World-Class Women in Business Share Tips to Create Success and Abundance

World-Class Women In Business Share Tips To Create Success And Abundance Featured Image

In this anthology article, “World-Class Women in Business Share Tips to Create Success and Abundance,” you’ll benefit from the wisdom of 18 remarkable women, each offering unique perspectives about achieving lasting success and abundance.

Their stories remind us that success is not just about reaching a destination but embracing the journey with purpose and passion. Enjoy the lessons and experiences of these extraordinary women, each a testament to the power of determination, mindset, and authenticity.

Elena Cardone - Bestselling Author, Businesswoman, In-Demand SpeakerElena Cardone – Empire Builder, Lifestyle Influencer, Author, Public Speaker and Investor

Elena Cardone is a lifelong competitive sports shooter and now wife, mother, author, businesswoman, empire builder, event producer, mentor, public speaker, and visionary.

Can you share your top tip for creating lasting success and abundance?

The top tip for creating lasting success and abundance, I would say, involves self-improvement and ethical living. I’m constantly focused on self-improvement, as is Grant and everyone in our organization. We’re dedicated to enhancing ourselves both personally and professionally.

We don’t rest on our laurels but always strive to improve ourselves. This constant push for improvement leads to success and further success because we’re always expanding, growing, and evolving. Ethical living is crucial; you can’t achieve long-term success through unethical actions.

To walk in the light, you must have clean hands. Success becomes more sustainable when you lead a clean, ethical life without having to hide from anyone. This includes being cautious about who is allowed into our empire and organization, avoiding toxic people or those with malicious intentions.

It’s crucial for success to be surrounded by individuals who share your mission and core values. One of our hardest lessons is that enemies can destroy from within. Allowing people who don’t share your core values into your circle can threaten the very foundation of your empire.

What advice would you share with women and men in business to keep a strong mindset on their journeys to success?

First and foremost, find out your purpose and why you’re doing this. Hopefully, you arrive at a purpose bigger than just you, something you will live and die for, no matter what. Then, adopt a future-forward mindset. It’s about committing first and figuring the rest out later. You don’t need all the answers right now.

Envision that future for yourself, then reverse engineer from that future point back to the present, outlining the steps needed to achieve that vision. This mindset is crucial because when challenges arise, they become experiences you need to go through to reach your future self rather than setbacks.

Looking forward from a future perspective helps turn potential stumbling blocks into lessons, whereas looking backward might only highlight past failures as reasons to stop trying.

This forward-thinking approach allows you to pull through challenges, recognizing them as necessary steps to grow stronger. Prioritize your targets and stay focused on your goals, intentionally directing your time towards achieving your purpose.

This helps in identifying and eliminating distractions. If something doesn’t align with your purpose, it’s essential to avoid it to stay focused and make significant progress toward your goals.

How important is work-life balance when creating success, and how does that look in your world?

Work-life balance has always been challenging for me, as it seems to suggest a perfect state of harmony where everything aligns seamlessly. However, my experience leans more towards a juggling act than a balance. It’s about knowing when to switch hats based on what life demands at the moment.

For instance, while I always say my family comes first, and it does in emergencies, there are times when my professional commitments need immediate attention. It’s about prioritizing what’s most important at any given moment.

Effective delegation is key to managing this juggling act. Assigning trusted individuals to fill in for me allows me to focus on where I’m most needed without neglecting any aspect of my life. This approach has helped me to be present where I’m needed and ensure that each role I play, whether as a business leader, a mother, or a partner, receives the attention it deserves.

It’s a dynamic process of constantly evaluating priorities and making decisions that best serve the overall goal at that time. This isn’t about finding a perfect balance but about effectively managing the various aspects of life to contribute meaningfully, personally, and professionally.

Neringa Petrulyte – PhD Leadership Mentor, Elite Leader of Global Beauty Brand - Founder/Director of Modern Nature, Dream ChaserNeringa Petrulyte – PhD, Leadership Mentor, Elite Leader of Global Beauty Brand – Founder/Director of Modern Nature, Dream Chaser

Neringa is an inspiring leader, showing and leading the way to prosperity for thousands of people and proving with her actions that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

Can you share your top tip for creating lasting success and abundance?

My top tip to create lasting success and abundance is simple – practise an abundance mindset and limit your time with the “glass is half empty” people. Ask yourself if you look up to the people you spend time with. If not, search for others, living the life you aspire to.

