Club Annabella Corporation Finds Diamonds in the Rough and Connects Them with High-Powered Investors

Annabella Gutman, Club Annabella Corporation

Since the spring of 2020, individuals worldwide have experienced challenges in life far beyond anything that anyone could have imagined. But as individuals everywhere have substantially more time to contemplate the future, they have also been devising brilliant new product ideas, fine-tuning artistic talents, developing platforms to start non-profit agencies with and make positive change in the world, and turning what used to be only dreams and ‘what if’s.’ into reality.

Annabella Gutman, Front Cover Additionally, millions of individuals’ careers were dramatically affected by the worldwide pandemic forcing them to think of alternate ways to make a living. Astoundingly, many have come up with profound concepts utilizing talents they never knew they had and expanding on ideas that at one point were just fleeting thoughts planned for someday, most likely never to be realized.

Annabella Gutman is a woman who personifies affluence, luxury and drive accompanied by a deep commitment to giving back by helping aspiring entrepreneurs, artists, and filmmakers find the success they dream of and those with a heart for serving others build a successful non-profit endeavor.

Her mission is to connect these individuals with her vast network (10,000 strong and growing!) of millionaires and billionaires status connections that span many industries and include even royalty. These wealthy, business-minded connections are interested in finding innovative, talented new individuals to invest in to expand their portfolio, and Annabella has just the knowledge of what makes the next big thing exciting and profitable!

Annabella, known as the Cosmopolitan Connector, was born in Israel, is a descendant of the Zohar Kabbalah royal family on her mother’s side. She has been setting and achieving her goals since the age of 12, has walked some of the most famous runways in the world, and is the former Miss Los Angeles, Miss United States, and Miss World.

Annabella has been the face of extravagant brands like Mercedes Benz and has partnered with famous filmmakers, such as Clint Eastwood’s daughter Kimber Eastwood. Annabella leads a life filled with executives of influential companies,  dining with high-powered families, and collaborating with celebrities. She has put together an impressive array of services, including the following:

  1. Film packaging, for Netflix, Showtime, HBO, Disney, Cinemax, and more…hiring the director, Known actor, & writer. 

Film funding & Studios deals.

  1. Helping people find a niche which helps entrepreneurs earning their first million dollars in revenue.
  2. Facilitation of equity investment for deserving deals both personally and through connections. Including Business lines of credit.
  3. Giving the best investment opportunities to VCs & Funds, and Angel investors.
  4. Brand ambassador for global luxury brands Brand expert strategist including Brand ambassador service (900k following) Helping celebrities to rebrand themselves, brand their name, and increase their revenue.
  5. Connecting startup brands/entrepreneurs with the celebrity gifting lounge at the Emmys & Oscar awards.
  6. Helping nonprofits organizations.
  7. Creating amazing opportunities to generate wealth utilizing the future of the luxurious NFT in the world.
  8. Developing for you your own AI assistant that can help your Business save time & lots of money.
  9. Hosting red carpet events or parties.
  10. There are various types of private-sector loan connections on real estate and business loans for startups and developing businesses from the start-up stage to expanding operating businesses, including fix and flip loans and construction loans.
  11. Available for Fashion shows and Photoshoots campaigns and Modeling for luxury brands.
  12. Quick cash loans of up to 25k and credit fixing services.
  13. 1 On 1 coaching sessions and Group coaching sessions via zoom. Coaching entrepreneurs & investors on how to network effectively. And grow their revenue. Teaching how to save money and make a lot of money.
  14. Available for work upon request modeling and acting feature films, TV shows, TV commercials, and music videos.
  15. Public speaking. Public appearances. (Clubs, events, red carpets …)

But even though Annabella has lived an opulent life, she has a heart for giving and a sense of curiosity that has served her well by bringing her into many successful business ventures. In early 2021, Annabella formed Club Annabella Corporation, which solves the problem of individuals looking to obtain funding for their worthy business and entertainment projects while simultaneously helping investors who don’t have the time be paired with solid ROI. 

Annabella has ventures involved in many different business sectors, including but not limited to: Opportunity Zone Businesses/Funds, Tech Companies, Artificial intelligence, Dynamic industry-changing methodologies, Movies, Shows, charitable endeavors, clinical research, and advanced technologies.

Club Annabella Corporation has the experience, understanding, and contacts to bridge the gap between investors and those who need funding. Club Annabella Corporation filters out the businesses, and start-ups, that are not yet ready for funding and pinpoints those that are. These businesses will then be presented to investors in the hopes that they will be funded and that the investors will obtain a substantial return on their investment. 

At Club Annabella Corporation, Annabella has developed a variety of unique platforms, including her Clubhouse app presence, in which she will connect with clients and raise funding. Club Annabella Corporation will hold exclusive events at luxury venues in cosmopolitan cities such as London, NYC, Las Vegas, Dubai, Los Angeles, and Ibiza. Attendees will include top DJs, celebrities, influencers, and of course, Annabella. These events will be affordable and will provide everyone with a taste of the life of the rich and famous.

Other services of Club Annabella Corporation include Angel Investment Opportunities, Brand Ambassador Opportunities, Business Consultant Opportunities for Millionaires and Billionaires, Corporate Identity Consultation, Brand Building, and Strategy Sessions, Film Production Opportunities, and so much more!

To support the Corporation, Annabella recently discovered Opportunity Zones, laws that were passed in 2018. These relatively new laws make it much more possible for individuals to see their dreams come true with potential funding made available for projects and businesses that qualify.

The IRS reported that there is $6.1 trillion that exists in eligible capital gains that can be invested in qualified opportunity funds. This is HUGE! Partnered with Annabella’s connections, know-how, and industry expertise, the lives of many are about to change. 

A few interesting facts about Opportunity Zones (OZ’s) are:

  • OZ’s will activate private-sector investments revitalizing hurting communities and unleash economic potential.
  • In 2017, President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which established OZ’s to incentivize long-term investments in low-income communities. These incentives offer capital gains tax relief to investors for new investments in designated OZ’s.
  • OZ’s are anticipated to generate $100 billion in private capital investments.
  • Incentivizing investments in low-income communities foster economic revitalization and job creation and promotes sustainable economic growth across the Nation.
  • OZ’s are a powerful vehicle for bringing economic growth and job creation to the American communities that need them the most.
  • Nearly 35 million Americans live in designated OZ’s and more than 8,760 communities in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and 5 Territories have been designated as OZ’s.

The time for individuals to tap into what they truly want their lives to be is NOW!

Contact Annabella Gutman

MSP News Global is a premium business magazine website that features influential business leaders, trendsetters and change innovators. It features and covers original authorship, real estate, coaching, business and entrepreneurial topics.

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