David Birchall, Author and Digital Media Consultant Says, “Gone Is The Normality We Knew: It’s Time To Re-frame and Write The New Norm”

It seems the normality we come out of this situation with, will not be the normality we knew before. It will be a New Norm and one we can begin writing now even though we don’t know what and when the end of this crisis will be. Business owners and the Self Employed can’t control what Governments do or how the Banks and Markets will react. However business owners do and will have some considerable control within a business; however, it must be grasped now not once the economy comes out the other end of the crisis and begins to settle.

Birchall says: “What small business owners and the self employed can control is how their customers (existing and prospective) see them and their business, how they stand along side the competition, and the quality of service given prior to Corona and in the future. Most customers will still want the same or similar services in the new normality as they did in the Old Normality. However, it may be that more dynamic help will be required for them to catch up and get moving again.

The vast majority will we wondering how they can hit the ground running.  It also means, Everyone will be trying to win customers, so the critical factor will be ‘How do you make yourself Stand Out From The Crowd?’ Be aware; a winning attitude will be essential as we begin to surface from lock down and isolation.

Businesses that have survived in competitive sectors in the Old Normality could well have some advantage and should be better placed for some kind of phased opening process born of the strategies governments will employ once there is a significant drop in infections.”

Michael Heppell: Top International Speaker, Consultant, Best Selling Author of ‘How to be Brilliant’ and other motivational books, says There is No Normal.   Normal is something people create in their own minds consequently any new normal soon becomes ‘The Normal’.  Michael maintains that individuals create their norms and can change them.

Birchall continued: “Prior competitive advantage will not alone see a business through in the new norm; a need for flexibility, accessibility and digital media market positioning will be essential attributes. During this current crisis many “Offline” businesses have suffered from lack of visibility and hopefully they have learned a lesson in their mistake in not adopting an effective Online presence. Even Large Companies have in some cases failed to grasp the fact that Online may be International but the visibility it provides strengthens their position in their Local market place.

It’s often been said that necessity is the mother of invention, and it’s true – so part of the planning should be ‘what in my business can become necessary for future survival of ourselves and the customers we serve; what training can we create from those findings and above all; how can we help existing and prospective clients to understand what we know, and then help them implement it.   Service Sector Businesses will increasingly have to become Educators and Advocates for a clients success.   So If you want to be Visible and seen as a Subject Matter Expert in your field of operations – Make sure your Business Stands Out from Your Competition now and in the days and weeks to come.”


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