Believe that everything is possible to you, that you are powerful, unique, and unstoppable, and that the universe is always working in your favor. Your mindset is so important because what you believe is what you get; what you think, you become.  The power of your thoughts is so strong, and I’ve had a chance to experience it so many times on my journey to success.

Cultivating that success-oriented mindset, seeing opportunities instead of limitations, choosing belief instead of worries, and going forward no matter what are foundational to achieving lasting success. 

Focus on growing and improving yourself every single day. Learn how to ride the waves, embrace all challenges (we learn so much from them!), view failures as opportunities for growth and getting better, and always believe that everything happens for you, not to you!

What advice would you share with women and men in business to keep a strong mindset on their journeys to success?

I wish you to wake up every morning ready to conquer the world. But you need to have a strong mindset to do this. 

Just as we develop physical strength through regular exercise, we can also build our mental strength by exercising our brain and mental muscles. 

A strong mindset is vitally important in your success journey, and it’s something we develop over time by making personal development a priority. 

Our brain is the most powerful weapon in the world. It’s the only thing we have when facing hard times and challenges. We must learn to control it, and recognize and catch all negative thoughts and limiting beliefs about ourselves. If not, it’s over, and we’re messed up!

See all challenges and setbacks as stepping stones to learning and growth. Set clear, realistic goals, face your fears, and surround yourself with people who lead you, guide you, and help you navigate the ups and downs.

How important is work-life balance when creating success, and how does that look in your world?

I do not believe there is a “perfect” work-life balance, and I have never strived for one. 

Work-life balance means different things to different people because we have different values, commitments, and preferences. 

“Find a job that you love, and you will not need to work a day in your life” is exactly how I live for the last seven years. I’m doing what I love for a living, and it gives me life; it’s so rewarding. 

I am on a mission to change as many lives as possible. I live it, and I breathe it. It’s a part of my identity. 

I do not need to seek a balance because everything I do daily fulfills my highest values, and I perform at my highest vibrations. 

My advice would be to stop doing things that do not inspire you, are draining you, and do not bring you joy. 

Find out your highest values and live/work according to them. Only then will you find harmony between your job and life.

Michelle A. Reinglass - ADR Office of Michelle ReinglassMichelle A. Reinglass – ADR Office of Michelle Reinglass

Michelle is a reformed lawyer turned Mediator, Speaker, Author, Documentary Coordinating & Assistant producer, Balance Expert, and Reiki master.

Can you share your top tip for creating lasting success and abundance?

Slay Fear and do the things that make you uncomfortable. There is truth in former President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s quote “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Science and research statistics cite that approximately 92 per cent of goals are abandoned or otherwise swept away due to fear of failure, ridicule, image, imperfections, etc..  

Comfort over fear equals less productivity.  So SLAY your fears, take ACTION on that hard, scary thing you know you want to do, and just “DO it!”

What advice would you share with women and men in business to keep a strong mindset on their journeys to success?


  1. Start everything you plan or want to do with an INTENTION.  That will significantly increasethe chances of accomplishment.
  2. Give your full  ATTENTION to this intention, and check  your MINDSET.  Most people multi-focus.  Doing so gives at

Best 50% of your attention to your goal; at worst, completely re-directs your focus onto something less important (e.g. social

media scrolling). 

  1. With INTENTION set, and ATTENTION FOCUSED to strengthen your MINDSET, the final step is  RETENTION.

Retention helps to ingrain discipline and consistency so that you’re in command of your mindset and on your path to success!

How important is work-life balance when creating success, and how does that look in your world? 

BALANCE in our full life is essential; however, it is not the “balance” most people identify.  First, balance is not about math or percentages.

There are days we have to focus on family or one person; we have work deadlines and must work late or steadily for days.

Some days are pure chaos.  Those can still be balanced IF there is proper planning and prioritization of what is important. 

It’s important to know your BURN, that fire inside that ignites you to take action and do what you do.  Knowing your Burn, you can more easily say YES to what aligns and NO to what does not. If you hate your job or do household chores, you could be resentful and imbalanced.

Balance connotes joy, alignment, and harmony.

Judy O’Beirn - President of Hasmark Publishing InternationalJudy O’Beirn – President of Hasmark Publishing International

Judy O’Beirn, President and CEO of Hasmark Publishing International, has spent the last 15 years helping thousands of authors publish their book(s) and become International Bestsellers.  

Can you share your top tip for creating lasting success and abundance?

Stick to your roots. Find what facet of your business brings you the most success, aligns with your purpose, and solidifies your place as a professional in your market.

