John Voris Founder of Authentic Systems interviewed about the simple hack for a college-bound student to save tens of thousands of dollars in wasted tuition

John Voris recently sat down for an enlightening interview about the simple hack that clarifies a college-bound student’s life purpose so that they choose the perfect major which results in saving TENS of thousands of dollars in wasted tuition.

Voris pointed out that an article called, “Second Thoughts About Higher Education Decisions” revealed that 40% of those who earned a Bachelor’s degree also claimed to regret their choice of majors and another 35% would have changed schools. The reason for this disconnect is the lack of adequate matching between a student’s true motivation and academic testing. They are left with continuing in a field they are no longer attracted to or return to another round of costly education, interrupting their life and possibly others. 

John said: “Studies show that only 27 percent of college graduates work in a field related to their major. That means that your child has a 73% chance of NOT using the degree you helped pay for. The average cost to earn a four-year college degree is $35,000.00 to $60,000.00 per year. So, making the wrong decision can be costly.”

Learn more about the Authentic Systems and their work with parents of college-bound students in this informative interview on Business Innovators Radio

About John Voris:

John graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a degree in philosophy then discovered a groundbreaking approach to a personal inquiry by applying a European psychological approach into field application involving hundreds of sales prospects.
By recognizing the symbolic clusters that surround his clients, including the words they use, he was able to discover their inner life-long motivation or as he calls it, a Life Theme.

John’s method accesses the four major Virtues of Humanity: Love, Justice, Wisdom, and Power. Each one of us has all four but only one of the four is the main focus of our life.  Find out which of the four is your Life Theme by going to John’s website  



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