class change makers who present their journey as a wellspring of hope and inspiration during the most trying moments. […]

  2. […] CEO and Founder of TMSP Agency, Mark Stephen Pooler, has compiled tips from an impressive list of world-class change makers who present their journey as a wellspring of hope and inspiration during the most trying moments. […]

  3. […] CEO and Founder of TMSP Agency, Mark Stephen Pooler, has compiled tips from an impressive list of world-class change makers who present their journey as a wellspring of hope and inspiration during the most trying moments. […]

  4. […] CEO and Founder of TMSP Agency, Mark Stephen Pooler, has compiled tips from an impressive list of world-class change makers who present their journey as a wellspring of hope and inspiration during the most trying moments. […]

  5. […] CEO and Founder of TMSP Agency, Mark Stephen Pooler, has compiled tips from an impressive list of world-class change makers who present their journey as a wellspring of hope and inspiration during the most trying moments. […]

  6. […] CEO and Founder of TMSP Agency, Mark Stephen Pooler, has compiled tips from an impressive list of world-class change makers who present their journey as a wellspring of hope and inspiration during the most trying moments. […]

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