Effectively offering a service or solution that you can deliver time after time will show future clients that you are a leader in that industry and someone they would want to hire and work with.

What advice would you share with women and men in business to keep a strong mindset on their journeys to success?

Don’t be afraid of change. When running a business you need to adapt and flow with the times. Outside factors often play a large role in how successful a business can be, so don’t be afraid to roll with change, whether in your marketing plan or business model. Small tweaks can make a world of difference!

How important is work-life balance when creating success, and how does that look in your world?

A harmonious work life balance can be challenging to reach. The most important factor is knowing when to step away and let yourself fully have a break, especially mentally and emotionally. Spending quality time with family and setting aside days in the year to truly unwind has made the balance achievable.

Brenda Dempsey - Founder & CEOBrenda Dempsey – Founder & CEO

Multi Award-winning publisher, #1 International Bestselling Author, and Master Coach Brenda Dempsey is on a mission to influence others to write their book, speak, and take action through their stories, creating ripples of brilliance that impact readers and clients around the world.

Can you share your top tip for creating lasting success and abundance?

Family values fuel book Brilliance Publishing, and love runs through the veins of the business.  Companies and leaders adopting a love-based approach strengthen workplace culture and work relationships, which are essential to business and career success.

By sharing love, it forms bonds and trust, encouraging the culture to focus on valuing others, showing respect, and having compassion through empathy for staff, creative partners, and clients.  Love is the highest vibrational frequency; when we give it, you can see its impact on the receiver.  In turn, they rise and feel empowered, creating ripples of love.  

Can you share an educational tip on how love can help individuals in business grow and flourish through 2024?

Love must come from within, so individuals must focus on self-love.  Learn to love yourself first by valuing your uniqueness, the gifts bestowed on you and by experiencing words and gifts of love for yourself. 

Begin by speaking kind and positive words to yourself, gift yourself with time out for yourself, treat yourself to something you like, a bar of chocolate, a walk in nature, or listen to your favourite music.  Louise Hay recommends telling yourself, “I love you,” in the mirror each morning.  With practice, it gets easier and more meaningful.

What tips or guidance do you have for individuals in business to be sure of a successful 2024?

When you want to be successful, reflect on past successes.  What did you do?  Why was it successful?  What would you do in the future to improve your success?

1. Becoming a reflective individual is a powerful way to ensure you improve each day.  As a teacher for twenty-five years, we had a strategy that involved looking at two things that went well and focusing on one thing to improve the next time.

2. Set goals – fail to plan, plan to fail.  You cannot improve that which you do not measure. Most importantly, ensure you write those goals down.  No more than three each day.  Goal setting is a game changer

3. Keep a ‘Brag Bag,’ whether physical or digital. Record it every time you receive a testimonial, achieve something, or do something you are proud of.  Take pictures and screenshots of what others say, and save it into your Brag Bag. 

I use coloured Post-its and then put them into a beautiful bag that makes me feel good when I look at it.  Or save it to a folder on your computer.  You can have a quote or image that lifts your spirit each time you look in your Brag Bag Folder.

Pollie Rafferty - The Speakers StorytellerPollie Rafferty – The Speakers Storyteller

Pollie Is an international speaker and creator of the Star Speaking System, training and supporting speakers to find the stories that will connect with what they are saying, selling, and who they are serving. 

Can you share your top tip for creating lasting success and abundance?

My main tip in creating long-lasting success and abundance is to know your why, the deep-down reason that will keep you plugging away even when you feel like it’s not worth the effort, the true heart of your mission, and the root of your passion.

It can be difficult to find at first. Keep asking yourself why, and eventually, you will find it. For instance, to make money, why do I need to make money? And so on. Mine is that I don’t want anyone to feel as lost, alone, and worthless as I did. 

What advice would you share with women and men in business to keep a strong mindset on their journeys to success?

To keep a strong mindset, you must tell yourself the right stories. We talk to ourselves constantly in story, it’s a way of preparing for the future and protecting ourselves. I regularly write short stories about my day. It can be next week or a year from now.

I write it in the past tense, describing problems and how I have overcome them, the successes, and how I feel. I will revisit the story just as I drift off to sleep. The time you are most in contact with your subconscious helps strengthen the story.

How important is work-life balance when creating success, and how does that look in your world?

Work-life balance is probably one of the most important things. Having a number of health issues, I have learned the hard way. For me, it is about flexibility during the working day.

