Get Back on Track in Life AND in Business with Margaret Thorli

Get Back on Track in Life AND in Business with Margaret Thorli

Training and mentorship programs are a dime a dozen these days, right? Well not if Margaret Thorli is running the show! Margaret Thorli is a successful “mumpreneur”, CEO, public speaker, trainer, career mentor for single women and lone parents, author, and a woman with an incredible purpose.

Thorli launched the H&R Training Professionals charity in August of 2008. The organization’s mission is to turn around the lives of vulnerable residents in communities experiencing complex disadvantages due to poverty, lack of motivation, and social isolation.

H&R Training Professionals is the trading name for Hope and Restoration, which are two things that Thorli is working hard to bring back to the many individuals who are living a life without a feeling of empowerment.

Her clients are mostly made up of, but not entirely limited to, lone parents, black and ethnic minorities, migrants, under-skilled workers, low income and disabled individuals who so desperately want to rebuild their lives by developing new skills and knowledge.

Thorli’s programs help people build confidence and greater personal awareness so that they may positively and actively contribute and participate in the community once again.

What Thorli has recognized is that, in today’s society particularly where there are so many more new challenges that we all are facing, it is especially difficult for single parents who are working to run a home, on their own, to incorporate activities that allow them to remain healthy in mind, body, and spirit.

Thorli’s, programs offered through H&R Training Professionals were designed with these individuals in mind, with the goal of giving them a renewed sense of accomplishment, self-worth and to assist them in getting their lives back on track. And to not only survive but to thrive!

In forming H&R Training Professionals Thorli wanted to offer more unique programs that aren’t found in every other organization that sets out to help others “get back on track.”  H&R workshops include relevant topics and skills for individuals who have been out of the game for a while or for those who were never in the game and are feeling apprehensive about where to start.

A unique differentiator of H&R Training Professionals is that they work with schools, who have identified concerns of potential gangs among their student population and working to educate the educators with one-on-one training. This enables guidance for the youth in an effort to provide structure and a chance at a better life.

Free Workshops, Accredited Courses, Training Programs, and Tailored Workshops include:

  • Fundraising: Learn How to Raise Funds for Your Business Idea
  • Business Growth: Grow Your Business to Incredible Levels
  • Workshops for Teachers & Mentors: Learn How to Guide Youth in The Right Direction
  • Financial Management
  • CV Workshop
  • Employability
  • Enterprise Development

With a wide variety of courses to choose from, clients who utilize resources through H&R Training Professionals have a higher rate of succeeding as they re-enter the professional world and a better chance at establishing stronger relationships in their personal lives.

Thorli, and her team, believe that in order to make sustainable advancements, individuals must participate in motivational training and one-on-one mentoring support, as these are needed to deal with both emotional and practical barriers that often hold men and women back from making positive change.

An added benefit to having the H&R Training Professionals organization readily available is that many people are at a disadvantage and many are not receiving assistance from the government.

During unprecedented, high-stress times, as we currently are facing, single parents may feel especially vulnerable in a situation where they are trying to juggle multiple priorities.

At H&R there is no judgment, only guidance, empathy, and a wealth of knowledge and tools to help individuals reach their potential, secure their dream jobs and dream relationships.

As Margaret Thorli has accumulated more than 30 years in business, and years of experience in coaching single and lone parents she has truly found her calling with motivating and inspiring others to never give up, despite their circumstances.

In recognition of her contribution to the community, Margaret was awarded The Community Excellence Award in 2012. It is easy to see that many more honors and awards are headed her way as she continues to BE the change in the world.

MSP News Global is a premium business magazine website that features influential business leaders, trendsetters and change innovators. It features and covers original authorship, real estate, coaching, business and entrepreneurial topics.

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