I plan the important things and work around them. For instance, if I have a client at 2 I am writing a blog post at midday. I get hit by fatigue. Instead of trying to push through, I have a nap. This way I am at my best for my client and ready to finish the blog. I also set recovery time to spend with family.

Dr. Susanne Kurz - Susanne Kurz Coaching & MediaDr. Susanne Kurz – Susanne Kurz Coaching & Media

Dr. Susanne Kurz is a multi-passionate German scholar, coach, creator, published author, and inspirational speaker passionate about people, their stories, and transcending limits. Eager to encourage and inspire anyone who struggles with loss or the meaning of life and death, to assist people who feel stuck or trapped in their life situation, and passionate about supporting conscious entrepreneurs with tech services and their online profiles.

Can you share your top tip for creating lasting success and abundance?

Finding joy and passion in your work, building genuine relationships and creating WIN-WIN situations. Work turns into play when you feel joyful, light, excited, or peaceful while doing it. If the work is unpleasant, cultivating a presence can help.

Passion provides the energy and motivation to persevere long-term, even when tackling less enjoyable situations and tasks. Building and cultivating a network of aligned peers is not only emotionally nourishing and can support you in tough times, but it can also provide unexpected opportunities right when you need them.

What advice would you share with women and men in business to keep a strong mindset on their journeys to success?

Find fast and easy techniques to tune into the desired state every day. The techniques should feel enjoyable and rewarding. Schedule in time at the start of the day to get in tune. A light trance state can be used to receive a positive and encouraging message from within.

To relax, take a deep breath, hold it for a moment, exhale through the mouth while closing your eyes, and relax your facial muscles. Frequently relaxing for a few seconds can be helpful in challenging times, e.g., every full hour or whenever you start a new task.

How important is work-life balance when creating success, and how does that look in your world?

Getting enough rest and having time to spend on meaningful relationships and recreation is crucial in mastering life. This is particularly important if we have to accomplish many unpleasant tasks, as an insufficient work-life balance can lead to a complete breakdown.

This can be challenging to implement for people like myself, who have a lower threshold for overload than the average person but a desire to work on many projects simultaneously. It may also call for drastic measures like a career change to reduce the workload. I make sure to have something enjoyable every day.

Gwen Lepard - Your Purpose Coach, Owner, and Founder of Joy Centered LifeGwen Lepard – Your Purpose Coach, Owner, and Founder of Joy Centered Life

As Your Purpose Coach, Gwen Lepard connects empathic entrepreneurs to their purpose and helps them remove the patterns, programs, and projections keeping them from being and loving themselves so that they can flourish in all walks of life.

Can you share your top tip to create lasting success and abundance?

Pivot and keep going, even if in a different direction than you planned initially. Doing a pivot or even multiple pivots may be the best path for your business success.

How do you keep going after a pivot?

It’s a mindset shift.

It might include receiving help even if that’s not normal for you. It’s releasing what wasn’t working and opening up to better ways to reach and serve your clients.  

Also, ensure your new direction aligns with your purpose and core values.  

In the transformation business, as you evolve, your business evolves with you.  

What advice would you share with women and men in business to keep a strong mindset on their journeys to success?

Embrace the value of being yourself and build your business from there. Align your core business practices to your purpose. When you keep returning to your core reason for doing what you do, you have a compass that will set you on the right path after setbacks.  

Your aligned core values create a success mindset based on what works for you.  

For example, the attitude of gratitude is a powerful mindset for success. Gratitude provides insight to keep you going when you discover another pivot. It raises your prosperity vibration, supports your purpose, and gives you the courage to persevere.

How important is work-life balance when creating success, and how does that look in your world?

I remember a Wellness Leadership Coach saying…

“If you want to double your business, double your self-care.”

I completely agree with that statement. When I made everything in my life about my company and neglected my health and relationships, I almost lost my company by losing my health, and I did damage and lost relationships.  

Creating a calendar with scheduled self-care is vital. Then, making those times as important as a meeting with a client or prospect is crucial to maintaining a work life balance.  

The well-being of your business is dependent on your well-being.

Brigitte Love Tritt - Founder & CEO, BEmpowered Thoughts ConsultingBrigitte Love Tritt – Founder & CEO, BEmpowered Thoughts Consulting

Brigitte Love Tritt, a Master Mindset Strategist, empowers high achievers to authentically embrace their full potential and succeed with complete confidence.

Can you share your top tip to create lasting success and abundance?

I suggest harnessing the power of your mind. To foster enduring success, embrace a solutions-based mindset. See challenges as opportunities for growth, cultivate grit to overcome obstacles, and never underestimate the influence of self-belief and determination.

By prioritizing solutions over problems, you’ll navigate adversity with resilience and pave the way for abundance in all aspects of your life.

What advice would you share with women and men in business to keep a strong mindset on their journeys to success?

Maintaining a strong mindset is paramount for success. Anchor yourself on your purpose, trust your instincts, and cultivate a supportive network while prioritizing effective time management. Continue to be curious about self-discovery and mastery.

In addition, recognize that the support of a good coach, consultant, or mentor can help uncover blind spots, provide valuable insights, and continue the right momentum. Stay committed to your goals, view challenges as opportunities for growth, and always focus on your potential to achieve greatness.

How important is work-life balance when creating success, and how does that look in your world?

Achieving a work-life balance is vital for sustained success and overall well-being. It involves prioritizing self-care, establishing boundaries, and honoring professional and personal commitments.

In my world, I prioritize dedicating time for self-nourishment and rejuvenation, nurturing connections with loved ones, and pursuing passions and interests beyond work.

By integrating work and personal life seamlessly, I foster a sense of harmony and fulfillment, ensuring that I embody my most authentic and highest self in every aspect of my life. Plus, I schedule in “fun” to keep life enjoyable!

Instagram: @brigittelovetritt

Lidia Kuleshnyk, aka Lady Apona, High-Performance Wellness CoachLidia Kuleshnyk, aka Lady Apona – High-Performance Wellness Coach

 Lidia Kuleshnyk is a High-Performance Wellness Coach, 4X Best Selling Author, and Founder of AponaHealing, who helps overworked, stressed-out, high-achieving men and women master their inner power, manage their energy and stress and create their highest state of health. 

Can you share your top tip for creating lasting success and abundance?

My top tip is to manage your energy and stress. As a driven leader, you can easily become depleted and burned out.  My Capacity Principle ™ of Conscious Leadership and Success: Know Your Limit, Live Within It™ is your solution to creating lasting success and abundance.

The Capacity Principle™ teaches you how to tune in to your energy so that you balance yourself throughout the day. You learn to pull back, get centered, regain focus, and create more energy. This allows you to expand your capacity to be more, do more, and live more without burnout and degenerating health.

What advice would you share with women and men in business to keep a strong mindset on their journeys to success?

Learn to become the Buddha sitting in the middle of a burning inferno. Let the circumstances of life flow around you, not drown you. Mastering your inner power of non-attachment is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

By not carrying the burdens of the world and not absorbing external energy and stress, you create more energy and focus throughout the day. You gain momentum, living in a flow state without the distraction, drain and depletion that leads to burnout and chronic illness.

How important is work-life balance when creating success, and how does that look in your world? 

Work-life balance is critical in creating lasting success. There is no separation of who you are in any area of your life.

As is the inner, so is the outer.

Bring your essence, truth, and authentic self to all areas of your life.

In doing so, you will create lasting self-empowerment with limitless success and live a Centered-Connected-Conscious Life™.

Living your passion, vision, and mission in everything you do creates more energy throughout the day. You will not need “recovery” time “after work” as your entire life will flow in one unified, supportive direction.

Wioleta Kapusta, MBA - Relationship Transformation GuideWioleta Kapusta, MBA – Relationship Transformation Guide

Wioleta has been trained by successful mentors to transform her relationship with self and others and successfully supported the superstars who transformed their lives and businesses.

Can you share your top tip to create lasting success and abundance?

My top tip for creating lasting success and abundance is to cultivate a growth mindset, continuously learn, adapt, and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Additionally, practice coming from the heart not ego, prioritize building strong collaboration relationships, and stay focused on your clear vision. Remember to have fun in the process.  

What advice would you share with women and men in business to keep a strong mindset on their journeys to success?

For women in business, staying confident in your abilities and persevering in the face of challenges is crucial. Surround yourself with supportive peers and mentors; don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself.

For men supporting women in business, actively listen, amplify their voices, and champion gender equality in the workplace and at home. Together, we can create a more inclusive and successful business environment.

How important is work-life balance when creating success, and how does that look in your world?

Work-life balance is crucial for long-term success because it helps maintain overall well-being, prevents burnout, and fosters productivity and creativity. In my world, achieving success involves creating harmony between work, personal life, and self-care.

This includes feeling at home and connected with self, so it is easier to prioritize tasks effectively and to find time for new adventures, schedule downtime to charge up and nurture relationships outside of work. Balancing these aspects contributes to a healthier, more sustainable approach to achieving fulfillment.

Di Merrick - Founder of Your Emotional DetoxDi Merrick – Founder of Your Emotional Detox

Di Merrick is an international healer, global speaker, author, and founder of the world’s most life-changing emotional detox process.

Can you share your top tip for creating lasting success and abundance?

Lasting success isn’t only about accomplishments but how you feel within. It flows when you have passion, value yourself, and know your self-worth. Abundance arises from both mind and emotional ease. If you struggle to value your services, clients won’t either.

Your emotions are you.

A client released his frustration of having no orders and, two weeks later, was fully booked for 3 months. Let go of your emotional baggage; your authenticity will radiate trust, and clients will follow. Having no resistance and providing a quality service creates lasting success and abundance.   

What advice would you share with women and men in business to keep a strong mindset on their journeys to success?

In a world that focuses on mind and belief, the secret to maintaining this is the fuel behind it. Emotions fuel the mind; would you put low-grade fuel in a Ferrari?

After each thought, there is almost instantaneous emotional feedback. This emotional reaction, like our thought patterns, has gained momentum over time.

Emotional triggers come along, and you are back to where you started. I created a technique (Emotional Release) to be in control of my emotions rather than my emotions controlling my mind. Achieving success comes from a strong mindset and emotional health.

How important is work-life balance when creating success, and how does that look in your world?

Stress is a major factor in life, whether your or employees’ stress. Productivity and attendance suffer. Taking the stress of work home impacts home life, and taking home life to work impacts work life. It’s one life! Positive Emotional default patterns are the key to living a balanced life.

Letting go of unwanted emotions with a fast, simple, and easy solution is my bias. Success is living one life where work is fulfilling and rewarding, and having the time to create memories and experiences is what life is about.

Emotional wellness is the key to living a balanced life.

Dr. Annette Greenwood - Coaching & Radio PresenterDr. Annette Greenwood – Coaching & Radio Presenter

Dr. Annette Greenwood is an award-winning life coach, radio presenter, and number one best-selling author.

Can you share your top tip to create lasting success and abundance?

I love this question because it’s open to so many possibilities. Lasting success and abundance, I believe, comes from being able to adapt, grow, and change, as nothing stays the same. Think about some of the most successful people, personal or business.

Take the Virgin Group, for example.

Richard Branson keeps fresh, is open to change, and keeps evolving.

So, the principles are still the same whether you’re one person, a small business, or a large empire. It also doesn’t mean everything you touch always turns to gold, but that’s all part of the journey!  

What advice would you share with women and men in business to keep a strong mindset on their journeys to success?

The definition of mindset is a habitual characteristic or mental attitude. This means a strong mindset does take work.

Take responsibility, embrace the new, and keep up-leveling your skills. 

Sometimes, difficult decisions are to be made so it’s important not to be too single-minded or dogmatic about it. Collaborating with others or joining mastermind groups where you learn and share helps keep a strong mindset. Nothing is foolproof, so the secret is learning and returning stronger.

Many famous entrepreneurs advocate failure as one of their greatest attributes to success.

How important is work-life balance when creating success, and how does that look in your world?

I always have several projects on the go, as well as family commitments and life challenges that happen to us all. My golden rule for work life balance is I look after my health & wellbeing as a priority. Being a life coach means I would not serve my clients if I didn’t walk my talk. Sleep, meditation, qigong, strength training, and diet are my go-to work life balance principles every time. Without this it’s easy to get into burnout, which untimely leads you nowhere.

Success should never come at that price, so learn not to say no!

Dawn Bates - Int’ Bestselling Author, Founder and Managing Director of Dawn Bates International, Educator and Author CoachDawn Bates – Int’ Bestselling Author, Founder and Managing Director of Dawn Bates International, Educator and Author Coach

Developing authorities who give a voice to the voiceless and creating brand expansion strategies through activism and authorship.

Can you share your top tip to create lasting success and abundance?

Continued belief in yourself, your abilities, and your offerings is essential because it maintains the resilience to keep going when times get tough – and things will get tough. There will be times when you ask yourself why on earth you came up with the idea of being in business in the first place, so believe in yourself ALWAYS! It is the best ROI you’ll ever have!

What advice would you share with women and men in business to keep a strong mindset on their journeys to success?

Remember environment is everything: the environment you work in, the natural environment, and the company you keep. Get out in nature for at least an hour a day to switch off, allowing yourself the space for perspective without technology or interruption, and keep a gratitude journal so you can see all your blessings, growth, and personal power in one place.  

How important is work-life balance when creating success, and how does that look in your world?

For purpose-driven individuals, discovering where work ends and life begins is one of the hardest parts of being in business, because work is not work; it is a passion, a calling, and an extension of who we are.

Regardless of whether your work is cerebral or physical, nourish your mind and body with play, dance and joy, and of course, sleep! We are a lot more level-headed and productive when we’ve had a good night’s sleep – and we live longer on average, so even more time to live out our purpose of creating a positive impact in the world.

Edit B Kiss - Holistic Trauma Therapist and Success Habit Coach  Edit B Kiss – Holistic Trauma Therapist and Success Habit Coach  

Holistic trauma therapist, success habit coach, #1 best-selling author, Humanitarian Award winner, and international speaker. She helps her clients to get healed from running mind, insomnia, stress, depression, and PTSD to gain more focus and fill the void in their hearts by getting them aligned with their true selves so they can stand the storms and live their lives joyfully and reinvent themselves to the next level.  

Can you share your top tip to create lasting success and abundance?  

Mindfulness has a huge role in success. You can control 3 things in life: your thoughts, emotions, and actions.

When you get those right, you reach your success. When you have positive thoughts, no doubts, and self-sabotaging beliefs, and you can get off the emotional rollercoaster and focus on what matters, finally, you take purposeful actions you will reach your highest potential. I created the CREAM module to make it easier to get there.  

C- Conscious decision, that you want the success.

R- Reprogram your subconscious mind to make your beliefs aligned with your conscious decisions.

E- Emotional trauma release to get off the emotional roller coaster and become resilient.

A- Aligned with the superconscious to understand the dynamics of life.

M- Manifest your heart’s desires by taking inspired actions.

What advice would you share with women and men in business to keep a strong mindset on their journeys to success?  

A strong mindset comes from great habits.

A healthy diet with sufficient nutrients, enough sleep, exercise the body and the mind, and spending time to release and heal from old traumas. Daily triggers and negative reactions to triggers are signs of buried traumas in the unconscious mind.

You become resilient when you don’t react to the triggers; you only respond. But do not mistake this for becoming numb and closed-hearted. If that happens, you might think you became resilient; then the signs are shifting into physical pain and illnesses until you profoundly release the root of your issues.  

How important is work-life balance when creating success, and how does that look in your world?  

You can only reach sustainable success if your body, mind, and soul are strong and healthy.  

The condition of your mind and soul affects the body, too. My selfcare routine is non-negotiable: 2 meditation per day, daily power yoga, gym couple of times a week, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, alcohol-free, and caffeine-free diet, 16/8 intermittent fasting, at least daily 1-2 hours quality time with the family.

Taking a couple of days off from work monthly and 1 month off yearly. This routine seems difficult to some people. But with the daily practice of transcendental meditation implementing new positive habits into your life becomes effortless.  


Kathy Basel - Mindset & Marketing CoachKathy Basel – Mindset & Marketing Coach

Kathy Basel combines two decades of marketing expertise with her intuitive coaching and healing abilities, guiding solopreneurs past the fear, doubt, and limiting beliefs holding them back so they can step up to be fully visible and earn the great income they deserve for the transformation they create.

Can you share your top tip to create lasting success and abundance?

Get clear on what success looks like to you and be the person who has already achieved it. 

Let that Essence intuitively inform your choices, aligning every thought, action and breath you take. 

What must you believe about yourself in order to have that level of success?

How are you showing up? 

What decisions would make as that million-dollar-earning version of you? 

What support do you need?

And perhaps most importantly, what must you let go?

Feminine Power is about BE*ing and receiving. 

Only when you believe it can you receive it. Give gratitude that it is already yours.

What advice would you share with women and men in business to keep a strong mindset on their journeys to success?

Believe in yourself so fiercely that the world can’t help but believe in you, too. Remember, success isn’t a straight line; you are not alone. In our society, women are laden with feelings of unworthiness, not enough, and not feeling safe.

It’s crucial to heal these old narratives. Your current circumstances, bank balance, and failures don’t define you. Embrace challenges as a chance for growth and deeper self-awareness. Surround yourself with those who mirror your aspirations.

Cultivate a resilient mindset with Gratitude, Joy and movement daily which shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have. Breathe.

How important is work-life balance when creating success and how does that look in your world?

It’s critical! 

Although I think of it as life-work harmony. Time spent working and playing ebb and flow, creating harmony together. I want to be all-in and present for whatever I’m doing. We live in a hustle-and-grind culture, so we must take time to rest and replenish – to plug into what brings your soul fully alive.

I know my energy, creativity, and productivity stagnate when I’ve worked too long without a break. It’s time to shift my state. In Denver, my playtime includes mountain biking, skiing, meditation, dancing, and time spent in nature with friends and dog.

Gayle Edwards - Authenticity & Transformation StrategistGayle Edwards – Authenticity & Transformation Strategist

Gayle Edwards, an Authenticity & Transformation Strategist and multi-passionate entrepreneur, specializes in empowering fellow multipassionates to harness their diverse skills with clarity and authenticity, transforming their paths to success.

Can you share your top tip to create lasting success and abundance?

Know yourself!   We are constantly bombarded with messages of who we should be to be successful, yet we are most successful when we are just being ourselves!   If you’re a multi-passionate like myself, explore the best strategy for achieving all you desire.   Human design is a great starting point for this, and I’ve seen many of my clients achieve peace, balance, and abundance once they operate from their innate blueprint.  

What advice would you share with women and men in business to keep a strong mindset on their journeys to success?

Mindset is the cornerstone of success, integral to our core identity rather than a skill to be improved.  When faced with self-doubt or self-sabotage, reflecting on who we truly are and our values is essential.  Remember, the journey to success is about overcoming external challenges and conquering our internal battles.

When we go through the necessary process of becoming clear about ourselves, it is much easier to use this authenticity to rebalance and recentre ourselves.  This approach strengthens our mindset and paves the way for genuine, lasting success.

How important is work life balance when creating success and how does that look in your world?

Downtime helps to release our creativity, provides pause, and allows the release of dopamine, known as the ‘feel good hormone’! 

Having a genuine love for what I do, discovering my love of baking and spending time with supportive loved ones who aren’t afraid to challenge is key.  One of my favourite quotes from Esther Perel puts it very succinctly –

The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life. Relationships are your story, write well and edit often”! 

When we are true to ourselves, it’s easier to be true to others, allowing us to expand even further – a necessity for success and releasing abundance.

Dr. Jacalyn Kerbeck - Chief Listening OfficerDr. Jacalyn Kerbeck – Chief Listening Officer/President/Founder of USA GLOBAL TV® & RADIO/ #1 Amazon Best Selling Author/ Certified Life, Career & Executive Coach/ Certified Spinning, TRX and Yoga Sculpt Instructor/ The Listening Mentor, Adjunct Professor

As the Chief Listening Officer, Founder, and President of USA GLOBAL TV® & RADIO, Dr. Jacalyn Kerbeck has spearheaded a groundbreaking global media venture revolutionizing the way we share content and connect with a global audience.

Can you share your top tip for creating lasting success and abundance?

To cultivate a mindset of gratitude and abundance where you focus on what you have rather than what is lacking. You appreciate the opportunities and resources available to you. You approach challenges with an optimistic outlook.  

What advice would you share with women and men in business to keep a strong mindset on their journeys to success?

First, you must believe in yourself. Know your strengths and areas for growth. Keep emotions and self-doubt at bay. Create a roadmap of clearly defined goals with target completion dates. Surround yourself with coaches and mentors, people who have succeeded in areas where you want to succeed.

Leverage the mentorship your advisory team provides to you. Embrace challenges and look at failure as a growth opportunity.  

Keep your enemies close and focus on continuous learning, even from those you do not like. Take time for reflection and self-care. No one else can do this for you. Embrace and celebrate the small and large accomplishments.

When you have the opportunity to help someone else, say yes and follow through.

How important is work-life balance when creating success, and how does that look in your world?

Theoretically, in a perfect world, we would balance these two. For me, the imbalance is a way of life. As an entrepreneur, I am tied to the success of my businesses. I have not taken a vacation in years. I believe every day is a gift. I see the sunshine and appreciate my blessings. My work brings me great joy and is my passion.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the collective wisdom in this article.

May each contribution remind you of the resilience, adaptability, and authenticity needed along your journey. From embracing change to prioritizing self-love and finding balance amidst the demands of work and life, these women exemplify the power of mindset and purpose in shaping our paths to success.

Reflect on their words, carry forward their lessons, and strive for excellence in every area of your life.

Mark Stepehen Pooler
Mark Stephen Pooler
A Premium Media and PR Agency

MSP News Global is a premium business magazine website that features influential business leaders, trendsetters and change innovators. It features and covers original authorship, real estate, coaching, business and entrepreneurial topics.

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